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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. 6.-Richard-Chilton-Air-Quality.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT E ........ 15 ATTACHMENT RC.2 – UPDATED DUST CONTROL PROCEDURE ................... 17 Page 3 INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Richard Leslie Chilton. I am an air quality scientist at Tonkin & Taylor Limited, Environmental and Engineering Consultants ("T+T"). 2. I prepared Technical Assessment E Air Quality ("Technical Assessment E") as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), which ac...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 205 Kelly v Nelson City Council [pdf, 5.5 MB]

    ...Investigation 6. Any earthworks proposed as part of lot/building site development, including upgrades to the existing accessway and accessways to the Building Location Areas (BLA’s) shall be surveyed by a Registered Surveyor, investigated and detail design carried out in full by a suitably experienced geotechnical engineer or an experienced Engineering Geologist (“Geo-professional”). This information shall be submitted to Council for review and approval by Council’s Geotechn...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 032 Tauranga City Council v Minister of Education [pdf, 917 KB]

    ...decision addresses a preliminary question of law in terms agreed between the parties: Do sections 171 or 174 of the RMA allow a Terrijoriai Authority to recommend, and the Environment Court to impose, conditions requiring monetary contributions on designations (in circumstances where the requiring authority has not offered such conditions on an Augier basis)? [2] The parties have agreed that the Court should first determine whether the Council has the power under s 171 RMA to recomme...

  4. ORC - Summary of Evidence - Felicity Boyd - 9 November 2021 [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...The Council resolved to prepare PC8 in August 2019 and work commenced immediately on its development. The following month, the Government released its Action for healthy waterways discussion document, along with a draft NPSFM and draft National Environmental Standard for Freshwater (NESF). This indicated an imminent and significant shift in the management of freshwater nationally. In October 2019, Professor Peter Skelton completed his investigation of ORC and provided a report out...

  5. Appendix-20-ATH-2012014503.00-Decision.pdf [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...expiring on 1 July 2034. Richard Munneke POLICY AND CONSENTS MANAGER 30 July 2012 REASON FOR THE DECISION 1. This abstraction is riparian and as such, the application has been assessed by Manawatu/Wanganui Regional Council’s Environmental Scientist – Water Quantity, Raelene Mercer. Ms Mercer notes that application is within the core allocation limit for this zone. As these abstractions are riparian and have an irrigation component that is to be non-essential, con...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 271 One Tasman Development Limited Partnership [pdf, 412 KB]

    ...of the Act. [13] As set out below, the report concludes that the Application is unable to meet the s 104D threshold test and as such, consent may not lawfully be granted: [395] As discussed earlier the proposal is generally consistent with the design objectives and policies across both plans but is inconsistent or contrary to the policies which seek/relate to ensure public safety (wind), preserve the high/low city urban form (ODP) and respect the neighbouring heritage values. [396...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 195 Clevedon North Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...that discussed in the Commissioners' decision, so we cannot perform a direct comparison. Nevertheless, the parties have now modified the application to such an extent that one could say that it has retained the better elements of the original design, particularly the treatment towards the northern end, while increasing the minimum lot size to over 600m2 rather than a minimum lot size of something in the order 250 or 300 as shown to the Commissioners. [45] What we must be concer...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 112 The Owners of Rangatira Blocks 8A17A5 v Taupo District Council [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...value include an attractive streetscape; a reasonable ratio of private to public open space; a degree of consistency in the size, scale, density, and style of buildings; a need for privacy; shared access to outlook, sunlight or views; low levels of environmental effects such as traffic movements to and from sites, noise, vibration, odour, and dust; and a safe and functionally effective environment for traffic and pedestrians. However, the Residential Environment can accommodate a range o...

  9. E30 First Planning JWS [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ................................................. 8 Management Plan Certification / Approval Process .................................................. 8 Pre-construction Conditions ............................................................................ 10 Base Design - Buildings, Structures and Yard Area Design .................................... 10 Public Space Design ............................................................................................... 11 Roading Design...

  10. E27 Contamination, Groundwater, Earthworks and Air Discharges JWS [pdf, 3 MB]

    ................................................. 8 Management Plan Certification / Approval Process .................................................. 8 Pre-construction Conditions ............................................................................ 10 Base Design - Buildings, Structures and Yard Area Design .................................... 10 Public Space Design ............................................................................................... 11 Roading Design...