D (D G Family Trust) v IAG New Zealand Ltd [2019] CEIT-2019-0037 [pdf, 605 KB]
...Civil Procedure (online ed. Thomson Reuters), at []. 6 Principles of Civil Procedure at []. 7 Moore v McNabb (2005) 18 PRNZ 127 (CA) at [56]. 8 Transmissions & Diesels Ltd v Matheson [2002] 1 ERNZ 22 (CA) at [28]. 9 Victoria University of Wellington v Alton-Lee [2001] ERNZ 305 (CA) at [65]. 10 Health Waikato Ltd v Elmsly [2004] 1 ERNZ 172 (CA) at [53]. 11 Sir Harry Woolf Access to Justice: Interim Report to the Lord Chancellor on the Civil Justice System in England...