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717 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal - District 12 Wellington District [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...10 Traditional HistOlY Despite a number of earlier clashes and deaths, Ngati Apa had not been harassed in the same manner as their Muaupoko kin. But their participation at Waiorua caused a deterioration in their relationship with Ngati Toa. Pleas for clemency from one of the captives, Te Rangi-mairehau, on the grounds of his kinship to Te Pikinga were ignored and he was put to death. Other Ngati Apa chiefs were subsequently killed at Awamate and a Ngati Apa pa, Te Poutu, unsuccessfu...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 205 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 15 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA Court: Hearing: Appearances: IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2019] NZEnvC 205 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of appeals pursuant to clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act UPPER CLUTHA ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2018-CHC-056) and all other appellants concerning Topic 2 of Stage 1 of the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan (listed on the attached Schedule) Appell

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 1 The alienation of Māori land in Rohe Potae [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    Rangahaua Whanui Dis t r ic t 8 THE ALIENATION OF MAORI LAND IN THE ROHE POTAE (AOTEA BLOCK), 1840–1920 CATHY MARR December 1996 Working Paper : Firs t Release WA I T A N G I TR I B U N A L R A N G A H A U A W H A N U I S E R I E S Other Rangahaua Whanui reports District reports District 1: Auckland, R Daamen, P Hamer, and B Rigby District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B J Bargh District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh District 11a: Wairarapa, P Goldsmith Distr

  4. Ministry-of-Justice-Annual-Report-2021-22.pdf [pdf, 5 MB]

    Te Tāhū o te Ture Annual Report Including the Annual Report for Te Arawhiti, The Office for Ma-ori Crown Relations And Ministers’ reports on Non-Departmental Appropriations: Minister of Justice (Vote Justice), Minister for Courts (Vote Courts), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti (Vote Te Arawhiti) 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022 E.64, B14 AR (2022) In accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989, this Annual Report presents:

  5. Waitangi Tribunal theme L - Trust administration of Māori reserves [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...threatened, as one member of the committee, R D Hanson, was also one of the hotel's creditors. Hobson intervened and adjudged that: The allotment on which Barrett stands is purely a Native reserve and was given to Barrett by Colonel Wakefield on the plea of his having married a native woman ... My intention is not to expose to public competition the allotment on which Barrett's 14. Wakefield to Directors, I I February 1842, co 208, pp 48-49 (Wai 145 ROD, doc E3), P 137 15. Sh...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal - Te Urewera [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    R a n ga haua Wha n u i D i s t r i c t 4 T E U R EW E R A A N I TA M I L E S Ma rch 1 9 9 9 Work i n g Pape r : Fi rs t Rele ase WAI TA NGI T R I BU NA L R A NGA H AUA W H A N U I SE R I E S Other Rangahaua Whanui reports District reports District 1: Auckland (pt i), R Daamen, P Hamer, and Dr B Rigby; (pt ii), M Belgrave District 5b: Poverty Bay, S Daly District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B Bargh District 8: The Alienation of Maori Land in the Rohe Potae, C Marr District 9

  7. Conviction and sentencing of offenders in New Zealand 1997 to 2006 [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...offenders that are finalised in the Youth Court, which are not recorded as convictions. 4 Discharge without conviction under section 19 of the Criminal Justice Act 1985 or section 106 of the Sentencing Act 2002, after the offender is found guilty or pleads guilty. 5 Charges that were withdrawn, dismissed, discharged, struck out, not proceeded with, or acquitted. This category includes charges where people completed the Police diversion scheme and subsequently had their charges withdrawn...

  8. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...we manage heritage and wahi tapu when they are also tourism destinations? What are the other options though? If Maori ask for them back we need to consider how we are going to look after those places. Often fences and pouwhenua are not enough. My plea at this hui is that we get together with all our different thinking and fight the common enemy - the legislation; the Act. 7 THE HISTORIC PLACES TRUST - DAVE ROBSON The Maori Heritage Unit’s role is to protect sites of significance to...

  9. Report of the NZ Prostitution Law Committee 2008 [pdf, 642 KB]

    Report of the Prostitution Law Review Committee on the Operation of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 2 © Crown Copyright Published May 2008 Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand ISBN 978-0-478-29052-7 Disclaimer The views, opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this

  10. Waitangi Tribunal - Part III Te Urewera [pdf, 6.7 MB]

    T E U R E W E R A P A R T I I I Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 W A I 8 9 4 T E U R E W E R A P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n P a r t I I I From self-governing native res