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1624 items matching your search terms

  1. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 1 of 4 [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...research is a wonderful baseline for further discovery. Sir Peter Buck's legacy is still alive in the world . I'd like to see that legacy live in more than just words on paper and before many of these atoll homes are erased through environmental change see these people visited again and their language and stories recorded again. 21 . Along these lines, another project I am working on is to put together a whare wananga on Aitutaki called "Te Whare Wananga 0 Te Rang...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal Te Aroha Maunga Settlement process report [pdf, 2.8 MB] Downloaded from ABBREVIATIONS AIP agreement in principle AIPE agreement in principle equivalent app appendix CA Court of Appeal CCN chief Crown negotiator DOC Department of Conservation ELRNZ Environmental Law Reports of New Zealand CFRT Crown Forestry Rental Trust ch chapter comp compiler doc document ed edition, editor fn footnote fol folio HC Hauraki Collective HCFWA Hauraki Collective Framework Agreement ltd limited no number...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal theme K - Māori Land Councils and Māori Land Boards [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...time, this historian suggests: the results would almost certainly have benefited everyone in that the cycle of dependency, into which Maori were forced slowly but relentlessly, could have been broken. Our national debt would also have been lower and environmental damage less considerable .... The author is careful to point out that this scenario is 'all speculative and counterfactual'. Some might consider the projected results of these speculations to be unduly optimistic. No...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 2 The alienation of Māori land in Rohe Potae [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...Court interference, but with the government providing legal authority to their decisions. As shown in part 1 of this report the Crown appears to have largely ignored these wishes as soon as this seemed possible. The state did participate in talks designed to achieve some form of partnership, but then insisted on the full Land Court process and embarked on a programme of large scale land purchasing under Crown monopoly that undercut hapu and chiefly authority. The result was that by 19...

  5. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 4 of 4 [pdf, 9.7 MB]

    ...them. One of our kaumatua George Hawkins drives from Raupunga to Mohaka nearly every day to check on the river mouth and coast. We also have a gravel monitor Tuki King who checks the gravel extractor operations to ensure they are operating in an environmentally d~ II {(0ll(4 ~ 17/o t/ l t.( Tama ki te matangi Tamaki reira mai hawaiki Pito Rere Tangi Maika Toto Toto married Tamatea Arikinui 0 te waka Takitimu This line descends further down to Kaukohea who married the...

  6. Regulatory Impact Statement: A New Trusts Act [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...operate in a very different context to other trusts, such as family trusts. While capital market trusts generally have beneficiaries, it is the creditors, and not the beneficiaries, that are the main focus. 38. Some of the Law Commission’s proposals, designed to support other types of trusts, may not be well suited to capital market trusts. There may be slightly different problems to address in this context compared to other types of trusts. Issues raised by representatives of the secto...

  7. Youth Court research: experiences & views of young people, their families and professionals [pdf, 719 KB]

    ...Youth Court Research Experiences and views of young people, their families and professionals 15 1 Introduction to the Youth Court research 1.1 Background to the research This research was undertaken to inform future Youth Court service design work. The research was conducted by the Ministry of Justice’s Research Team. The research comprised two parts. The first part investigated the perceptions and experiences of young people and families/whānau who appear in the Youth Co...

  8. Butcher v NZ Transport Agency [2022] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 586 KB]

    ...Attention in the European Workplace” (2021) 34 Harv.Hum.Rts.J. 281 at 289: [D]isadvantage is not necessarily experienced by all or most members of a particular group, but is … experienced on the individual level depending on both individual and environmental factors. Such individual forms of disadvantage can only rarely be revealed by making of group comparison, which is characteristic for both direct and indirect discrimination standards. Reasonable accommodation discrimination th...

  9. Taueki v McMillan - Horowhenua 11 (Lake) (2014) 324 Aotea MB 144 (324 AOT 144) [pdf, 311 KB]

    ...2014. 20 Application for injunction – sewage treatment plant [17] Phillip Taueki filed an application for injunction concerning allegations of treated and untreated effluent and storm water spilling into the Lake and concerning related environmental issues. These issues regarding the discharge of sewerage into the lake are ongoing and the application pursuant to s 18(1)(a) remains extant. However, I understand that Mr Taueki has dismissed his counsel. The case manager also...

  10. Status hearings evaluation: New Zealand study of pre-trial hearings in criminal cases [pdf, 487 KB]

    ...Status hearings were piloted in the Auckland District Court in October 1995 and are now operating in most district courts throughout New Zealand. Status hearings are held for most defendants who plead not guilty in the summary jurisdiction. They are designed to improve the criminal justice system by ensuring defendants enter an informed plea to appropriate charges as soon as possible and so reduce last minute cancellations of trials and all the consequent problems. Quantitative and qualitati...