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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Appendix-M3-NZEAN-Legislation-Changes-Requests-.pdf [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...rule, must have regard to, and give such weight as the Minister considers appropriate to whether the proposed rule …  ○ assists economic development,  ○ improves access and mobility, ○ protects and promotes public health and\or ○ ensures environmental sustainability. Each of the items listed above are applicable to the current detrimental effects of this rule on the horse riding public. Please change current Road Legislation (include these changes in Accessible Streets 2020 wh...

  2. Notes from Crown Maori Relations Regional Hui at Kaikohe on 19 April 2018 [pdf, 421 KB]

    ...o Timeframes to respond are always too short, tangata whenua need time to consider, we are all volunteers in these processes. o There is also no meaningful Māori representation in local government. Māori need to be at the table to ensure co-design. • Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement process: Several speakers talked about the Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement process and that this is dividing Ngāpuhi. No Ngāpuhi settlement should go ahead without incorporation of He Whakaputanga and Te Tir...

  3. [2020] NZEmpC 174 Greetham v Lawter (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 384 KB]

    ...recently emigrated to New Zealand from the United Kingdom and had obtained the role through a recruiting agency. While the plant was still owned by Hexion, Mr Greetham was moved from his position as a production co-ordinator to a role as an Environmental Health and Safety Co-ordinator. This change in employment designation occurred as a result of dissatisfaction with Mr Greetham’s performance in the former role. The new role was offered to him after unsuccessful attempt...

  4. Common Bundle Volume 4 [pdf, 4 MB]

    The Cry of the People Te Tangi a Tauira Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku Natural Resource and Environmental Iwi Management Plan 2008 CB1043 Photo credits for artwork (previous page) Main Photo Source: Venture Southland Kererū (wood pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) Source: Venture Southland Faces Sourced through: SXC Imagery The Kererū is a quiet, humble yet noble bird. Kererū eat the berries of the trees and spread the seeds throughout the land. May the message be spread throu...

  5. D-G Conservation - EiC - N R Dunn - Freshwater Ecology (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...studied freshwater ecology at Karlstad University in Sweden as an exchange student, completing a third year level dissertation on the effect of drift availability on diet composition of stream resident brown trout. 4. I hold a Master of Science (Environmental Science) (First Class Honours) degree from the University of Canterbury (2004), majoring in freshwater ecology and hydrology. My MSc thesis investigated aspects of the influences of extremes in flow variations on the ecolog...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 189 Gisborne District Council v China Forestry Group New Zealand Company [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...its social licence in Tairāwhiti due to a culture of poor practices – facilitated by GDC’s capitulation to the permissiveness of the regulatory regime – and its under-resourced monitoring and compliance. Together, these factors have caused environmental damage, particularly to land and waterways, and may have put the health and safety of people and their environment at risk. [9] In determining this application, we bear in mind that the Kanuka Forest is just one of the forests in...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 149 Learning Houses Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 466 KB]

    ...that the reasons the Commissioners refused to grant the resource consents applied for, have been adequately addressed and he would support the grant of consents subject to the imposition of the agreed consent conditions. [14] In relation to the environmental effects of the proposal, the Commissioners concluded:2 The potential effects themselves and assessed by each discrete technical expert are not found to be a determining factor, as many of the effects can be mitigated adequatel...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 077 Bunnings Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...the conditions in Appendix "A". Environment Judge 3 Appendix "A" General Conditions 1. That the development must be undertakenlcarried out in accordance with the application documentation entitled "Assessment of Environmental Eflects - Proposed Trade Supplier - 148 - 150 Frankton - ladies Mile Highway, Frankton" prepared for Bunnings Ltd by Forme Planning Ltd and dated April 2017, and accompanying documentation, including the following plans: •...

  9. 2022-02-18 Statement of Evidence of Felicity Boyd - Urban Provisions Parts A, G & H - dated 18 February 2022 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...dated 15 October 2021. 5 13 A Summary of Submissions on the Omnibus Plan Change (Plan Change 1 – Regional Plan: Waste for Otago and Plan Change 8 – Regional Plan: Water for Otago) (the Summary of Submissions) was prepared for the Environmental Protection Authority by Stantec in September 2020. Many of the more general submission points made by submitters have not been captured in the Summary of Submissions and therefore have not been allocated submission point refere...

  10. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 987 KB]

    ...30 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................. 32 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................. 35 Environmental Protection Authority ................................................................................... 38 Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited .............................................. 43 Ministry for Ethn...