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717 items matching your search terms

  1. Process evaluation of Christchurch youth drug pilot [pdf, 899 KB]

    ...• did not consent to go onto the Youth Drug Court; • currently under a Supervision with Residence Order (section 31114 of the CYP&FA) or the Youth Court outcome was a s311; • moving away from Christchurch; • entering a not guilty plea; • awaiting pending charges. 4.3.3 Decision to remand to Youth Drug Court The Youth Advocate presents the result of the screening to the Youth Court Judge who then makes the decision of whether to remand a young person to the YDC. If...

  2. Case studies from evaluation of court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 791 KB]

    ...Tama should return to church; become involved in sports, possibly with Allan’s help; work on his family relationships; pay reparation to the offence victim of $350, and write a letter of apology to Patel. Tama’s father commented that he was very pleased about the suggestion that Tama should approach Allan about joining the league team after sentencing. Some particulars were decided about who would contact who and when. Vaine stood up again and thanked Allan for giving up his time...

  3. Recommendations recap - issue 4 [pdf, 832 KB]

    ...CORONER O F F I C E O F T H E Coronial Services of New Zealand Purongo O te Ao Kakarauri To request a copy of any full findings of cases contained in this edition, please contact our National Office. National Office + 64 4 918 8320 Wellington District Court Level 5 | 43–49 Ballance Street DX SX10044 | Wellington | New Zealand All editorial and other enquiries m...

  4. Taylor Fry feasibility report on long-term investment approach [pdf, 2 MB]

    The Treasury and Ministry of Justice Actuarial advice on feasibility: A long-term investment approach to reducing the harm associated with crime 15 April 2015 Alan Greenfield Kari Wolanski Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia M.A. Social Development Hugh Miller Ben Locke Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia i Actuarial advice on feasibility of an investment approach in the

  5. [2020] NZEnvC 027 Lake Road Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND Decision No. [2020] NZEnvC 027 Hearing: Court: IN THE MATTER OF An application for enforcement orders under section 316 of the Resource Management Act 1991 ("the Act") and an appeal under section 121 of the Act BETWEEN LAKE ROAD PRESERVATION SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2017-AKL-000187) Applicant for enforcement orders AND LAKE ROAD QUARRY LIMITED and O'CALLAGHAN HOLDINGS LTD AND AND AND (ENV-2019-AKL-000169) A

  6. Evaluation of Family Mediation pilot [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Ministry of Justice. First published in April 2007 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 0-478-29033-0 3 Foreword I am pleased to release this report on the Family Mediation Pilot. Many people have contributed to the pilot and I would like to thank you all, especially the families who participated, in making it a success. Family Mediation was developed in respo...

  7. Tauranga-Moana-Courthouse-Cabinet-paper_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...nflow ( 12 month roll ng avera~) Weishted Inflow (12 month rollins average) 72. The increase in workload is large ly due to an ongoing trend of more events, on average, per case. Ministry analysis shows this is primarily being driven by later gui lty pleas in the court process and an increase in jury tria l election rates. 'Refer to Appendix B for courtroom tier clefinitions • Weighted inflow is a derived metric the Ministry uses for i ts case scheduling and resou rcing requiremen...

  8. OIA-103056.pdf [pdf, 7.3 MB] | 27 April 2023 Ref: OIA 103056 Tēnā koe Official Information Act request: Microsoft licenses Thank you for your email of 3 March 2023, requesting under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act): Please provide correspondence and documents from the past six months regarding Microsoft licences purchased, or being paid for, by the Ministry of Justice. You followed up with a further request on 6 March 2023, requesting: 1. How...

  9. Evidence Brief Independent Bodies and Complaints Mechanisms [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    Submitted to Office of the Chief Victims Advisor to Government by Elaine Mossman 29 May 2020 Independent bodies and complaint mechanisms for victims of crime Contents Summary ................................................................................................................................ i 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................

  10. Rec-Recap-Q3-2022.pdf [pdf, 691 KB]

    ...responsibilities without having had proper training and experience. The Civil Aviation Authority laid charges against James Patrick Scott and Aviation Manual Development (2009) Limited under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. Guilty pleas were entered on 17 May 2019 and the defendants were sentenced. Although the defendants admitted breaches of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, they did not admit that these breaches were causative of the crash. An inquest took...