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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Email - Mana Whenua issues 29 August 2018 [pdf, 507 KB]

    ...the reasons set out below, Mana Whenua opposing say the development proposed by Panuku does not meet the gateway test in section 104D, the Part 2 requirements of the RMA or of related provisions in the Auckland Unitary Plan. 2. The Assessment of Environmental Effects misrepresents the actual Panuku consultation, as Panuku has not undertaken timely, effective or meaningful engagement with Mana Whenua opposing and thereby failed to meet the requirements of section 8 of the RMA and of relate...

  2. Water Services Regulator Bill Advice [pdf, 102 KB]

    ...protected; d. ensure more people can access water that is safe to drink, by requiring all suppliers (except individual domestic self-suppliers) to be part of the regulatory system, and to provide safe drinking water on a consistent basis; e. lift the environmental performance and transparency of wastewater and stormwater networks; and, f. improve national-level leadership, oversight, and support relating to wastewater and stormwater. Consistency of the Bill with the Bill...

  3. Appendix-A3-NZEAN-select-committee-facts.pdf [pdf, 111 KB]

    ...require local government to encourage safer pathways to horses for safety. This is a platform and an opportunity for change. • We are ranked equal to cyclists in vulnerability on the road, however we are not allowed access to offroad pathways designed specifically to make vulnerable road users safe • There seems to be no environmental benefit studies to see how much less carbon is emitted if a rider does not have to float their horse to a suitable location to ride. • Children a...

  4. [2017] NZEnvC 177 Pro Land Matters Company Limited v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...entitled to be a party of the proceedings. This would normally require some form of declaration by the Court or a preliminary hearing as to their status. 3 [7] The s 274 notice for Tiki Whai Incorporated states that the Society consists of environmental design professionals, ecologists and te Uri 0 Hau with a concern relating to the unsuitability of the proposal. [8] The reference to te Uri 0 Hau is a reference to a Northland hapu of Ngati Whatua, who have an interest in the n...

  5. ENVC-16 notice of appeal on decision concerning resource consent, transfer of water or discharge permit, certificate of compliance or esplanade strip [docx, 25 KB]

    ...I am the consent holder or I made a submission on that application or review of consent conditions). I received notice of the decision on [date]. The decision was made by [name of consent authority or, in relation to a certificate of compliance, the Environmental Protection Authority]. [bookmark: DLM238503]I am/am not* a trade competitor for the purposes of section 308D of the Resource Management Act 1991. *Select one. *I am/am not† directly affected by an effect of the subject of the appe...

  6. 2023-08-07-O2NL-JWS-Terrestrial-Ecology.pdf [pdf, 270 KB]

    ...of the conference. 9. Annexure A records the agreed issues. 10. Except where recorded in Annexure A, the attendees agree that the primary data, methodologies and standards, and key facts and assumptions are as set out in the Assessment of Environmental Effects for the Project, and in particular Technical Assessment J. Date: 7 August 2023 ________________________________ Nick Goldwater ________________________________ James Lambie ______________________...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 210 Ratcliffe Family Trust v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 149 KB]

    ...following by way of additional relief: (a) That the Council be ordered to direct the Waitawhiriwhiri Stream (stream) back to its original flow path and thereby restore the Appellant’s land to its former state. (b) That the Council remove the SNA designation entirely from the Appellant’s land. [5] On 29 July 2024, the Council filed a notice of opposition in response to the 3 Appellant’s application to amend its notice of appeal on the following grounds: (a) The Appellan...

  8. Final-Technical-Assessment-C-Air-Quality.pdf [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...Management Plan. CASANZ Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand. CO Carbon Monoxide, an air pollutant produced from incomplete combustion of fuels, eg, diesel and petrol used in transport. CO can cause health effects such as asphyxia. Design year The year in which traffic volumes are anticipated to reach a preselected level, usually taken to be 10 years after the completion of the State Highway improvement. Designation A provision made in a district plan to give effect...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 114 Summerset Villages Lower Hutt Limited v Hutt City Council [pdf, 31 MB]

    ...used throughout the conditions it is appropriate to deal with the principles that are to inform their use early in our consideration of the conditions. ] Our Interim Decision was clear on the role of management plans when Summerset's urban design witness. 4 dealing with the effects of dust:4 As a general principle it is important that the conditions of a consent set out the outcomes required and how these outcomes are to be achieved. Management plans provide a way to id...

  10. ENVC Matiatia party corresp joint memo WML AT 20150703 [pdf, 719 KB]

    ...Construction quality assurance; 3 (b) Construction works programing; (c) Construction traffic management; (d) Site management; (e) Management of affected moorings; (f) Breakwater construction; (g) Deck Structure construction; (h) Earthworks design and sediment control; (i) Archaeological survey; (j) Marine Biosecurity; and (k) Pre-Construction Water Quality Monitoring. 8.3 Construction Quality Assurance This part of the CMP requires the establishment of management...