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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Wai 2180 Taihape inquiry newsletter June 2016 [pdf, 1006 KB]

    ...(CFRT Research Facilitator) and the staff at CFRT for overseeing the research programme to its conclusion. The newest completed additions to the Taihape casebook are:  ‘Nineteenth Century Overview’, Bruce Stirling  ‘The Impact of Environmental Change in the Taihape District, 1840- c1970’, David Armstrong  ‘Twentieth Century Overview’, Tony Walzl  ‘Native Townships: Potaka (Utiku) and Turangarere’, Heather Bassett & Richard Kay  ‘Ko Rangit...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 022 Timberlink New Zealand Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...concerns a contested application for adjournment. The PHC was convened, at short notice, to consider an application by Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Inc ('Friends') an appellant in appeal proceedings on the proposed l\lfarlborough Environmental Plan ('pMEP'). [2] The application seeks directions that matters concerning its appeal be deferred "until such time as Variations 1 and 1A to the [p]MEP merge with and become part of the [p]MEP pursuant to cl...

  3. E32 Dr Kala Sivaguru - Ecology - EIC - Council [pdf, 728 KB]

    ...provided advice on the conservation and management of the ecology of the marine environment in the Auckland region. 2.3 I am a member of New Zealand Marine Sciences Society. During my time with the Department of Conservation, I gained experience in designing and conducting ecological monitoring programmes of intertidal and subtidal fauna and flora in marine reserves in Auckland. 2.4 In my current role, I have been involved in assessing the potential effects of a number of regio...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 173 Summerset Villages (St Johns) Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...s290A, we have regard to the original decision and agree with the Commissioners that their assessment of the original application was correct and that the impact at that stage was not appropriate. However, we consider that the changes made to the design and, in particular, stepping and stacking, are such that the application is now acceptable. We now go on to consider the various assessment criteria that apply supporting our conclusions in relation to the matter of difference. [25]...

  5. Evidence Brief: Behaviour Management in Schools [pdf, 437 KB]

    ...SCHOOL BASED CRIME PREVENTION: EVIDENCE BRIEF – SEPTEMBER 2016. PAGE 2 of 13 DOES SCHOOL-BASED BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT REDUCE CRIME? International evidence There are many different types of school-based behaviour management that are either designed to reduce crime or that may reduce crime as a secondary outcome. These diverse types can be grouped under two broad categories.i One category is intended to instruct or train students in order to change their behaviour, knowled...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 178 Te Raranga a Te Kuihi Trust v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...the PC81 provisions there were four Matters of Discretion relating to results of any consultation with tangata whenua (SUB-S10 Transport, SUBS-13 Matters of Control and Discretion, LU- S4 Transport, and GRA-REQ1 Information Requirement – Urban Design and Density). The wording of the Matters of Discretion was “Results of any consultation with tangata with respect to…” street naming, Accidental Discovery Protocol, and urban design;1 (b) A review of the provisions found an add...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 080 NZ Heavy Haulage v South Taranaki District Council [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Methods were specified: • Rules which permit relocated buildings subject to performance standards relating to previous use, foundations, and a performance bond and owner certification to maintain and enhance amenity values. • Assessment of environmental effects through the resource consent process for proposals that are not permitted, because of non-compliance with performance standards. Use of conditions on resource consents to control the effects of relocated buildings. •...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 012 Kumeu Industrial Park Association Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...volumes frequently exceeding the consented volume, and the disposal field being in a poor state. Mr Walton maintains run off is limited to one area and is likely to occur mainly during wet weather. GWE consulting is in the process of investigating and designing options to mitigate the risk of run off into ponds, which may have ecological impacts. 3 [6] There are a number of short-term measures being implemented to address any risk of run off, that being a bund, punching holes...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 186 Wallace v Waikato District Council [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...remedy, or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment arising from an activity carried on by or on behalf of the person, whether or not the activity is carried on in accordance with— (a) any of sections 10, 10A, 10B, and 20A; or (b) a national environmental standard, a rule, a resource consent, or a designation. … Section 17 of the Act imposes a duty on every person that carries out an activity to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment. The Counci...

  10. Form 16 [docx, 42 KB] the consent holder or I made a submission on that applica‐ tion or review of consent conditions). I received notice of the decision on [date]. The decision was made by [name of consent authority or, in relation to a certificate of compliance, the Environmental Protection Authority]. I have a right to appeal this decision under section 120 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The decision to which this appeal relates is not one of those activities excluded by section 120(1A) or (1B) of that...