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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - 3rd report [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...the review tribunal and ultimately, to the court. 52. In 1991 the Human Rights Commission reported to the Prime Minister on a sequence of events at Carrington and Kingseat Hospitals. Following the escape of a patient, and the rape of a young woman in Auckland, the hospitals locked the wards, thus effecting a mass detention of the patients. After considering the events in the light of domestic law (then the Mental Health Act 1969) and international instruments, including the International Coven...

  2. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants [2015] NZHRRT 54 [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...of Tauranga. The outcome of the review was that NZICA decided to carry out a re-review of the practice within 12 months. [19] The re-review was conducted on 24 February 2011. On that occasion the reviewers were Mr S Cann and Mr J Vague, both of Auckland. At the feedback session held at the end of the day Mr Newson and Mr Cann discussed various issues concerning particular files. In the course of those discussions Mr Cann made reference to a file which Mr Newson understood to be the...

  3. Proactive release - Sexual violence response [pdf, 7.7 MB]

    ...63. The 2015 Report recommended implementing a specialist pilot court. Evaluation after two years would consider whether it should become a division of the District Court. 64. A specialist sexual violence court has been operating as a pilot in the Auckland and Whangārei District Courts since 2017. The pilot is operating under existing legislation, testing the benefits of more active judicial case management to expedite cases and improved awareness of the needs of sexual violence victims...

  4. Dr Donald Stevens QC’s second report on claim by Tyson Gregory Redman for Ex Gratia compensation [pdf, 8.5 MB] then to be multiplied on a pro rata basis by the number of years spent in custody, so that an amount for loss of libelty is arri ved at that is proportional to the period of detention. 20. On 30 November 2007 Mr Redman was sentenced in the Auckland District Court to imprisonment for two and a half years, following conviction on the charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm; imprisonment for two years on conviction for injuring with intent to cause grievous bo...

  5. [2021] NZACC 126 - Botha v ACC (4 August 2021) [pdf, 534 KB]

    ...factors of wellbeing for mother and baby that would increase the risk for either. There is no specific mention of meconium. The NZ College of Midwives consensus statement is similar. [34] Other DHBs provide different advice. For example, the Auckland DHB states that the use of a birthing pool in the presence of meconium should be discussed with the Charge Midwife or the medical team. And have appropriate telemetry available (underwater fetal heart monitoring). In terms of fre...

  6. [2017] NZEmpC 146 Yu v Zespri International Ltd [pdf, 767 KB]

    JOSEPH YU v ZESPRI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED NZEmpC AUCKLAND [2017] NZEmpC 146 [17 November 2017] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2017] NZEmpC 146 EMPC 25/2015 EMPC 132/2015 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN JOSEPH YU Plaintiff AND ZESPRI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Defendant Hearing: 2 August 2017, and on documents received 6, 12, 13 and 26 September 2017; 2, 17, 18, 19 and 2...

  7. Proactive release - Improving the justice response to victims of sexual violence [pdf, 7.7 MB]

    ...63. The 2015 Report recommended implementing a specialist pilot court. Evaluation after two years would consider whether it should become a division of the District Court. 64. A specialist sexual violence court has been operating as a pilot in the Auckland and Whangārei District Courts since 2017. The pilot is operating under existing legislation, testing the benefits of more active judicial case management to expedite cases and improved awareness of the needs of sexual violence victims...

  8. Recommendations recap - issue 14 [pdf, 891 KB]

    ...deaths, as detailed in section 71 of the Coroners Act 2006. Similarly, the contents of summaries and recommendations may be edited to comply with any orders made under section 74 of the Act. We would like to thank Professor Edwin Mitchell of the University of Auckland for his assistance with the case study. 3 Contents RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 4 Accidental ...............................

  9. Sale-and-Supply-of-Alcohol-Community-Participation-Amendment-Bill.FINAL.pdf [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...costly court processes and are never adopted, thereby undermining communities’ voices. At present, LAPs cover 35% of the population. Following appeal, LAPs have been abandoned in Christchurch, the Far North and Hamilton, and halted in Wellington. Auckland’s LAP has been held up in the appeals process for 7 years. Removing the mechanism would enhance community involvement in local decision-making. Plan and timeline for introducing a bill on local alcohol policie...

  10. NZCVS topical report Cycle 1 (2018) - Offences against New Zealand adults by family members [pdf, 679 KB]

    ...Wellington: Family Violence Death Review Committee. 10 Dobbs, T. & Eruera, M. (2014). Kaupapa Māori wellbeing framework: The basis for whānau violence prevention and intervention. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of Auckland. 1.2% 2.8% 2.0% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% Male Female All adults P er ce n t o f N Z ad u lt s Sex 13 Figure 5: Percent of New Zealand adults who experienced offences committed by family membe...