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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. OWRUG - EiC - S Dicey - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...then PC7 is not the most appropriate option: 6. If an interim planning framework is necessary, PC7 is not the most appropriate option including because it fails to give effect to the NPSFM. including because it delays making improvements to environmental outcomes (including outcomes that are achievable through the reconsenting process under the RPW with direct reference to the NPSFM), is not cost effective and efficient, and is not coherent. It will result in adverse effects on...

  2. 04-Appendix-Four-DCR_Part2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...Kotahi // Material Supply Study Report 1 Abbreviations Enter Abbreviation Enter Full Name DBC Detailed Business Case DCR Design & Construction Report Ō2NL Project Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project CEDF Cultural & Environmental Design Framework RMA Resource Management Act 1991 Waka Kotahi // Material Supply Study Report 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview of Ō2NL Project Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) is prep...

  3. 2022-03-18 Remarkables Park - Legal submissions as to scope [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...I confirm I have the authority to sign this submission on behalf of the submitter Notes Statutory managers of freshwater sports fish, game birds and their habitat Otago Fish & Game Council & Central South Island Fish & Game Council 17 August 2020 Environmental Protection Authority Private Bag 63002 Wellington, 6140 Submission on Plan Changes 8 and 1 This feedback is provided on behalf of...

  4. ENVC Matiatia party corresp WMLDec14 draft conditions of consent [pdf, 251 KB]

    ...shall provide information on the following matters: 3 (a) Construction quality assurance; (b) Construction works programing; (c) Site management; (d) Management of affected moorings; (e) Breakwater construction; (f) Earthworks design and sediment control; (g) Archaeological survey; (h) Marine Biosecurity; and (i) Pre-Construction Water Quality Monitoring. 8.3 Construction Quality Assurance This part of the CMP requires the establishment of management frame...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 029 Waimea Plains Landscape Preservation Society Inc v Gore District Council [pdf, 438 KB]

    ...The bridge will provide a shared link for pedestrians and cyclists and will also function as a supporting structure for a pipeline that will connect the drinking water reticulation networks of Gore and East Gore. [4] The bridge is a cable-stay design. The 32 m high mast would be positioned on a raised earthworks abutment on the western bank and would suspend high- strength spiral strand cables as support for the bridge. On the east side of the river, the bridge would land on the...

  6. [2019] NZEnvC 196 Te Runanga O Ngati Awa v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...OTAKIRI INCORPORATED (ENV-2018-AKL-000166) Applicant for declarations BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL WHAKATANE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondents CRESWELL NZ LIMITED Applicant for consents TE RONANGA O NGAI TE RANGI IWI TRUST NGATI PIKIAO ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY TUWHAKAIRIORA O'BRIEN and NGAI TAMAWERA HAPO KIWIRAIL LIMITED RIHI VERCOE s27 4 Parties J Court: Hearing: Appearances: 2 Environment Judge DA Kirkpatrick Environment Commissioner I Buchanan Envir...

  7. RC - Felicity Boyd - Statement of Evidence - 17 December 2021 [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...--------------------------------------------------------------- 28 National planning standards ------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Regional policy statements -------------------------------------------------------------- 33 National Environmental Standards and Regulations ------------------------------ 36 Water Conservation Orders -------------------------------------------------------------- 38 Other regional plans ----------------------------------------...

  8. 2022-04-29 ORC PC1 - [2022] NZEnvC 69 - Scope Decision on Landfills [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...purpose or scope of PC1. The s32 report states: The Waste Plan was made operative in 1997 and has not been amended or reviewed under section 79 of the RMA since that time. As a result, it has become out of date with current expectations regarding environmental management. The entirety of the Waste Plan will be reviewed alongside the Water Plan in preparation of a new LWRP. PC1 is an interim measure to address two pressing issues with the existing Waste Plan provisions in order t...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 069 Otago Regional Council [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...purpose or scope of PC1. The s32 report states: The Waste Plan was made operative in 1997 and has not been amended or reviewed under section 79 of the RMA since that time. As a result, it has become out of date with current expectations regarding environmental management. The entirety of the Waste Plan will be reviewed alongside the Water Plan in preparation of a new LWRP. PC1 is an interim measure to address two pressing issues with the existing Waste Plan provisions in order t...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 233 Wellington Regional Council v Crosbie [pdf, 489 KB] to do so themselves and for all expenses incurred in doing so to be reimbursed by and/ or recovered against the First and Second Respondents. 4 [SJ The Council's application was supported by affidavits of: • James Calvin Luty, Senior Environmental Protection Officer for the Council (dated 6 August 2020 and 15 March 2021); • Claire Elaine Conwell, Associate Environmental Consultant (Water Resources) at Jacobs New Zealand Ltd (dated 6 August 2020 and 15 March 2021);...