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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. 13.-Evidence-of-Mr-Phil-Peet-Transport.PDF [PDF, 1.3 MB]

    ...Interchange ........................................................................................ 25 Scope of Ō2NL .................................................................................................. 26 Benefits of the current concept design compared to the existing situation.... 27 Adverse effects of the current concept design ............................................. 27 No Interchange – benefits and effects ............................................................

  2. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B1 [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...and moving forwards at a rate and direction that the community was comfortable with. A more structured community engagement process was rolled out over 2011-2012, partly funded by EECA. As detailed in section 3, two professional planners, a design company and an Otago University researcher assisted in developing and implementing the engagement with the help of numerous community volunteers. Over 95 people attended the three open days and feedback from these and the online survey sh...

  3. 1. JWS 1 - Primary Sector Part B - Animal Waste Storage 8-9 June 2021 [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...Johnston (Natural Resources Engineer) (KJ) Lower Waitaki Irrigation Company Ltd Given leave by facilitator for 9 June Logan Bowler (Dairy Effluent Management and Dairy Effluent Storage Calculator) (LB) DairyNZ Cain Duncan (Effluent System Design and Management and Planning) (CD) Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd Ian Barugh (Effluent Systems) (IB) NZPork Dr Jane Chrystal (Farm System Expert) (JC) Beef + Lamb New Zealand Scribe: Jenna Sinclair, Consents officer from Ot...

  4. ENVC speech Harland Environment Law Regulation conf 2012 [pdf, 130 KB]

    _____________________________________________________________________ ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & REGULATION CONFERENCE _____________________________________________________________________ KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY JUDGE M HARLAND Introduction [1] In a recent paper, David Sheppard, a former Principal Environment Judge said (and I agree), that the arrangements for safeguarding the environment are always under review. That is because they involve finding a position in the tension between su...

  5. 2020-02-19 Simon Wilson Reply [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...the Council should consider the need for water under different climatic conditions when setting allocation limits and that the Council should set limits which allow irrigators to meet demand in 9 out of 10 years. 8 Mr McIndoe also states that environmental protections should be separated from abstractive allocation and dealt with using measures such as minimum flows and allocation blocks.1 9 I agree that considering reliability of supply as part of applications would be best pra...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 076 McDonnell v Auckland Council [pdf, 316 KB]

    ...cross leased property to separate 4 freehold titles is a subdivision of land.2 Section 11 of the RMA provides that no person may subdivide land unless the subdivision is expressly allowed by a resource consent or does not contravene a national environmental standard or a rule in a district plan. AUP provisions [10] Chapter E38 of the AUP provides for urban subdivision. The conversion of a cross lease to a fee simple title is a controlled activity.3 However, if the convers...

  7. 2023-05-22-Form-33-Prouse-Trust-K-S-Prouse.pdf [pdf, 429 KB]

    ...subject of the appeal that- • (a) adversely affects the environment; and • (b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition. We are interested in those parts of the Notice of Requirement proceeding that introduce environmental effects on or in the immediate vicinity of our land at Queen Street East, Levin being Lot 2 DP 86925. We are interested in the particular issues set out in our submission which is attached to this notice as Appendix A We oppose...

  8. Dr Roger Grace - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 667 KB] relating to the current state of Astrolabe Reef and its future state. This should be addressed as part of future monitoring programmes . within the MNEA. EFFECTS ON MAURI 33. The Ministry for the Environment prepared the MV Rena Long-term Environmental Recovery Plan, which was launched on 26 January 2012. The plan has the set goal to "restore the mauri of the affected environment to its pre-Rena state." Mauri is defined as life-supporting capacity in this context....

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 035 Mangawhai Matters Incorporated v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...reasonable/proportionate in terms of associated financial costs. [22] In summary, the parties consider: (a) the agreed framework achieves an appropriate balance of enabling development (including economic growth and employment) while managing adverse environmental, social, economic, and cultural effects; and (b) the overall suite of provisions provides a clearer and simple/streamlined framework for development within the Estuary Estates Zone. [23] The parties consider that this...

  10. [2015] NZEnvC 137 Tram Lease v Auckland Transport and Auckland Council [pdf, 813 KB]

    ...also noted that a 1m wide landscaping strip shown in earlier drawings, could be reduced to O.Sm and offer visual mitigation through planting. [88] The witnesses agreed that the project has "CPTED" implications (crime prevention. through environmental design), which could be addressed through the detailing of permeable balustrades, maximising the width of footpath, orientation of steps parallel to the overbridge, good level of lighting, and selecting materials for ramp and...