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717 items matching your search terms

  1. 2018 Ministry of Justice Annual Report [pdf, 4.3 MB] all! Andrew Bridgman Secretary for Justice and Chief Executive ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 5 has decreased by due to and an increase in the number of events before a case is disposed of of trials didn’t go ahead because of a late guilty plea more District Court criminal events than 5 years ago Adjournments are the largest contributor to the time it takes for cases to be resolved the volume of new cases but workload has we’re dealing with approximately 4% 26% 18% GRO...

  2. Hugh Grant Sayers - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...Trust·App~~J c,n pr9p9s.ed R_PS:Vatiat_ion 1 ~ R~spp.n~a tg .Offer of Settlement · · Thcihk ·you for your Jetter dated '9 October 2014 ptcipo$iilg on !Je~alf ·of ,tM Motitl Rone·$ Trust ways in which the i:ibove app~al could be settled, Plea_se con~lder -this r.~~ponse as "Without prejudice'\ The R.egional Council ls aware that at least lWo section 274 parties (LoWi1des Associates antil fv1ataa~ua Ma9ri Di$triot .cc;,uncjl) are ~xpeoted ta file evid~ii.ce on...

  3. 2012 Ministry of Justice annual report [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...promote earlier resolution of cases through extending the powers of registrars to deal with unscheduled court appearances, allowed jury trials to continue with only 10 jurors and codified sentence indications to promote earlier entry of guilty pleas. The stage two changes will commence in July 2013. Safe and effective court environments The first phase of the electronic operating model will enable police charges to be filed electronically and to be processed and managed electr...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - District 11 Wairoa [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...thought they were being made to pay twice for the war and pointed out that some of their relatives had either been slain in cold blood. or .imprisoned for 'rebellion', and still their land was being confiscated. Richmond . ignored their pleas and Biggs was instructed to enter into an arrangement (on behalf . , of the Crown) with the Wairoa Maori.10 J J 5. NZPD, 1867, P 693 6. Ibid 7. . See J Hippolite, Rauparu in Haw/ce's Bay, p 20 8. David Williams, 'The Use o...

  5. Rec-Recap-2023-Q4-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 873 KB]

    Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 October and 31 December 2023 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2023 (4) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a d

  6. Ngati Pahauwera Crown Summary Report November 2014 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    1 Summary Report of Information Relevant to the Ngāti Pāhauwera CMT and PCR application under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 November 2014 Ministry of Justice NOT LEGAL ADVICE OR GOVERNMENT POLICY 2 Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................

  7. Waitangi Tribunal theme D - Crown's right of preemption [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...where the writer explained that pre-emption was described at Waitangi as follows: 'The Queen is to have the first offer of the land you may wish to sell, and in the event of its being refused by the Crown, the land is yours to sell it to whom you please'. But he doubts the reliability of this evidence, and notes that Colenso queried Maori understanding of the meaning of the term, not the accuracy of the explanation given. 61. Orange, p 101 62. Ross, pp 145-146 63. Orange, p 47...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 2 Kāhui Maunga Report [pdf, 12 MB]

    t e K ā h u i M a u n g a Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from t e K ā h u i M a u n g a The National Park District Inquiry Report Volume 2 Waitangi Tribunal Report 2013 Wai 1130 Downloaded from Downloaded from National Library of New Zealand Catalo

  9. Waitangi Tribunal Part 2 Report on stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    ...fact of such large numbers of British subjects being already there, as to demand some legislative interference in the way of con- troul [sic]. It will not be friendship to the aborigines to leave them a prey to the unprincipled and lawless, under the plea of the injustice that might be done them by the establishment of a British colony among them. The non-interference has now gone on too long, not to justify and demand immediate interference.59 The authors followed up this comment by st...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 2 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    489 Chapter 7 The AncesTrAl lAndscApe : The nATurAl environmenT, 1886–2006 The rangataua estuary is the life blood of our people, ‘ngā wai koiora’, that courses through our veins : its tributaries the Waitao, Kaitimako, Omatata, Otamarua, te Waiū and te awanui are the veins that supply it, and thus us with life giving nutrients – life itself . . . all living breathing features of our ancestral landscape . . . te awanuiarangi Black, Ngāti hē1 7.1 introduction By 1840,