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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEnvC 074 Malaghans Investments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 704 KB]

    ...Landscape Sensitivity Area or Moderate-High Landscape Sensitivity Area; rRestricting buildings within areas identified on the District Plan web mapping application as Moderate- High Landscape Sensitivity unless they are located and designed, and adverse effects are mitigated, to ensure: a. landscape values of Outstanding Natural Features and Outstanding Natural Landscapes are protected, and; b. for other rural areas, the landscape character of the landscape the Zone s...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 173 Habitus Group Limited v Christchurch City Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...dated 26/06/2024 prepared by Gravity Architecture and landscape plans dated 1 July 2024 prepared by Novo Group. Geotechnical 2. Any new structure requiring a Building Consent, in terms of Building Act provisions, must have hybrid TC2/TC3 foundations designed in accordance with the MBIE guidelines “Repairing and rebuilding houses affected by the Canterbury earthquakes”, Part C section 15.4.6, with reference to the KGA Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K211163-1 dated 14 February...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 017 Cossens v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 4.5 MB]

    ...Ide. To be completed prior to the commencement of any works on-site 4. The owner of the land being developed shall provide a letter to the Manager of Resource Management Engineering at Council advising who their representative is for the design and execution of the engineering works and construction works required in association with this developm'ent and shall confirm that these representatives will be responsible for all aspects of the works covered under Sections 1.7 &am...

  4. OWRUG - EiC - D A Olsen - Ecology (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 5.1 MB]

    ................................................................................................ 4 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE ........................................................... 4 SCOPE OF EVIDENCE ................................................................................... 6 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING IN OTAGO ................................................ 8 State of the environment monitoring ............................................................. 8 Other enviro...

  5. Te-Iwi-o-Ngati-Tukorehe-Trust-Cultural-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...submitted to the TIONTT project managers for quality review and to NZTA and MWH for preliminary comment.  Once feedback was received from the quality review process, these comments were taken into consideration  and a finalised CIA report was produced.    Consultation  The consultation strategy was designed to engage with spoke‐persons of affected whānau, their wider whānau  groups and then a Ngāti Tukorehe hui‐ā‐iwi for...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 203 Director-General of Conservation v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Rule Part 40C) shall not exceed 70 metres. The beam overall shall not exceed 15 metres in width (measured at its widest point). The air draught (overall height above the waterline) shall not exceed 14 metres (excluding aerials or similar) under any design load condition. 16. After the installation of Salmon Pens, the consent holder is to position special marks as directed by the Harbourmaster in accordance with condition 40. Those special marks, when connected by imaginary lines, will...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 213 Remediation (NZ) Limited v Taranaki Regional Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ........................................................................................ 55 Issue 34: Are the draft “Site Practices Plan”, “Pond & Storage Capacity Management Plan”, “Irrigation Management Plan” and associated documents and “Nitrogen & Phosphorus Management Plan” adequate to address environmental objectives, insofar as they relate to freshwater contamination and chemistry? ..... 55 Key contaminants ........................................................

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 035 Beachlands South Limited Partnership v Auckland Council [pdf, 608 KB]

    ...assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the provisions in achieving the objectives; and (iii) summarising the reasons for deciding on the provisions; and (c) contain a level of detail that corresponds to the scale and significance of the environmental, economic, social, and cultural effects that are anticipated from the implementation of the proposal. (2) An assessment under subsection (1)(b)(ii) must— (a) identify and assess the benefits and costs of the environmental, econ...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert David Serjeant [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...Runanga o Ngati Awa.  Zoning of Man O War station, Waiheke in the Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan review, for Man O War station.  A variation to the Rodney District Plan introducing landscape controls to a West Coast Policy Area, for the Environmental Defence Society. 5. The current case is one which has coastal development, landscape and cultural issues as key issues for resolution. In that regard I note that a number of the above cases have had to consider the matter...

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 217 Dixon v Invercargill City Council [pdf, 702 KB]

    ...cost sharing between all affected parties for any footpath that may be required in the future. 3. The rules and policy statements pertaining to sewerage disposal requirement of minimum lot sizes of 2 ha are too general and restrictive. With proper design and there is more than one available, that can be used on smaller lot sizes. I understand that the Southland District Council allows minimum residential lot sizes of 1 ha in rural areas. Current restriction eliminates other suitable...