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Search results for University of Auckland.

1643 items matching your search terms

  1. Umuhuri Matahaere - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Auckland Registry ENV 2015 AKL 0000134 IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal under Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act TRUSTEES OF MOTITI ROHE MOANA TRUST Appellant BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF UMUHURI MATEHAERE ON BEHALF OF MOTITI ROHE - MOANATRUST 25th October 2017 Counsel Acting RB Enright Barrister Level 1, Stanbeth House · 28 Customs S...

  2. Issue 25 1 October 31 December 2020 [pdf, 737 KB]

    ...previously, may be accessed on the public register of Coroners’ recommendations and comments at: Drugs Amani [2020] NZCorC 109 (11 December 2020) CIRCUMSTANCES Kelly Sepa Amani, aged 15, of Otara, Auckland died on 11 August 2017 at Middlemore Hospital of a brain stem infarction (stroke). She had been admitted two months previously having suffered extensive burns after petrol had been spilled on her clothes and was ignited and exploded in...

  3. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 3 of 4 [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...Waikare, also between Waikare and Aropaoanui . I went to boarding school in Dannevirke in 1956 when I was about 15. I still came back to Waitaha at holidays as I had done when I was younger. When I finished school I went to Wellington and attended University and worked part time. I returned to Mohaka or Waitaha at Easter and Christmas. Since leaving University I have lived in Tokoroa, Wellington , Hastings and Auckland . Although I enjoyed living in these places, I never regarded...

  4. OIA-109706-v2.pdf [pdf, 6.4 MB]

    ...discretion4 was referred to as a principle recognised by 3 Re Gilberd (An Infant) (1913) 15 GLR 631. 4 See generally Antonio Buti, “The early history of the law of guardianship of children: From Rome to the Tenures Abolition Act 1660” (2003) 7 University of Western Sydney Law Review 91 at 102, The principle of ‘Infant Discretion’ was derived from the practice in the ecclesiastical court where a child could elect its own guardian when the child was deemed to be of suitable age...

  5. Reuben Fraser - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 875 KB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND . . . . IN THE MATTER: of the Resource Manag~111entAct 199.1 AND IN THE MATTER: of c1ppei3ls pursuant to clause 14 of the firsf Schedule to th~ Act agl'WEEN MOTITI ROHE !Vl9ANA TRUST (ENV:.2Q15~AKL-0O0134) AND AND NGATI MAKINO HERITAGE TRUST (ENV-2015-AKL'-000140) NGATI RANGINUI IWI INCORPORATED s6c1erv - . . . .. (ENV-2!)1p-AK~-000141) Appellants BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL <;:OUNCIL Respondent VARIOUS Section 27...

  6. [2019] NZEmpC 187 Byrne v The New Zealand Transport Agency [pdf, 411 KB]

    VERONICA BYRNE v THE NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT AGENCY [2019] NZEmpC 187 [13 December 2019] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2019] NZEmpC 187 EMPC 104/2019 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN VERONICA BYRNE Plaintiff AND THE NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT AGENCY Defendant Hearing: 4 – 6 November 2019...

  7. Mr-Rasheeds-Submissions-of-37-Families.pdf [pdf, 619 KB]

    IN THE CORONER’S COURT AT AUCKLAND I TE KOTI KAITIROTIRO MATEWHAWHATI KI TAMAKI MAKAURAU CSU-2019-CCH-000165 to CSU-2019-CCH-000214; CSU-2019-CCH-000326 UNDER The Coroners Act 2006 AND IN THE MATTER OF An inquiry into the deaths of 51 people in relation to the 15 March 2019 Christchurch Masjid attacks __________________________________________________________________ SUBMISSIONS OF COUNSEL FOR 37 INTERESTED PARTIES Dated: 8 Februa...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - Report on the Māori Community Development Act Claim [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...accompanied by tākitimu war- dens, and claimant witness owen Lloyd, of te tairāwhiti District Māori Council our first day of hearing concluded with the evidence of Dr Claire Charters, tech- nical witness for the claimants Dr Charters, a lecturer at the university of auckland specialising in the area of indigenous peoples in international law, spoke on the obligations of governments towards indigenous peoples under the UNDRIP Day two of the hearing opened with evidence from witnesses f...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal Annual Report Matariki 2022 to 2023 [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry at Te Mānuka Tūtahi Marae, Whakatāne, July 2021; Bottom left: Kaikaranga Rhonda Tibble and Chief Judge Dr Caren Fox at the pōwhiri for her swearing-in ceremony as Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court held at The Pā, University of Waikato, Kirikiriroa, 24 August 2023; Right: Dr Monty Soutar, former Chairperson Judge Wilson Isaac, and Professor Tā Pou Temara at Hearing One of the Military Veterans’ Kaupapa Inquiry at Tūnohopū Marae, Rotorua, June 2023....

  10. [2012] NZEmpC 142 Horton Media Ltd [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...cafeteria. When the meeting concluded, the company’s Christchurch manufacturing manager, Mr Peter Kelly, called Mr Hooper out to the front office where he met with Mr Kelly and Ms Natasha Dunbier, the company’s human resources manager from Auckland. Ms Dunbier informed Mr Hooper that they had reasonable cause to believe that he was consuming drugs during working hours and he was, therefore, required to undergo a drug test and give a urine sample. Mr Hooper said that he was gi...