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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 037 Hensman v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 461 KB]

    ...that follows the grant of consent. The EA relates to engineering works associated with construction of the subdivision. The EA must be obtained before commencement of any works on site. [11] Condition 11 requires the consent holder to submit design plans and other information such as engineering specifications and calculations for the Council’s acceptance in relation to identified features of the development, including (a) the provision of water supply, (b) sewer connection, (...

  2. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC - Appendix C [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...capability and capacity. The investigation has been informed by input from the Otago Regional Council, including its Chief Executive and staff; Aukaha (representing Kāi Tahu); and a range of stakeholders, including local farmers and water users, environmental groups, the Department of Conservation (DOC), Federated Farmers, the Otago Fish and Game Council, and two district council mayors. The immediate issue facing the Council is the challenge of developing a fit for purpose planning...

  3. 2022-02-11 ORC - MOC - in support of the provisions as agreed at mediation [pdf, 247 KB]

    ...policy, amend existing information requirements and assessment matters in relation to a rule and an existing appendix, to improve the policy direction and in relation to landfills and management practices by aligning with the best practice for the design, construction, and operation of landfills. A number of minor consequential amendments were also proposed by PC1 in relation to the proposed amendments to the policy and other provisions. 3 Proposed amendments to Chapter 7 of PC...

  4. 1. JWS 1 - JWS of Planning Experts dated 8 March 2022 [pdf, 274 KB]

    ...directs territorial authorities to undertake that function. Other statutory documents 31. CH, MB, FB agree that the Kāi Tahu ki Otago Natural Resources Management Plan 2005 and Te Tangi a Tauira: Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku Natural Resource and Environmental Iwi Management Plan 2008 are relevant to considering PC8.19 32. CH, MB,20 FB agree that district plans for other districts within Otago are also a relevant matter to consider. Proposed Rule Chapeau of proposed rule...

  5. E93 Craig Fitzgerald - Noise and Vibration - RE – Applicant [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...receivers and timely management of complaints; and e) Protect wellbeing of marine mammals. 2.1 110B The CNVMP shall include: A description of the works; 2.2 1 Unio Environmental, 4 September 2018. America’s Cup Wynyard Hobson – Applicant’s Revised Conditions. 2896 Wynyard Edge Alliance |Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan Rev E | September 2018 Page | 2 Condition Num...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 085 Westgate Town Centre (2017) Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...[3] The Objector advises that it has changed its name from Westgate Town Centre (2017 Limited) to Mojave Holdings Limited on 16 February 2023. The Objector has produced a copy of the certificate of incorporation documenting the name change. The designating Council has no objection to the name change or the amendment to the notice of objection. [4] Accordingly annexed hereto is a copy of the amended notice of objection which the Court now incorporates as the relevant objection fo...

  7. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui Auckland 6 May 2018 [pdf, 432 KB]

    ...speakers indicated they do not support the privatisation of water. Forexample, one speaker noted they are in the process of informing the council of their concerns about the extraction of water from a local spring and are concerned with the possible environmental effects of the hospital and school continuing to draw water. That speaker emphasised the proposed water extraction will impact on the cultural wellbeing of the spring and of the ability of the local hapū to stay culturally c...

  8. 9.-Keith-Hamill-Water-Quality.pdf [pdf, 481 KB]

    ............................................................................................................ 20 APPENDIX KH.C: REFERENCES ........................................................................ 23 Page 3 INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Keith David Hamill. 2. I am an Environmental Scientist and Director at River Lake Limited. River Lake Limited is a consultancy company that provides research and environmental science advice for understanding and managing river...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 037 Currie v Palmerston North City Council [pdf, 992 KB]

    ...[13] There are some flood prone areas witl1in tl1e site and a small stream (the Ashhurst Stream) flows tl1rough tl1e nortl1-western boundary of tl1e site in a nortl1- south direction, evenhially connecting witl1 the Manawatu River. There is a designation (Designation 85) associated with this stream for flood control purposes, including ongoing stopbank system maintenance and repair. The lVIanawatu­ Whanganui Regional Council is tl1e requiring authority for this designation. Resourc...

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 183 Port Otago Ltd v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 6.3 MB]

    ...full land-based disposal impractical. Further works are proposed to complete, extend and/or upgrade the wharfs, berth areas and navigation channels and are set out in Schedule 9 - Outline Development Plan for the Port of Tauranga. These works are designed to provide for growth and more efficient use of the existing port area, but may have adverse effects on the environment. 2.1 Integrated management Objective 1 Achieve integrated management of the coastal environment by: (a) Provi...