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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Butcher v NZ Transport Agency [2022] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 586 KB]

    ...question, the Tribunal heard from Mr Butcher himself as well as from Professor Trebilco, who was called by the Crown to provide expert evidence in relation to Mr Butcher’s religious belief. Professor Trebilco is a professor of religious studies at the University of Otago with expertise in the Book of Revelation. The Tribunal acknowledges Professor Trebilco’s expertise and accepts his evidence to the Tribunal. [70] At the outset we also wish to record that the credibility of Mr B...

  2. Recommendations recap - issue 8 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Arrhythmia, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Failure, Contradictory or Misleading Instructions, Process for Non-Routine Appointments Link to Summary and Recommendations Response from the Auckland District Health Board See link above Natural Causes Case Number Catch Words CSU-2012-CCH-000265 Epilepsy, Communal Residence, Lock on Bathroom 2014 NZ CorC 3 Link to Summary and Recommendations

  3. OIA-97846.pdf [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...Incitement-of-Hatred-anddiscrimination.pdf. List of those consulted The Ministry, together with the Ministry of Social Development and the Department of Internal Affairs, used an external facilitator to engage directly with a wide range of community groups. Meetings were held in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and online, totalling 30 sessions with 294 people. Participants represented Māori, Pacific, former refugees and migrants, disability, Rainbow and faith-based commu...

  4. Domestic violence programme evaluation report [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...• Taylor A, Carswell S, Haldane H, Taylor M. (2014) Toward a transformed system to address child abuse and family violence in New Zealand. Literature Review – Part Two – Effectiveness of Interventions. Te Awatea Violence Research Centre, University of Canterbury. • Slabber M. (2012). Community-based domestic violence interventions: A literature review. Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Corrections. • Little S. (2010). What do we know about the effectiveness of do...

  5. NZCVS Methodology Report Cycle 2 (2019) [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...experiencing crime is strongly linked with the socio-economic factors, a decision was made to select slightly more PSUs from areas which have higher level of socio-economic deprivation. NZDep2013 Index of Deprivation (NZDep) which is created by Otago University, and is available in the HSF, provides a comparative measure of deprivation among areas in New Zealand. Based on the NZDep, New Zealand’s PSUs are scaled from 1 to 10, where one represents the PSUs with the least deprived scores,...

  6. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits I to L [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...Paikea, the taniwha in the Mohaka River. It was created by art teachers who attended an in-service secondary art teacher's workshop. In a report an acknowledgement to the home people from Course Director Elizabeth Ellis Department of Education Auckland was as follows; "We thank the people o f Raupunga for making our week such a success. We thank you for the gourmet food that was served to us irrespective of the hour, whether it be 3pm or 3am. The tireless patience spent de...

  7. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB]

    ...Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency ("Transport Agency") to design and deliver Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū- Tararua Highway Project ("Project"). Qualifications and experience 3. I hold a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Geography) (University of Waikato, 1995) and a Masters of Resource and Environmental Planning (Massey University, 1997). I am a full member of the New Zealand Planning Institute. 4. I am a Principal with Aurecon New Zealand Limited ("Aurecon"),...

  8. David Bain appendices tabs A to E [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...convictions should accordingly be quashed and a retrial ordered. The Crown strongly resists that contention. [2007] UK PC 33 2 2. On 20 June 1994, when these five killings occurred, David was a 22-year old student studying music and classics at the University of Otago. Each of the counts related to a member of David's immediate family: his father Robin; his mother Margaret; his sisters Arawa and Laniet; and his younger brother Stephen. Robin, aged 5 8, was the principal of T...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal - Part IV Te Urewera [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...submissions (doc N20), topic 29, p 3 5. Crown counsel, closing submissions (doc N20), topic 30, p 2 6. Evelyn Stokes, J Wharehuia Milroy, and Hirini Melbourne, Te Urewera : Nga Iwi Te Whenua Te Ngahere, People, Land and Forests of Te Urewera (Hamilton : University of Waikato, 1986) (doc A111), p 239 21.1.1 Downloaded from Downloaded from 5 Ka Koingo Tonu te Iho o te Rohe deep gulf between local realities and distant attempts...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 6 Te Urewera [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...submissions (doc N20), topic 29, p 3 5. Crown counsel, closing submissions (doc N20), topic 30, p 2 6. Evelyn Stokes, J Wharehuia Milroy, and Hirini Melbourne, Te Urewera : Nga Iwi Te Whenua Te Ngahere, People, Land and Forests of Te Urewera (Hamilton : University of Waikato, 1986) (doc A111), p 239 21.1.1 Downloaded from Downloaded from 5 Ka Koingo Tonu te Iho o te Rohe deep gulf between local realities and distant attempts...