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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Graduate Research, Business and Government, Architecture and Design Innovation, Health, Engineering and Science) each have a Faculty Board. Toihuarewa, a separate pan-University faculty equivalent, is the University’s ihonui or Maori academic forum, and is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Māori)...

  2. Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Graduate Research, Business and Government, Architecture and Design Innovation, Health, Engineering and Science) each have a Faculty Board. Toihuarewa, a separate pan-University faculty equivalent, is the University’s ihonui or Maori academic forum, and is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Māori)...

  3. Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...the Director of Human Resources. The Academic Board provides advice to the Council and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Commerce, Architecture and Design, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Science, Health and Engineering) each have a Faculty Boards. Toihuarewa, a separate pan-University faculty equivalent, is the University’s ihonui or Maori academic forum, and is chair...

  4. 2021-03-24 OWRUG - DOC v ORC (C28-2002) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...for the process to either be accelerated or slowed depending on decisions by the Council as to the application of its resources. In the end, the overall purpose of the rule is to fulfill the objectives and policies of the water plan which as a whole is designed to achieve sustainable management of the water resource, including the native fisheries. [46] We have concluded that the objectives and the policies of the water plan would be better achieved and implemented by modifying clauses 158.1 a...

  5. 19.-Evidence-of-Mr-Nick-Goldwater-Terrestrial-and-Wetland-Ecology.PDF [PDF, 622 KB]

    ...Consultants Ltd, based in Auckland. I have been employed as a consultant ecologist with Wildland Consultants since 2008. 3. I prepared1 Technical Assessment J: Terrestrial Ecology (Technical Assessment J) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū- Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (G...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 049 Boonham v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 546 KB]

    ...that the subdivision or development may be permitted even though sufficient wastewater capacity is not in place. Although it is not within the scope of this hearing, it seems relatively clear that action by a Council to grant a consent where environmental effects could occur may lead to proceedings in the Environment Court or High Court. Accordingly, the question for this Court is what level of importance should be given to ensuring that the infrastructure is in place at a time...

  7. Fish & Game – EiC – B Farrell – Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...freshwater in Otago 13 Precautionary Approach 16 Native fish and Salmonids 16 Applicability of PC7 16 Scientific uncertainty and calculating MALF 16 Processing costs 17 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 18 SECTION 32 18 Socioeconomic, cultural and environmental effects ............................. 18 Efficiency and Effectiveness (s32(1)(b)(i)) ........................................... 19 Policy Direction ..................................................................................

  8. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B3 [pdf, 484 KB]

    ... Turbines NZ made NZ experiences Overseas experiences Siting Specific sites Valued places Not-in-my-back-yard 3.4 Comparing energy types 4. Effects of turbines Page 34 4.1 Design 4.2 Visual 4.3 Noise 4.4 Scale 3 4.5 Height 4.6 Quantity 4.7 Wildlife 4.8 Recreation 4.9 Rural life 5. Structure and role of the entity Page 42 5.1 Ownership 5.2 Model 5.2.1 Co-operative 5.2.2 Limited Liability Comp...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 201 Auckland Council v Noe [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Project Number Document Title: Status: Date: Prepared For: Authored By: Signature Reviewed & Certified By: 20200!5 Remedial Action Plan 2294 State Highway 16, Te Pua Final Febrnary 2020 Auckland Council Tess Brothersen Sr. Environmental Scientist Thomas Consultants Limited Sam Woolley T earn Leader Soil Contamination 27/02/2020 Date 28/02/2020 Date In recognition of the guidance given within the 'National Environmental Standard for Assessing...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 269 Silver Hill Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 21 MB] required by condition 45 will show Lett Road upgrading in accordance with the conditions i.e. that there will be no kerb and channel or footpath to the west of the intersection with the subdivision road. a. Application Form and Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by The Planning Collective dated 22 November 2021 and amended dated 8 March 2022. b. Specialist Reports Report title and reference Author Rev Dated Assessment of Ecological Effect – Referenced 64551...