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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 156 The Bears Home Project Management Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...if any of the Protected Areas to be protected die as a result of fire and/or natural causes not attributable to any act or default on their part for which they are not responsible. Advice note: A Covenant Management Plan is a plan specifically designed for environmental covenants, to direct developers and landowners as to how best to manage their particular covenant. It contains details of the location and size of a covenant, species found within the covenant, a rehabilitation manag...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 092 Beadle v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.6 MB] would curve northward, cross Mill Creek via a new bridge (the bridge being some 11.2m wide and 5m long) and continue generally northward more or less along the true right bank of Mill Creek to Waterfall Park. [9] The Proposed Road has been designed to comply with relevant QLDC road design standards, assuming full development of the Waterfall Park land (in accordance 4 with the WPRZ) as well as potential full development of the Ayrburn Farm land (according to zoning sought b...

  3. Final-Technical-Assessment-D-Landscape-Visual-and-Natural-Character-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ............................................................... 92  Summary ............................................................................................................ 93  SUMMARY RATING OF EFFECTS ....................................................................... 94  CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN FRAMEWORK (CEDF) ............... 96  Purpose and principles ....................................................................................... 96  Overview of measur...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Stephen Brown [pdf, 8.9 MB]

    ...materially affect perceptions of the marina as a whole. Public Submissions 34. The key matters raised via public submissions in relation to the Application are set out at paragraph 44 of my report. Many of these matters pertain to the wider environmental values of Waiheke Island, the adequacy of LA4’s assessment contained in the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), and specific effects on Matiatia Bay. Without wishing to repeat the substance of those submissions and m...

  5. 02-Appendix-Two-Objectives-and-Policies.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...primary production for the purpose of improving water quality: (g) it is a small-scale or temporary land-use activity that has no impact on the productive capacity of the land: (h) it is for an activity by a requiring authority in relation to a designation or notice of requirement under the Act: (i) it provides for public access: (j) it is associated with one of the following, and there is a functional or operational need for the use or development to be on the highly productive la...

  6. E94 John Mckensey – Lighting - RE – Applicant [pdf, 4.5 MB]

    ...minimise spill light and glare; and f) Other measures such as construction vehicle headlight sweep, construction vehicle warning lights/beacons, construction vessel lights. Section 4.5 1 Unio Environmental, 4 September 2018. America’s Cup Wynyard Hobson – Applicant’s Revised Conditions. 2948 Wynyard Edge Alliance |Construction Lighting Management Plan Rev D | September 2018 Page | 2 Introduction This Cons...

  7. ORC & Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd - EIC - Cain Duncan - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...respectively. In 2014, I achieved two Certificate of Completions from Massey University for satisfying the course requirements for the Advanced Certificate in Sustainable Nutrient Management and the course requirements for Farm Dairy Effluent: System Design and Management. 3 In addition to the above qualifications, I hold a Certificate of Completion for satisfying the course requirements for Advanced Farm System Modelling from Massey University. 4 I am a current Certified Nutri...

  8. Final-Technical-Assessment-B-Noise-and-Vibration.pdf [pdf, 29 MB] sounds, with nature sounds such as birds and wind in trees dominating. While much of the land is zoned rural, there is generally little noise from farming activities in the area. Operational noise 5. Road-traffic is a major contributor to environmental noise in New Zealand. The Ō2NL Project will redistribute some exposure from some people and communities to others. Those currently exposed to state highway noise along the existing sections of SH1 and SH57 to be superse...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...the same basis, it would be artificial and unsound to ignore 'works for the building, bund and services' when assessing the effects of the building, the bund, and landscape treatment of the site. Whether we treat the reserve's designation as a permitted baseline [67] In his written evidence, Mr White invited us to treat the Council's designation of the relevant part of the reserve (,DeSignation 105') as part of the permitted baseline. Transcript, p 195....

  10. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...the same basis, it would be artificial and unsound to ignore 'works for the building, bund and services' when assessing the effects of the building, the bund, and landscape treatment of the site. Whether we treat the reserve's designation as a permitted baseline [67] In his written evidence, Mr White invited us to treat the Council's designation of the relevant part of the reserve (,DeSignation 105') as part of the permitted baseline. Transcript, p 195....