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Search results for Plea.

718 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 98/2022 DC v HT (20 December 2024) [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...this suggests that it continued to be opposed by the Police. (c) Either at that appearance or subsequently (and certainly within one month of the initial appearance given the routine case management processes for criminal prosecutions) not guilty pleas were entered, with an election of a judge alone hearing (after discussion about the possibility of electing trial by jury). (d) Receiving initial disclosure and later making a request of the Police for additional disclosure. (e) Repor...

  2. Trial and prison

    ...statements, which must be less than 28 days old at the time of sentencing. In these statements, the victims describe the physical and emotional effects of the crime, as well as any loss of property. The defence lawyer also gets a chance to prepare a plea for Oliver "in mitigation", which aims to reduce his sentence. Back to top Oliver is sentenced Three weeks later, Oliver reappears before the trial judge and counsel for sentencing. Oliver can address (talk to) the court through his counsel or...

  3. Participant-Information-Booklet-Young-Adult-List.pdf [pdf, 536 KB] to defendants and victims at court. Oath A promise to tell the truth about what happened. This promise is made to a god you believe in. 14 Opposed (bail) When the police don’t think the court should let you have bail (see Bail). Plea Telling the court if you’re guilty or not guilty. This happens when you’re charged with a crime. Probation Officer They can help the court decide what sentence (see Sentence) to give to a person who’s found guilty. They can also ta...

  4. Land Information New Zealand - Allotment 20 Parish of Waiheke (2001) 103 Hauraki MB 45 (103 H 45) [pdf, 879 KB]

    ...links to that union by way of whakapapa. Mr Majurey's submission was supported by Mary Forbes representing Te Runanganui 0 Ngati Paoa. Mr T oki sought an adjournment so that further discussion could be held between the various parties . This plea did not receive a great deal of support. It appeared that Mr T oki wished to advance claims for the land by Ngati Hako. I do not see that there is any case for an adjournment as requested by Mr Toki. Settlement of Waiheke Station has b...

  5. Canterbury District Law Society v Horne [2009] NZLCDT 4 [pdf, 75 KB] that this practitioner takes pride in never having made a claim and sought to right the situation with the lender without recourse to insurers or other parties. [9] In terms of mitigating features, firstly, there is the entry of a guilty plea or acknowledgement of this charge at the earliest date and his response, in our view, to the complaint does Mr Horne credit. He repaid the $50,000 to his client within a month, he has not been refunded by the client and it may be diffic...

  6. E v B & C LCRO 30 / 2009 (19 May 2009) [pdf, 16 KB]

    ...committing an offence 7 July 2006 as recorded in the information. The Police later prepared a summary of facts which referred to the offence having occurred on 7 June 2006. At the trial Complainant E was informed by the Judge that where a not guilty plea was entered the summary of facts was not provided to the court. Complainant E, who had cross-examined the police sergeant, claimed that the sergeant gave sworn evidence was that the offence had occurred on 7 June. Complainant E...

  7. Gartrell v NZLS [2012] NZLCDT 25 [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...employed lawyer February to November 2008 under orders. [7] On 29 January 2008, this Tribunal’s predecessor, the New Zealand Law Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, made findings of misconduct and conduct unbecoming on the basis of guilty pleas entered by Mr Gartrell and ordered Mr 3 Gartrell not to practise on his own account. A fully reasoned decision was provided in March 2008. [8] However in December of 2008 Mr Gartrell was further disciplined by the Tribunal fo...

  8. Waikato Bay of Plenty Standards Committee v Deobhakta [2014] NZLCDT 50 [pdf, 132 KB]

    ...not a fit and proper person to practise as a lawyer. h. That the public interest, including the protection of the public, and the need to maintain professional standards, require that he be prohibited from practice. [11] Mr Deobhakta made a plea to the Tribunal that he should not be struck off. He accepted all that Mr Clancy had said referring to the text messages and the way in which the cheques were handled. [12] He was less accepting of the view taken by the Tribunal in re...

  9. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Mason [2020] NZLCDT 38 (1 December 2020) [pdf, 87 KB]

    ...or fewer previous adverse disciplinary findings may result in a censure and fine,1 we do not accept that the current charges could appropriately be dealt short of a period of suspension unless there were strong reasons otherwise. Mr Jackson’s plea that we treat these as a “washup” of what was effectively dealt with in February 2019 does not address the different character of this charge. It is fair to ask what extra suspension may have been given had this charge been dealt w...

  10. Justice Sector Crown Law forecast 2015 to 2019 report [pdf, 342 KB] the numbers of disposals of each type over the forecast period is in Table 2 in the Appendix. District Court “committal guilty” cases (the residue of pre-CPA cases involving Crown Law in sentencing serious charges arising from a guilty plea in the pre-CPA pre-committal stage), included in previous forecasts, have now declined to zero. Each category of case has an assumed inflow, and an expected average time to dispose. However, the forecast reports only on disposals as th...