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Search results for Environmental Design.

1624 items matching your search terms

  1. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB]

    ....................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT APPLICATION ............................................. 9 EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT .................................................................... 14 RMA POLICY STATEMENTS, PLANS, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS AND OTHER REGULATIONS ........................................................ 45 OTHER MATTERS ................................................

  2. ORC - EIC - Nicola McGrouther - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...Otago Regional Council; (b) Senior Community Liaison Officer and Land Resource Officer at the Otago Regional Council; and (c) Land Management Officer at the Taranaki Regional Council. 4 In total I have 24 years’ experience as a rural liaison environmental management specialist for farming systems in New Zealand. 5 I participated in the mediation sessions on proposed Plan Change 8 to the Regional Plan: Water (PC8), as a representative for New Zealand Deer Farmers Association a...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 242 Adams v Thames-Coromandel District Council [pdf, 470 KB]

    ...subdivision authorised by this consent proceeds in general accordance with the approved subdivision plan entitled “Proposed Boundary Adjustment Subdivision of Lots 11 and 12 DP 459310 being 47 & 50 Huarere Rise, Whangapoua” prepared by Thames Environmental Consultancy, dated August 2020 and updated 24 November 2021. 2. Pursuant to section 243 of the RMA, any necessary easements as required shall be included in a memorandum of easements. The applicant shall meet all costs relating to t...

  4. 05.-Evidence-of-Mr-Lindsay-Poutama-Ngati-Tukorehe.PDF [PDF, 221 KB]

    ...provided for Hapū participation in developing and confirming the CEDF and the Project outcomes that the CEDF delivers; (d) ensure appropriate opportunity is provided for Ngāti Tukorehe participation in developing and confirming the Project designs, construction management plans, environmental monitoring plans, and any operational management plans, including providing for appropriate opportunity to review and consider any changes that may occur over time to any of these matters...

  5. 2023-10-16-Memorandum-of-Counsel-general-matters-prior-to-hearing.pdf [pdf, 260 KB]

    ...head south, and then take the first left onto Heatherlea East Road (marked as 3 on Appendix B). 13. Drive east along Heatherlea East Road until you reach Sorensons Road (marked as 4 on Appendix B), noting: (a) as you drive, that the proposed designation corridor runs to your right; (b) before you cross the NIMT, that the first dual lane roundabout, and proposed planting sites, are to your right (as shown on Sheet 1 of Appendix C). 14. Turn right and drive down Sorensons Road unt...

  6. 15.-Evidence-of-Mr-Gregor-McLean-Erosion-and-Sediment-Control64012503.1.PDF [PDF, 224 KB]

    ................................................................................................ 5 Section 198 Report ............................................................................................ 12 Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Gregor John McLean. 2. I am a Director of Southern Skies Environmental Limited (SSEL), an environmental consultancy company specialising in erosion and sediment control (ESC), environmental management and planning....

  7. 04-Appendix-Four-DCR_Part1.pdf [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...concept design (including operational features) of the Ō2NL Project and describes the works necessary to construct the Project. The basis for the design and construction is described below and, in particular, has been informed by the Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) (provided as Appendix Three to Volume II). The concept design has been prepared for the highway to demonstrate that the designations are sound and to help provide an envelope of effects. The designations do...

  8. 2023-09-26-Evidence-of-Sean-Mallon.PDF [PDF, 1.2 MB]

    .............................................................................................................. 1 C. SCOPE OF EVIDENCE............................................................................................ 2 D. BACKGROUND TO THE PROPOSED DESIGN OF THE INTERCHANGE AT TAYLORS ROAD ........................................................................................................................... 3 E. SECTION 198D REPORT – DAVID DUNLOP ................................

  9. s274-Transpower-New-Zealand-Limited-17.6.20.pdf [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...the application: (a) The measures and conditions proposed in the Application to avoid, remedy or mitigate the potential effects of the proposal on National Grid assets, particularly on the Mangamaire – Woodville A (MGM-WDV A) line; (b) The design process to meet requirements under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities) Regulations 2009 (NESETA) for the raising of the poles on the MGM-WDV A line; 26098870_1...

  10. E25 Lighting JWS [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...need lighting enabled to the lighting pre-curfew limits for the same time duration. Hence, the pre-curfew lighting effects time limit should be adjusted to align with the time limits set for pre-curfew noise effects for events. 6. Event lighting design 6.1. Matters of agreement Consent condition 183K b) should be adjusted to read; “Setting design principles and establishing a monitoring regime for the event lighting installation to ensure compliance with the E24.6.1 General...