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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. CCRC Establishment Advisory Group biographies [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...a police officer in South Auckland at the age of 22. His experiences working on the front lines pushed him towards the more inquiring, investigative side of policing. Mr McKinnel has a particular interest in criminal justice, human rights and environmental investigations. After leaving the police force he did contract investigative work in London for three years and in 2008 set up a North Island branch of Zavest, a private investigation company. Mr McKinnel holds a Masters degree...

  2. 18.-Evidence-of-Dr-Alex-James-Freshwater-Ecology.PDF [PDF, 633 KB]

    ...Alexander Bryan Wilfried James. 2. I am a Senior Freshwater Ecologist at EOS Ecology, where I have worked for 14 years. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment K: Freshwater Ecology (Technical Assessment K) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū- Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWR...

  3. Appendix-5_Jonathan-Williamson_s87F-Report_Hydrogeology-and-Groundwater_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 607 KB]

    ...9. I have 27 years’ specialist technical expertise in hydrogeology, hydrology and irrigation engineering covering a wide spectrum of services including field investigations and testing; data collection and analysis; modelling; engineering design; construction contract management; technical report writing; community and stakeholder consultation; resource consent hearings; and technical working panels. 10. I have provided independent advice across a wide spectrum of client types...

  4. Fish & Game - Summary - J W Hayes - Ecological Flow (18 March 2021) [pdf, 365 KB]

    ...Baker-Galloway | Roisin Giles Anderson Lloyd Level 2, 13 Camp Street, Queenstown 9300 PO Box 201, Queenstown 9348 p + 64 3 450 0700 | 2101895 | 5853430v2 page 1 Flow variability and environmental flows 1 Variability is a feature of most river flow regimes, with flows varying in magnitude and over different time scales. Assessments of the effects of flow alteration on fish and other aquatic life need to be framed with...

  5. [2020] NZEnvC 004 Southland Regional Council v Hardegger Trustees Limited [pdf, 326 KB]

    ...circumstances where it was able to pond, runoff and enter water, which was a contravention of the applicable discharge permit conditions. The discharge was therefore not expressly allowed by the discharge permit. There was no regional rule or national environmental standard that expressly allowed the discharge. As a result, the discharge contravened s 15(1 )(b) of the Act. [2] The contract milker received an infringement notice to the amount of $750, which he paid. The respondent an...

  6. E60 Bob Hawkins - Nautical - EIC - Sealink [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...the planning aspects of the Application. 2. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 I hold a Masters of Social Science (Hons) from the University of Waikato majoring in Geography. My Masters of Social Science degree also involved resources and environmental planning as an interdisciplinary subject. 2.2 I am currently employed by the Auckland Council as a Team Leader in the North West Resource Consenting Unit and have held this position since July 2016. Prior to this, my planning...

  7. 2023-09-27-SOE_Mark-St-Clair_Planning-+-Attachments.pdf [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...the lack of detail design in the current plans. [44] Noting the draft condition RSW1(g) in the Waka Kotahi conditions,21 Mr Farrant’s opinion is that provision of the plans to the Regional Councils for information only, could result in adverse environmental outcomes due to poor detailed design. Mr Farrant considers that condition RSW1(g) should be replaced with a condition requiring certification of the design of the stormwater treatment devices prior to construction. [45] Si...

  8. [2017] NZEnvC 116 The Architectural Centre v Wellington City Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...the Crown and managed by Housing New Zealand Corporation and its predecessor organisations until the site was purchased by the University in 2014. Mr Gordon Wilson, the then Government Architect, and under whose management the building had been designed, died shortly before construction was complete and the building was named in memory of him. [8] What prompted the sale to the University, and the debate about the building since, is that in 2011 engineering assessments identified s...

  9. [2016] NZEnvC 248 Northcote Point Heritage Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...development of natural and physical resources across Auckland regardless of the zone in which they occur. Auckland wide provisions are located in chapter E of the Plan and cover natural resources, Mana Whenua, the built environment, infrastructure, environmental risk, subdivision and temporary activity matters. Auckland wide provisions generally apply more restrictive rules than the zone or precinct provisions that apply to a site, but in some cases they can be more enabling....

  10. ENV-2016-AKL-000273 Housing New Zealand Corp v Auckland International Airport Ltd [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...REASONS Introduction [1] This order relates to the resolution of the appeal by the Housing New Zealand Corporation ("Housing New Zealand") against the decision of Auckland International Airport Limited ("Auckland Airport") on Designation 1100. [2] The Board of Airline Representatives New Zealand Inc and Auckland Council joined Housing New Zealand's appeal under s 274 of the RMA, and have signed the memorandum of the parties setting out the relief sough...