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Search results for Plea.

718 items matching your search terms

  1. Foster v Wood - Taupo No.23 B Section 1 (2015) 108 Taitokerau MB 43 (108 TTK 43) [pdf, 192 KB]

    ...current owners should be able to sell the block simply because their names are on the title. Miss Windust argued that they should hold the block for future generations. [10] I have a great deal of sympathy for Ms Windust. I consider that her plea was sincere and that she holds genuine fears that the alienation of this block will sever her connection to this area. [11] Ms Windust’s concerns are understandable. Land is a taonga tuku iho of special significance to Māori people...

  2. Auckland Standards Committee v Hylan [2014] NZLCDT 31 [pdf, 95 KB]

    ...not consider that the practitioner poses a risk to the public or that any element of dishonesty in the sense of personal gain, or more than a lapse in judgment when pressed by an overwrought client existed. He will need to learn to withstand the pleas of clients in upholding his own and his profession’s ethical standards in future. 9 [38] We take account of the practitioner’s fairly minimal financial circumstances in awarding costs against him and in respect of the per...

  3. ARC76/06 AC-37/07 Yong v Chin [pdf, 92 KB]

    ...outstanding holiday pay of $2,192.31 gross as arrears of wages; d. interest on the judgment sum of $2,192.31 for arrears of wages at the rate of 9 percent per annum from 25 November 2005 until the date of payment. [2] While the plaintiff’s pleadings were somewhat deficient I allowed the matter to be set down at the callover so that there were no further delays in bringing this challenge to a conclusion. A detailed statement of defence has been filed to the rather poor...

  4. LCRO 116/2015 QO v Standards Committee (14 June 2018) [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...2 Deliu v Connell [2016] NZHC 361, [2016] NZAR 475 at [2]. 5 scrap. She did not encourage that practice. She emphasised the relevant firm policies, which also did not encourage that practice. [15] It seems that after entering guilty pleas, Mrs MN decided she wanted to vacate those pleas. On or about 18 November 2012, Mrs MN asked Ms QO to send her files to her. [16] Ms QO arranged for her staff to copy the files. Ms QO says that although by then the file ran to arou...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 180 Keepa v Go Bus Transport Ltd [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...allowing Mr Keepa to resign the position was clear. It was not necessarily inevitable that he would have his employment terminated but to dissuade Mr Burton from that action Mr Keepa and Mr Graham would have needed to make further representations and pleas to Mr Burton. No doubt in view of all of the circumstances, Mr Keepa would have needed to acknowledge in fairly clear terms that he intended to take steps to improve his performance and then take on board and comply with what th...

  6. JSLB-BIM_Redacted-_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...2018, to 32% in June 2023. This impacts on system performance because the jury trial pathway is more resource intensive than other pathways through the system. Jury Trial Election Rate 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% ■2017/18 ■ 2022/23 2. Defendants are pleading guilty later 25% 30% 35% Year on year a larger proportion of defendants who plead guilty are doing so later in the process. This results in more court events to achieve the same outcome - for example, Category 3 cases2 now take 9...

  7. People charged and convicted of harmful digital communication offences December 2021 [xlsx, 172 KB]

    ...2021 Table 2: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by court and charge outcome, 2015 - 2021 Table 3: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by plea type, 2015 - 2021 Table 4: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by gender, ethnicity and age group, 2015 - 2021 Table 5: Number and percentage of people convicted of Harmful Digital Comm...

  8. Hawkes Bay Standards Committee v Heaphy [2014] NZLCDT 61 [pdf, 343 KB]

    ...Heaphy Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 12:21 p.m. To: ‘Mike Porter’ Subject: RE: Investment opportunity It has now been done, following negotiations yesterday i.e. 80k to be 109k in 15 months. If there is desire to do further lending please advise. Regards Jonathan 8 From: Mike Porter Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2007 5:29 p.m. To: ‘Jonathan Heaphy’ Subject: trust account Please urgently invest surplus funds as per the recent high return investmen...

  9. People charged and convicted of harmful digital communication offences June 2020 [xlsx, 157 KB]

    ...Table 2: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by court and charge outcome, 2015/2016 - 2019/2020 Table 3: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by plea type, 2015/2016 - 2019/2020 Table 4: Number and percentage of people charged with Harmful Digital Communications Act offences, by gender, ethnicity and age group, 2015/2016 - 2019/2020 Table 5: Number and percentage of people convicte...

  10. Nelson Lawyers Standards Committee v Stevenson [2020] NZLCDT 42 (15 December 2020) [pdf, 380 KB]

    ...2020. 7 to the sergeant in relation to charges faced by one of his clients and threatened to “… besmirch your name like I did (redacted) and take a look at where he is now”. This occurred during a discussion over the client’s likely plea. [32] The trial for this client was due to begin in October 2017 and while waiting outside the courtroom for the trial to begin, the same sergeant noted that Mr Stevenson was unsteady on his feet, smelled of alcohol and appeared to ha...