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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Huia-Collective-CIA-FINAL-v2.docx.pdf [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...Kotahi to ensure the Rangatiratanga of our Ngāti Huia collective is upheld and maintained, that our tikanga and kawa are recognised throughout the Project. Core values underpinning the Partnership arrangement are set out Waka Kotahi’s Cultural Environmental Design Framework report (the CEDF) and are: ● Te Tiriti (spirit of partnership) ● Rangatiratanga (leadership – professionalism – excellence) ● Ūkaipotanga (care – constructive behaviour towards each other) ● Pūkeng...

  2. [2020] NZEnvC 176 Summerset Villages Lower Hutt Limited.pdf [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...a way to identify what steps are to be taken to ensure that clear, certain and enforceable outcomes contained in conditions of consent are achieved. They are not a substitute for conditions locking in the standards that are to be met to ensure environmental effects are kept within an acceptable level .... General [7] Summerset subsequently submitted an updated condition set to the Court in a memorandum dated 3 September 2020 explaining the amendments made. [8] Hutt City Council (t...

  3. [2020] NZEnvC 156 Darby Planning Limited Partnership v Queenstown Lakes District Council.pdf [pdf, 833 KB]

    ...ENV-2018-CHC-101 ENV-2018-CHC-106 ENV-2018-CHC-119 ENV-2018-CHC-124 ENV-2018-CHC-126 ENV-2018-CHC-127 ENV-2018-CHC-131 ENV-2018-CHC-134 ENV-2018-CHC-137 ENV-2018-CHC-138 ENV-2018-CHC-146 4 SCHEDULE List of Appellants Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated Kawarau Jet Services Holdings Limited FIi Holdings Limited Trojan Helmet Limited Queenstown Airport Corporation Ltd Friends of the Wakatipu Gardens and Reserves and Associated Residents Universal Development...

  4. Youth Court - The rise and rise of Lay Advocates in Aotearoa New Zealand [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...the Children, Young Person and Their Families Act 1989 (CYPF Act) and have no known counterpart in any other legislation anywhere in the world. While the specific history of the Lay Advocate role is challenging to track, there are a number of key environmental influences that lead to the enactment of the CYPF Act and the introduction of the Lay Advocate role. It is important to understand these influences. In the period leading to the enactment of the CYPF Act in 1989, there were m...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 130 City Rail Link Limited [pdf, 304 KB]

    ...ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA IN THE MATTER IN THE MATTER BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2021] NZEnvC 130 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) of the proposed direct referral of a Notice of Requirement to alter Designation 2501 and of an originating application under sections 281 and 291 RMA for waivers and directions CITY RAIL LINK LIMITED (CRRL) (ENV-2021-AKL-107) Appellant AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority Court: Alternate Environ...

  6. TS v CT Ltd [2019] NZDT 1377 (25 July 2019) [pdf, 236 KB]

    ...CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 2 of 4 "Goods means personal property of every kind.... and .... does not include a whole building, or part of a whole building, attached to land unless the building is a structure that is easily removable and is not designed for residential accommodation" Although one of the possible uses of the cabin as described by CTL is 'sleepout', the others are [redacted] - I do not consider that it has been 'designed' for residential a...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 032 South Epsom Planning Group Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 32 MB]

    ...renewal of the area. Objective 3: To enable the infrastructure and site works that are necessary to support development within the Concept Plan and to ensure that such infrastructure is effective, robust, sustainable in the long term and meets sound environmental practice. Policies: 3.1 By providing for stormwater quality treatment through the introduction of a treatment train system using source control (in the form of inert roofing and building materials) swales and rain gardens p...

  8. E55 Heather Kirkham - EIC - the Crown [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...("ETNZ") and in the infrastructure required to enable Auckland to host AC36; with due consideration to what it will generate in return. I am currently on the Board of the Wynyard Edge Alliance, which is the specially formed alliance of constructors, designers and owner-participants tasked with delivering the agreed infrastructure.1 1.8 I am here representing MBIE, and not the Wynyard Edge Alliance. 1 The Alliance consists of...

  9. 2022-03-04 John Cocks - Memo - in response to ORC's MOC dated 11 Feb 2022 [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...18. This concern was a stimulus for the development of the WasteMINZ Guidelines. 1 Section 4.2. 4 19. The WasteMINZ Guidelines replace both these industry standards. 20. The WasteMINZ Guidelines state that, in respect of siting and design, they are intended for planned disposal at new landfills, or extension to existing landfills including new landfill cells. 21. The objectives of the WasteMINZ Guidelines are to: a) define clean fill material, controlled fill, managed...

  10. Kiwi Property Group Limited [pdf, 259 KB]

    ...Pedestrian connectivity and safety on the Halsey Street Extension Wharf and Western Viaduct Replacement Wharf, within the Wynyard Quarter and between the Wynyard Quarter and the Auckland Central Business District; and (v) Visual amenity and urban design in the vicinity of the ASB Building. (b) Panuku's proposal to address most adverse effects by way of management plans which will be drafted and approved after the consenting process is complete. Pursuant to that process, membe...