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Search results for Kawerau a8d.

54 items matching your search terms

  1. Mangu v Trustees of Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi [2019] Chief Judge's MB 1449 (2019 CJ 1449) [pdf, 164 KB]

    ...filed in accordance with the rules. [21] In terms of the Chief Registrar’s second reason for refusing the appeal, his decision is sustained until the fee is paid. 4 Hunia v Skerrett-White – Kawerau A8 D Block [2017] Māori Appellate Court MB 50 (2017 APPEAL 50). 5 Perigo – Ruapehu 3 block (2017) 366 Aotea MB 274 (366 AOT 274). 2019 Chief Judge’s MB 1456 Decision [22] For the above reasons, I am satisfied that the...

  2. Ashmore v Armstrong - Te Huruhi 12B (2021) 232 Waikato Maniapoto MB 219 (232 WMN 219) [pdf, 522 KB]

    ...Given the conflict of interest existing in this case, the Trustees should have sought directions of the Court before entering into the loan agreement, and certainly before the loan accumulated to its current amount. In Hunia v Skerrett-White – Kawerau A8 D Block, Judge Harvey noted the failure of trustees to seek court directions in a situation of a conflict of interest regarding a loan could not be considered prudent. The Court concluded the trustees had failed to act prudently i...

  3. Māori Land Court Panui October 2021 pdf [pdf, 399 KB]

    ...Warbrick, Merepeka Raukawa- Tait, Melanie Cheun, Taiche Playle & Donna Semmens as trustees 48 11:30AM A20210009186 239/93, 244/93 Te Arawa Tumai Tokerau A No. 11 - Add trustee and variation of trust 49 12:00PM A20210010631 67/93 Angela Wharekura Kawerau A8D Mäori Reservation - Judicial conference for directions in respect of funds paid from Te Kotahitanga o Ngäti Tuwharetoa 50 12:00PM A20210010384 328/93 Hinemoa Stirling Pohaturoa 4 - Application for Occupation Order in favou...

  4. Māori Land Court judgments subject index [pdf, 846 KB]

    ...Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 section 241 Termination of Trust J Savage 12.12.2011 Ransfield - Poukawa 9E2 13 Takitimu MB 102 13 TTK 102 Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 section 18(1)(d), 231, 238 Review of Trust J Harvey 12.12.2011 Hunia v Fox - Kawerau A8D 45 Waiariki MB 32 45 WAR 32 Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 section 43, 222, 237, 238, 239, 240 Rehearing of removal of trustee application J Harvey 18.12.2011 Maori Trustee - Huriwai Family Trust 13 Takitimu MB 17 13 TTK 17 Te T...

  5. MLC 2018 October National Panui [pdf, 346 KB]

    ...NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 1 10:00AM A20180005289 164/93 Anna Maria Maxwell Torere Section 4 - Transfer of shares from Anna Maria Maxwell to O'Sonia Primrose Hotereni 2 10:00AM A20180005498 158, 164/93 Shona Heather Maree Charteris Kawerau A Section 11 and other blocks - Transfer of shares from Shona Charteris or Harrison to Tania Charteris 3 10:00AM A20180005796 164/93 Robert Lee Scott Wharekaniwha Anaru, Victoria Jane Pirihi Ngapuna A 97 - Transfer of shares fro...

  6. MLC 2019 May National Panui [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...Epapara, Donna Epapara Wakata Hinetu Whänau Trust - Review of trust and Enforcement of obligations of trust 46 12:30PM A20180008694 240/93 Aroha Campbell Tahorakuri A1 Sec 14 - Removal of Joseph Reihana 47 12:45PM A20190002745 238/93 Kererua Savage Kawerau A8D Ahu Whenua Trust - Enforcement of obligations of trust 48 1:00PM A20190002307 19/93 Trustees of Te Whaiti Nui A Toi Trust Te Whaiti Nui A Toi Block - Injunction (Respondents: Phyllis and Andre Nicholas) At Öpötiki | Mini...

  7. Notification-of-applications-that-have-not-been-finally-determined-over-6-months-old-30-November-2020.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...9/07/2019 CJ 2019/18 - Pene Mokena or Ben Morgan - and a succession order made at 65 SIMB 96-97 on 29 February 1984 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Ellen Rere Moana Morgan 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20190006305 12/07/2019 CJ 2019/20 - Kawerau A8A, A8B and A8D - and orders made at 75 Whakatane MB 314 on 12 April 1984 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Otonga Whanau Trust 3. Awaiting Client Action or Information A20190006389 16/07/2019 Waikoukoutauanui - Application for Spec...

  8. Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 28 February 2021 [pdf, 4.5 MB]

    ...9/07/2019 CJ 2019/18 - Pene Mokena or Ben Morgan - and a succession order made at 65 SIMB 96-97 on 29 February 1984 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Ellen Rere Moana Morgan 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20190006305 12/07/2019 CJ 2019/20 - Kawerau A8A, A8B and A8D - and orders made at 75 Whakatane MB 314 on 12 April 1984 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Otonga Whanau Trust 3. Awaiting Client Action or Information A20190006354 15/07/2019 CJ 2019/21 - Rangitoto Tuhua 52D 2 - Re...

  9. MLC - Register for Māori Land Trusts in New Zealand [xls, 902 KB]

    ...1D2 Ahuwhewa Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAI 60031 Kawamutu 2B Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAI 60030 Kawamutu No 1 Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAI 60032 Kawariki No 2 Trust Ahu Whenua Trust TWP 49160 Kawatiri Blk VII Sec 49 Square 141 Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58592 Kawerau A1 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58609 Kawerau A11 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58630 Kawerau A12 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58625 Kawerau A13 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58600 Kawerau A4 Ahu Whenu...

  10. National Māori Land Trust Register 2017 [xls, 921 KB]

    ...Deposited Plan 8197 (Te Kaha 4B) Maori Reservation Maori Reservation WAR 58451 Haumingi 23 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58455 Haumingi 8 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58456 Haumingi 9B 3B Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58627 Kawerau A7 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58629 Kawerau A8C Maori Reservation Reservation WAR 58702 Lot 8 of Part Maketu A2A Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAR 58707 Kotipu 2 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust AOT 57385 Hongoeka 7 Ma...