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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. ENVC paper Guizhou Province Judges 2015 [pdf, 337 KB]

    ...(“RMA") was passed into law by the New Zealand Government in 1991. It took the place of longstanding planning legislation, and is broader than planning done in many other countries such as Britain, and parts of Australia. The RMA governs the environmental management of land, air, water, soil, and eco-systems throughout New Zealand’s land mass, and its territorial sea (out to 12 miles from the coast). It applies the concept of sustainable management of natural and physical...

  2. COES - EiC - M J Sole (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 4.1 MB]

    ...Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA And In the matter of of an application under section 149T of the RMA Between Otago Regional Council Applicant Statement of Evidence of Matthew James Sole on behalf of Central Otago Environmental Society (COES) 5 February 2021 1 page 1 Contents Qualifications and experience 2 Declaration 2 Central Otago Environmental Society 2 Scope of evidence 5 Executive Summary 5 My relation...

  3. Responsiveness to Resource Management Issues - a New Zealand perspective a paper by Commissioner K Edmonds [pdf, 244 KB]

    Australasian Conference of Planning and Environmental Courts and Tribunals (ACPECT 2016) Responsiveness to Resource Management Issues - a New Zealand perspective Commissioner Kathryn Edmonds Environment Court (NZ) Background Condition setting on resource consents is an important and often challenging part of the Resource Management Act (RMA) resource consent process in New Zealand and has been a cause for concern, not least in terms of the ability and enforceabili...

  4. 2023-09-04-O2NL-Conditions-Mediation-Version-tracked.pdf [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...ancillary works. Construction footprint The area in the Project Area within which construction activities occur. Contaminated land For the purpose of Condition RSW1, a piece of land described in subclause (7) or (8) of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011. District Council Horowhenua District Council and/or Kāpiti Coast District Council dB Decibel District Plan Horowhenua D...

  5. Appendix-M3-O2NL-Letter-to-NZTA-re-OtakiToLevin-Shared-Pathway-Oct-2019.pdf [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...logical extension of the highly successful Mackays to Peka Peka highway pathway. Mr Oliver assured us that there would be an opportunity later to formalise our request. However, no further contact was made with my group until the NZTA applied to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2013 for RMA approval via a Board of Inquiry. The papers released for the hearing dismissed any case for a shared pathway within the designation, with walkers, cyclists, and equestrians relegated to a share...

  6. Volume-II-Supporting-Information-and-AEE_1-November-22.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Freshwater ecology 36 8.6 Terrestrial ecology 37 9 Human environment 40 9.1 Cultural 40 9.2 Heritage and archaeology 44 9.3 Transport 46 9.4 Land use 51 9.5 Social 57 Part C: Description of the project 10 Overview 60 10.1 Cultural and environmental design framework 60 11 Summary of the key features of the Ō2NL Project 61 12 Design context and standards 62 Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project VOLUME II - SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS ON THE E...

  7. 5.-Campbell-Stewart-Erosion-and-Sediment-Control.pdf [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...quality, but with areas in parts of upper catchments 2C and 5 having macroinvertebrate communities typical of good water and habitat quality despite the surrounding agricultural land use.3 11. In Technical Assessment A I have described the proposed design of the ESC measures and management approach to be implemented during the construction phase of the Project, and assessed the effectiveness of those 2 As discussed in the evidence o...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 036 Wood & Henton v Auckland Council [pdf, 9.8 MB]

    ...will serve the purpose of the Act. The second is whether prejudice arises from either allowing or disallowing the consent to commence. [11] The approach set out in Walker has been widely accepted by the Courts, including recently in Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society Inc v Bqy of Plenty Regional Cottncil (Ngiiti Pikiao).2 Grounds for the proposed orders3 [12] The Applicant submits, and the other parties agree, that the proposed orders for the immediate and partial commencement o...

  9. Report-of-Helen-Anderson-s.198D-Planning-Report-HDC-KCDC-O2NL-Notice-of-Requirement-FINAL-28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 13 MB] Tara-Ika, which is not consistent with the project’s CEDF urban design principles. The lack of East-West connectivity at Tara-Ika will lead to avoidable increased vehicle dependency and use, and to consequent adverse health, social and environmental effects. Cross-connections at Tara-Ika should be integrated with the design and construction of Ō2NL. Landscape and Visual The lack of provision in conditions for the Councils to have a role in certifying the CEDF and t...

  10. Report-of-Helen-Anderson-s.198D-Planning-Report-HDC-KCDC-O2NL-Notice-of-Requirement.pdf [pdf, 13 MB] Tara-Ika, which is not consistent with the project’s CEDF urban design principles. The lack of East-West connectivity at Tara-Ika will lead to avoidable increased vehicle dependency and use, and to consequent adverse health, social and environmental effects. Cross-connections at Tara-Ika should be integrated with the design and construction of Ō2NL. Landscape and Visual The lack of provision in conditions for the Councils to have a role in certifying the CEDF and t...