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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. Draft 23rd-24th Reports under the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [pdf, 483 KB]

    ...articles, including Article 2. In 2019, Te Tiriti guidance was developed by Te Arawhiti, and approved by Cabinet, to assist Crown agencies in considering Te Tiriti implications such as rangatiratanga in policy development and implementation. 54. Co-design and appropriate engagement strategies in legislative and policy reforms are ways in which the Crown has been ensuring Māori participation, such as on the National Freshwater and Geothermal Resources Claims. 55. The Public Servi...

  2. Appendix 1 Draft 23rd-24th Reports under the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination [pdf, 483 KB]

    ...articles, including Article 2. In 2019, Te Tiriti guidance was developed by Te Arawhiti, and approved by Cabinet, to assist Crown agencies in considering Te Tiriti implications such as rangatiratanga in policy development and implementation. 54. Co-design and appropriate engagement strategies in legislative and policy reforms are ways in which the Crown has been ensuring Māori participation, such as on the National Freshwater and Geothermal Resources Claims. 55. The Public Servi...

  3. Taylor Fry feasibility report on long-term investment approach [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...expense of due process, fairness, and public safety; such as sentencing and parole decisions. A phased approach introducing an actuarial framework is easier, faster, and less risky:  Progressive development of insights, with care in the design phase; and,  Business as usual from an operational perspective, with course adjustments as evidence emerges. Should Government wish to proceed with the development of a framework for the criminal justice system along the lines d...

  4. Final-Technical-Assessment-N-Productive-Land-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...and LUC mapping, whole farm planning, effluent and nutrient management, and sustainable land resource management throughout the country. To date LandVision Ltd has soil and LUC mapped in excess of one million hectares of farm land for farm and environmental planning on dairying, sheep and beef, horticulture, gardening and forestry properties. (c) As part of LandVision Ltd I have been involved in land resource mapping at the paddock scale on 31 properties covering about 7,300 ha...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 136 The Canyon Vineyard Ltd v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 507 KB]

    ...14 [58] As to other relevant changes, the updated survey plans depicted the apex of the earth mounds at 2 m above existing ground level rather than 1.5-2 m, and an additional mound on Lot 11 was also proposed for visual mitigation. [59] The design length, size and location of each mound had also been amended to varying extents with the involvement of Bendigo’s surveyor.13 The intention was that they would be placed on the ridge line in the foreground of each building platform...

  6. Covid-Priority-W.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...breach of the principle of partnership. ENGAGEMENT WITH MAAORI A consistent theme emerged in our inquiry relating to the manner in which the Crown has engaged with Maaori during the pandemic, in particular the allegation that the Crown did not co-design the vaccine strategy or the Protection Framework with Maaori. We have found that: • the Crown’s failure to jointly design the vaccine sequencing framework breached the Treaty guarantee of tino rangatiratanga, and the principle of pa...

  7. Covid-Priority.docx [docx, 6.5 MB]

    ...principle of partnership. [bookmark: _Toc90903896]Engagement with Maaori A consistent theme emerged in our inquiry relating to the manner in which the Crown has engaged with Maaori during the pandemic, in particular the allegation that the Crown did not co-design the vaccine strategy or the Protection Framework with Maaori. We have found that: the Crown’s failure to jointly design the vaccine sequencing framework breached the Treaty guarantee of tino rangatiratanga, and the principle of partn...

  8. Proactive-Release-Search-+-Surveillance.pdf [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...public scrutiny. We anticipate wide public interest in this review. Early engagement conversations are likely to give us insight into how the Joint Review recommendations might affect, and be perceived by, various communities. They can also help design future communications material so it is easy to understand and effective. It can also inform the Q&As and back pocket material we will prepare to support you when announcing the review or when the Bill is being scrutinised by a Se...

  9. Gibbs v Te Runanga o Ngati Tama - Part Lot 2 and Lot 1 DP 4866 (TNK 4/901) and Section 1 SO 10359 CT TNK4/792 (2011) 274 Aotea MB 47 (274 AOT 47) [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...The Applicants [3] Mr and Mrs Gibbs have applied for the establishment of a Māori reservation over all the land owned by the trust per s 338 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (―the Act‖). They claim that, for historic, cultural, scenic, environmental and related purposes, the overlay of the Māori reservation will ensure the land is protected for future generations. [4] The Applicants further claim that they are attempting to live in ―te ao Māori‖ and seek to operate the...

  10. Media guide for reporting in the courts and tribunals [pdf, 560 KB]

    ...the justice system and to achieve that, court proceedings must be open and transparent. The media, as the public’s ‘eyes and ears’, play a critical role in enabling the community to know what is happening in their local court. This guide is designed to ensure the media is aware of the rules around reporting what happened in the courts and the responsibilities of journalists working in courts. While it is not exhaustive, we want to ensure that reports are fair, that justice processe...