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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 188 Wakatipu Equities Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 414 KB]

    ...Policy 8: Highly productive land is protected from inappropriate use and development. Policy 9: Reverse sensitivity effects are managed so as not to constrain land- based primary production activities on highly productive land [12] Central to the design of the NPS-HPL are directions for the mapping of highly productive land and, following that, its identification in regional policy statements and identification and protection through district plans. As that response to the NPS-H...

  2. Middlemass & Ors as Trustees of the SE & SD Middlemass Family Trust v NZ Log Chalets Ltd [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...REMEDY 40 QUANTUM 44 3 ALLOWANCE FOR UNPAID CONTRACT PRICE 45 DAMAGES FOR STRESS 46 COSTS 48 ORDERS 49 STATEMENT OF CONSEQUENCES 50 4 SUMMARY OF DETERMINATION Dwelling construction: log chalet, unique design, exposed site, leaks to log walls - Respondents: building company, director/shareholder, territorial authority - Liability of Respondents: in contract, tort, breach of Consumer Guarantees Act, breach of Fair Trading Act and breach...

  3. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Man O'War Farm Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...··················· .. 2 3. The Panel's Recommendations .......................................................................... · 4 4. 'Out of scope' recommendations I decisions ....................................................... 5 5. Designations ........................................................................................................ 6 6. Attachments to Decisions Report ..............................................................

  4. ENV-2016-AKL-000207 Mason v Auckland Council [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    ...allowing a proliferation of rural­ residential lots; (iii) Appropriately provide incentives to focus rural lifestyle living in the Countryside Living zone, while enabling limited opportunities for rural living in the rural zones in exchange for environmental benefits (indigenous vegetation and wetland protection and restoration). (b) Contrary to the Council's decision, in relation to the prescription of environmental benefits to be accepted in exchange for rural residential subdi...

  5. ENV-2016-AKL-000192 Kiwi Property Group Limited & Kiwi Property Holdings Limited v Auckland Council (Transport) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...explicitly that the policy of intensification needs to be complemented by increased investment in public transport infrastructure and services. (k) Part 1 Chapter B Section 2.2 - A Quality Built Environment contains provisions that address urban design issues. Kiwi considers that, while improved urban design is desirable, the Unitary Plan needs to also take into account the functionality and economic viability of development when assessing proposals. (I) Kiwi supports the thrust...

  6. E92 Joe Phillips - Traffic and Transportation - RE – Applicant [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...permanently stopped a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) shall be prepared by the consent holder and submitted to the Team Leader Compliance Monitoring – Central for certification in Section 5.3.1 1 Unio Environmental, 4 September 2018. America’s Cup Wynyard Hobson – Applicant’s Revised Conditions. 2787 Wynyard Edge Alliance | Construction Traffic Management Plan Rev D | September 2018 Page | 2 Condition Number Cond...

  7. E11 Craig Fitzgerald - Noise and Vibration - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...BEHALF OF PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND (NOISE AND VIBRATION) 7 AUGUST 2018 0683 1 1. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE My full name is Craig Michael Fitzgerald. I am an Associate with Marshall Day Acoustics (MDA), specialising in environmental noise and vibration assessments, building acoustics and underwater acoustics. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Auckland. I am a Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered with the Engineering Co...

  8. ENV-2016-CHC-000071 Affidavit of Mr Murray Valentine [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...Solicitor: David Wilding Wilding Law POBox 29473 Christchurch Telephone 358 9988 INTHEMATIER AND BETWEEN AND of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an application for declarations under Part 12 of the Act ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-CHC-000071) Applicant MACKENZIE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AFFIDAVIT OF MURRAY GRAHAM VALENTINE +e. Sworn this! 2 day of December 2016 Counsel: Kelvin Reid Levell, 148 Victori...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 001 Minister of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...benefit of present and future generations; (iii) Manakitanga: the process by which Tangata Whenua show respect, generosity and care for freshwater and for others. (iv) Governance: the responsibility of those with authority for making decisions to design a way that prioritises the health and wellbeing of fresh water. (v) Stewardship: the obligation of all New Zealanders to manage freshwater in a way that ensures it sustains present and future generations; and (vi) Care and Respect:...

  10. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA & Ors NOE ENV 20210628 [pdf, 481 KB]

    ...the Court is considering water-users in this process and in the 15 formation of the plan change 7, it’s most necessary. In my view, it behoves the Otago Regional Council in its application of water management processes to consider not just the environmental implications but the implications on its region and people in its region, in the Otago Region. 20 Southern Lakes Holdings itself has invested significantly into the use of water resources. We have four small irrigation pro...