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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Appendix-8_Peter-Stacey_s87F_198D-Report_Air_28-April-23.pdf [pdf, 354 KB]

    ...Section 87F and 198D Report – Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project (Ō2NL Project) Prepared by Peter Warwick Stacey – Air Quality 5 (e) Air quality delivery work plans for various stages of the City Rail Link works, including the design and implementation of a monitoring programme to determine whether works are causing significant nuisance dust effects (2018-2020). (f) Air quality assessment of emissions from Ballance Agri- Nutrient's fertiliser manufactur...

  2. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 1 [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...Policies for discharges of human sewage, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, specified contaminants, and stormwater; and discharges from industrial or trade premises and consented dams 7.C.1 – 7.C.4 [Unchanged] 7.C.5 Minimise the adverse environmental effects of discharges With respect to discharges from any new stormwater reticulation system, or any extension to an existing stormwater reticulation system, to require: by requiring: (a) The separation of sewage and stormwater...

  3. ENV-2016-AKL-000187 England Spring Street Residents v Auckland Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ................................................................. 25 9.1. Statement of issue ................................................................................................ 25 9.2. Panel recommendation and reasons ..................................................................... 25 10. Design statements .................................................................................................... 25 10.1. Statement of issue .............................................

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 154 Cable Bay Wine Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...buildings and all operations and management shall be carried out in accordance with the following documents, except where subsequently modified through the consent process, in which case the latter shall prevail: a) Application Form and Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Isle Land Limited, dated April 2017 b) Letter from Isle Land Limited dated 5 July 2017 c) Report by Commute Transportation Consultants dated 20 June 2017 d) The following plans included in Attachment...

  5. Proactive release - Restoration and modernisation of Ministry of Justice properties [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...Courthouses are not meeting the needs of victims and other participants, and building failures result in delays and increase the time it takes to resolve matters. 4. In December 2019, Cabinet agreed to establish an innovative courthouse in Tauranga, designed in partnership with iwi, the local community, and the judiciary, that will be built around tikanga Māori and Te Ao Māori values, and that will address victims’ safety needs in the court building. This innovative court will provide both...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 082 Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...a net gain in the biodiversity values of the area; or b. where there are no practicable alternative locations, any proposal for a biodiversity offset is in accordance with Policy 2. 2. 3. 6; or c. where a biodiversity offset is not practicable, environmental compensation is proposed in accordance with Policy 2. 2. 3. 7. Policy Avoid rural activities (except for rural anciltary retail, rural tourism and rural research), residential activities (&xcept for working from hom...

  7. 2021-11-05 ORC - Regional Plan Waste for Otago Chapter 6 & Glossary - tracked [pdf, 487 KB]

    ...the Otago region include: Unused agricultural / horticultural chemicals Unused agricultural/horticultural chemicals (agrichemicals) may be stored on farms, orchards, nurseries, or in urban areas. These have the potential to cause environmental damage if containers are broken or poorly sealed. Unlabelled containers are also a problem. It is difficult to accurately assess the amount and types of unwanted agrichemicals within Otago. Most chemicals are freely av...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 204 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...District Court Rules 2014, the application for a partial stay of proceeding is granted. The Council is directed to report to the court within five (5) working days of the final disposition of the High Court appeal. Appendix N [6] Appendix N: Farm Environmental Management Plan Requirements, is an important method to achieve the plan’s objectives and policies. The court’s findings to date on this method are set out in the Fifth,3 Sixth,4 and Eighth5 interim decisions. [7]...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 141 Nature Preservation Trustee Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...residential unit and accessory building, and to undertake associated earthworks at 492 Wanaka-Mt Aspiring Road, Wanaka. [2] I have read and considered the consent memorandum of the parties dated 16 May 2023 which sets out the agreed amendments to the design of the application and the conditions of consent. The parties are agreed that the amended proposal will appropriately manage the relevant landscape and visual effects as well as the effects associated with construction. The agr...

  10. [2017] NZEnvC 174 New Zealand Transport Agency v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...for a six and not seven day operation of 54 trucks (based on an average of nine movements per day). This does not include any emergency after-hours activity associated with trucks. No limitation on light vehicles was proposed. The intersection design and other improvements [18) The conditions imposed by the Council for works on and off the state highway are: 3. The consent holder, will at its own cost, construct an upgraded access onto the state highway, including the associated...