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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 142 Neil Construction Limited v Far North District Council [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...reserves to vest over an area of 1.978 hectares. [34] Land use consent for up to 600m3 of earthworks per rural residential lot and 600m² of impermeable surfaces per rural residential lot is also sought and has been taken into account in the design and assessment of the stormwater arrangements for the Subject Site. 9 [35] The suite of consent conditions proposed are annexed hereto as “C”. [36] Key features of the proposed conditions are: (a) a limit on the building hei...

  2. 2021-02-19 Tom de Pelsemaeker - Reply - Planning (19 Feb 2021) [pdf, 605 KB]

    ...Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020); (b) the need for Council to develop a new Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) that gives full effect to the NPS-FM 2020 by 23 December 2023; (c) the resulting uncertainty around the environmental outcomes (and attribute states for achieving these outcomes) for each Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) that need to be set in the new LWRP, in accordance with the National Objectives Framework (NOF) in Subpart 2 of the NPS...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 237 Mangawhai Matters Incorporated v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...(known as the Cove Road North Precinct) comprised of a suite of objectives, policies, and rules to guide development. The purpose of having a bespoke suite of provisions is to protect the ecological features while promoting a high-quality urban design appropriate to this particular land. [4] PPC83 rezoning the area from Rural to Residential is consistent with the future growth of Mangawhai anticipated under the Spatial Plan. The growth anticipated under the Spatial Plan has been...

  4. Framing the Summit [pdf, 977 KB] to move in a more desirable direction based on our objectives. positive = acknowledging that ‘criminal’ language is negatively self-perpetuating. justice = safe, just, fair. We will focus on criminal justice, instead of civil, family, environmental, or commercial justice. Justice includes deterrence and prevention, incident management, restoration, rehabilitation, reintegration, reconciliation, harm reduction… uplifts = protect, elevate, inspire or restore. wellbeing = th...

  5. 24.-Evidence-of-Mr-Ian-Bowman-Built-Heritage.PDF [PDF, 174 KB]

    ...architect and conservator with approximately 40 years' experience in advising clients on issues relating to built heritage. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment M: Built Heritage (Technical Assessment M) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW...

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 182 The Rise Ltd v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...The proposed conditions of consent are annexed hereto and marked 1. A revised scheme plan is attached hereto as annexure 2. A traffic intersection plan is attached as 3 and a mitigation re-vegetation planting plan is attached as 4. A schedule of design controls is attached as 5. [3] The overall proposal is agreed by counsel to be within the scope of the original application and is a significant reduction in the size. I accept that it is subject to one caveat, and that is that the...

  7. [2022] NZEnvC 200 Director-General of Conservation v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 662 KB]

    ...Sub-Activities Operation, repair and maintenance of the roading network Operation, repair and maintenance of the rail network {KiwiRail 229} New roads or additions or alterations to existing roads …. Section 1.4 Definitions Designated Rail Corridor Land that is designated for railway purposes. {KiwiRail 233} Grazing The use of land for the keeping of livestock, where not part of farming. This definition only applies to rules for “grazing” as a land...

  8. Appendix-13-Combined-Section-92-NOR-and-Resource-Consents.pdf [pdf, 771 KB]

    ...water, can the Applicant please explain why the 3 water cannot be taken continuously over a 24-hour period (when the storage ponds aren’t full), rather than sporadically in <12 hour periods as requested? 6. Appendix 4.7 of Appendix 4 (Design and Construction Report) states that ‘the Project Aquatic Ecologist should provide advice as to the maximum rates of abstraction that can be sustained at any specific site without affecting instream values significantly’. Has this inf...

  9. 5_WK-respose-to-Regional-Councils-request-for-information-under-section-92-final-v2.pdf [pdf, 538 KB]

    ...reduced if water is acquired through these means. Can the Applicant please provide an estimate of how much water is expected to become available through this process? (The regional council can supply consents information to assist with this The Design and Construction Report in Appendix Four of Supporting Information and Assessment of Effects on the Environment’ Report (Volume II) describes strategy for the taking of water. This strategy confirms that, if water from bores becomes...

  10. Appendix-14-Regional-Councils-Response-to-combined-request-for-information-under-section-92.pdf [pdf, 538 KB]

    ...reduced if water is acquired through these means. Can the Applicant please provide an estimate of how much water is expected to become available through this process? (The regional council can supply consents information to assist with this The Design and Construction Report in Appendix Four of Supporting Information and Assessment of Effects on the Environment’ Report (Volume II) describes strategy for the taking of water. This strategy confirms that, if water from bores becomes...