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717 items matching your search terms

  1. De Wet v North Shore City Council [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...did concede that he did not know what section 43 of the Building Act 1991 referred to. Mrs De Wet picked up Mr Lakay's report from his office. Mr & Mrs De Wet read the report and were happy to undertake maintenance work. They were pleased with the report and decided to proceed with the purchase. Mrs De Wet did not comment on the impact of the report at all. 7.6. I think it relevant that when they discovered leaks Mr & Mrs De Wet chose to refer the matter back to...

  2. Christchurch Youth Drug Court pilot: One-year follow-up study [pdf, 595 KB]

    ...Morris and Reilly, 2003); • The reoffending statistics presented for participants include all offences committed within specified time periods post-exit from the YDC and which were finalised by 3 May 2005. Some serious offences where the defendant pleads not guilty can take considerable time to be resolved by the courts. There may be a few instances where offences committed by YDC participants within specified follow-up periods were not yet finalised by 3 May 2005. Introduction _________...

  3. Whānau Protect (National Home Safety Service) evaluation report [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    Whānau Protect National Home Safety Service Evaluation report Provider & Community Services Ministry of Justice November 2017 Disclaimer This research was undertaken by Provider and Community Services within the Ministry of Justice, with assistance from Gravitas Research and Strategy Limited. The Ministry acknowledges and thanks the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges, and their affiliated and associated refuges who helped with and

  4. David Bain appendices tabs F to J [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    Ta F BETWEEN J U STICE IAN BINNIE Interviewer AND MILTON WEIR I nterviewee Date of I nterview: 1 9 Ju ly 20 1 2 Place: John Wickliffe House, Duned in Attendees Annabel Markham (Crown Law Office) INTERVIEW OF MILTON WEI R ( IN RESPECT OF C LAIM FOR COMPENSATIO N BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN) BINNIE J : Good morn ing M r Weir. M R WEIR: Good morning. 5 BINNIE J : Thank you for coming, I appreciate it. I have here a bible and if you wou ld swear in answer to the q

  5. Review of community-based sentences in New Zealand [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    Review of Community-based Sentences in New Zealand Ministry of Justice Criminal Justice Group June 1999 2 3 Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 7 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 16 2. C

  6. Mr-Rasheeds-Authorities.pdf [pdf, 7.1 MB]

    AUTHORITIES 1 Jordan v United Kingdom [2001] ECHR 327. 2 Osman v the United Kingdom [1998] ECHR 101 3 R (Middleton) v West Somerset Coroner [2004] 2 AC 182. 4 Sarjantson v Humberside Police Chief Constable [2013] EWCA Civ 125 5 Wallace v Attorney General [2021] NZCA 506 6 Anjum Rahman, Aliya Danzeisen, Maysoon Salama. (2019). Submissions of IWCNZ to Royal Commission of Inquiry. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2022] 7 Royal

  7. Waitangi Tribunal theme A - Old land claims [pdf, 7.2 MB]

    . i I RANGAHAUA WHANUI NATIONAL THEME A OLD LAND CLAIMS D MOORE, B RIGBY, M RUSSELL JULY 1997 FIRST RELEASE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES Other Rangahaua Whanui reports District reports District 1: Auckland (pt I) R Daamen, P Hamer, and Dr B Rigby; (pt n) M Belgrave District 5B: Gisborne, S Daly District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B Bargh District 8: The Alienation of Maori Land in the Rohe Potae, C Marr District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh

  8. 2017 Ministry of Justice Annual Report [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...approach – Te Kōti Matariki Established in 2010 by the Chief District Court Judge, Te Kōti Matariki (the Matariki Court) is a response to the high rate of imprisonment of Māori. Offenders who take part in Te Kōti Matariki must enter a guilty plea and show the court that their intentions to change are genuine. The court is based in Kaikohe and is the only kaupapa Māori-based sentencing court of its kind in New Zealand. Its strength lies in its community-centred approach a...

  9. Rec-Recap-2023-Q1-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 889 KB]

    ...enforcement difficulties particularly with regards to proving a substance is an analogue for the purposes of criminal prosecutions. They advise that the nuances and complexity of the analogue provisions and the need for evidential testing even if a guilty plea has been entered often impacts on charging decisions. Police and others also identified short comings with the Psychoactive Substances Act. VI. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 is nearly fifty years old. In 2011 the Law Commission u...

  10. Evaluation of Whanau Protect (National Home Safety Service) 2022 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    National Home Safety Service: Whānau Protect Evaluation Report 2022 Acknowledgements This report was written by Sue Allison and Tania Boyer from GravitasOPG. The quantitative data match of National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges (NCIWR) administrative data and Police Recorded Crime and Victim Statistics (RCVS) was undertaken by the Ministry of Justice’s Sector Group . NCIWR provided anonymised collated administrative data. The authors