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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEnvC 212 Kristin School Charitable Trust v Auckland Council [pdf, 7.3 MB] that enables a range of household sizes and dwelling typologies, including integrated residential development. (2) Subdivision and development are undertaken in a comprehensive manner in general accordance with Precinct Plans 1 – 4, and are designed to align with the provision of open space and, where required, the upgrading and installation of infrastructure including transport infrastructure and services, water, wastewater and stormwater. (3) Subdivision and development...

  2. E75 Andrew Brown - EIC - Ngāti Whātua Orākei [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Bristol, 2002). I have 20 years professional experience in planning practice, primarily in the local government sector, both in New Zealand and the UK. I have been resident in New Zealand for 10 years. 1.2 I have experience of resource consent and designation processes (both as applicant and as reporting officer), but my principal area of expertise is policy and strategic planning. I have worked on the development of several major plans and strategies at regional, county (UK) and di...

  3. 1.3 Appendix C to JWS 1 - Draft Policy Amendments [pdf, 981 KB]

    ...excluding those discharges provided for in 7.C 7.D.1 – 7.D.4 [Unchanged] 7.D.5 [Amended - Part A] 7.D.6 [New - Part A] 7.D.7 Ensure the appropriate management and operation of animal waste systems by: (a) Requiring animal waste systems to be designed, constructed and located appropriately and in accordance with best practice; and (b) Ensuring that all animal waste systems: (i) Have sufficient storage capacity to avoid the need to dispose of effluent when soil moisture o...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 175 Shaw v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...COUNCIL _________________________________________________________________ 1. Report issued. 2. Costs are reserved. 2 To Hamilton City Council Contents Introduction 4 The Southern Links Project for which the land is required 5 Designation of the land 8 Funding arrangements 8 The Public Works Act process 9 Objection to the taking of land 10 The Council’s notice of reply 11 Outline of the Environment Court process 13 Pre-hearing process 13 The Environment...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 131 Minister for Children [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2019] NZEnvC 131 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of a direct referral application under s 1988 of the Act for a notice of requirement to alter designation 3800 'Care and Protection Residential Centre - Upper North' in the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) MINISTER FOR CHILDREN (ENV-2019-AKL-000007) Applicant AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority Court: Env...

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 130 Butterbee Childcare Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 972 KB]

    ...shown in the plans is on the rear half of the site and that may end up being the best position for them. [24] What we recommend to both parties is that they from here on communicate effectively, use common sense, and seek to avoid conflict at the design stage rather than waiting for complaints. Evaluation [25] Overall, we consider that the conditions of consent address the issues that were raised by the Commissioners at first instance, and that we can now confidently grant conse...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 033 Minister of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...non-consumptive takes as "alternative minimum flows". 9 The proposed additional wording to require that the best information available is used in calculating allocation limits and minimum flows and levels has been included at the start of H.4 Environmental flows and levels, rather than in Policy D.4.12.10 Relocating the additional wording is necessary to ensure that it applies to allocation limits and minimum flows and levels, as Policy D.4.12 applies only to minimum flows and l...

  8. 2020-04-09-Plan-Changes-1-8-s-32-Evaluation-Report.pdf [pdf, 737 KB]

    ...Statements............................................................................................... 55 5.2.1. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management ..................................... 56 5.2.2. New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement .............................................................. 60 5.3. National Environmental Standards ................................................................................... 60 5.3.1. National Environmental Standard for Sour...

  9. Environment Court annual report 2008 [pdf, 44 KB]

    ...each. Helen Beaumont was appointed a Commissioner in August 2007. Ms Beaumont’s background is in water quality and she was the Assistant Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment since 2000. This role has given her a broad background in environmental matters and a thorough grounding in the environmental challenges facing New Zealand and the issues of the day. David Bunting – Civil Engineer. Mr Bunting was appointed a Commissioner in August 2007 and brings extensive experi...

  10. Final Env-Reg-Report-2019-20 [pdf, 347 KB]

    ...responsible for ensuring the orderly and expeditious discharge of the business of the court. 1.4 The Court’s Jurisdiction The Environment Court is a specialist court of record established under section 247 of the RMA. It’s the primary environmental adjudicative body in New Zealand. It has jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. It can be characterised as follows: E.49 6 | P a g e • a presiding Judge and two Environment Court Commission...