[2018] NZEnvC 084 Director General of Conservation and Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ v Invercargill City Council [pdf, 6.2 MB]
...this case, where the definition is proposed to support a range of permitted activities, it is important that compliance with the rule can be objectively ascertained. 32 33 34 Man OWar Fann Ltd v Auckland Councif [2017] NZHC 1349. Applying University of Auckland v Auckland Councif [2017] NZHC 1150 al [14], ciling Transport Ministry v Alexander [1978]1 NZLR 306 (CA) al 311 per Cooke J; McEldowney v Forde [1971] AC 632; Official Assignee v Chief Executive of the Ministry of Fisherie...