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Search results for Environmental Design.

1625 items matching your search terms

  1. E70 Richard Finley - Noise and Acoustics - EIC - The Point [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...vibration since 2002. 3. My previous work experience includes acting as an expert witness to address noise controls at local council, Environment Court and Unitary Plan hearings. I have also had very extensive experience with building acoustic design of residential properties in urban areas and entertainment facilities. I also provided advice to The Point Body Corporate on the Viaduct Harbour event limits in the legacy Central Area District Plan. 4. My involvement in this matter...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 005 The New Zealand Heavy Haulage Association Incorporated (Huose Movers Section) v South Tarnakai District Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...of implementation include: Rules which permit relocated buildings subject to performance standards relating to previous use, foundations, and a performance bond and owner certification to maintain and enhance amenity values. • Assessment of environmental effects through the resource consent process for proposals that are not permitted, because of non-compliance with performance standards. Use of conditions on resource consents to control the effects of relocated buildings. • The...

  3. Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination – summary record 12th-14th reports (continued) [pdf, 125 KB]

    ...species, and the unprecedented size of the financial reparation. The Government was also making efforts, through special programmes, to raise Maori’s living standards and give them greater control over their own affairs, particularly in respect of environmental resource management, fisheries, electoral rights and promotion of the Maori language and culture. 5. In terms of administrative and policy changes, he said that there had been a reassessment of the level of resources allocated t...

  4. E63 John Parlane - Traffic - EIC - ATC [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...AUCKLAND THEATRE COMPANY LIMITED 1 Role and experience 1.1 My name is John Douglas Parlane. I have been a traffic engineer and principal of Parlane & Associates Limited for 20 years. Prior to this I was a Senior Engineer employed by Traffic Design Group Limited. 1.2 I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and Certificates of Proficiency (Masters Level) in Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, and Environmental Law from the University of Auckland. I hold...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 102 The Alpine Group Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 8.1 MB]

    ...section 126 of the Resource Management Act, 1991, this consent may be cancelled by the Consent Authority if not exercised for a continuous period of two years or more. 3. The consent holder shall ensure that: (a) the owner's name; maximum designed ship tonnage of the moorings and barge; and structure number are displayed on the moorings at all times; - 3 - AUTH-20211565 (b) the exterior of the barge structure shall be of a colour that is consistent with the natural characte...

  6. Delivering better public services: reducing crime & reoffending result action plan [pdf, 500 KB]

    ...with the private sector to introduce situational crime prevention measures – such as insurance discounts for policy holders who target harden their property and coordination with private security providers. • Embed Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles into the rebuild of Christchurch. • Advance crime prevention standards for a range of products, so that consumers can make better choices. • Develop regulatory reform proposals that will reduce crime – f...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 54 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...that will be dealt with by the inquiry and brings focus to the process. It took note of the matters raised in the claimants’ statements of claim, and the Crown’s statement of response, distilling key areas of investigation. This approach is designed to stop hearings ‘blowout’ – this is the in- troduction of new claimants, new claims and new issues late in the process. Hearings ‘blowout’ has cre- ated pressure to extend inquiries by many years in other districts. The...

  8. [2022] NZACC 55 – Griffith v ACC ( 5 April 2022) [pdf, 233 KB]

    ...symptoms records, which he has completed very diligently, show steady maximum scoring for depression pain and erectile dysfunction. He is well informed about neurophysiological pathways both in the spine and centrally ... He has an active, self designed physiotherapy program aimed at muscle development of the shoulder girdle. Although he was prepared to take my advice, I sensed a reluctance from him to trial another psychotropic medication approach. I too think a washout peri...

  9. [2022] NZACC 56 – Ajayi v ACC (5 April 2022) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...peroneal tendon subluxation there was a clear injury on the 10 March 2016 which rendered this symptomatic. [33] On 11 June 2020, Mr Brownlee reported further: 1. The proposed procedure is a deepening of the peroneal groove of the fibula. This is designed to prevent anterior subluxation of the peroneal tendons. Anterior subluxation of the tendons has not been demonstrated, and the peroneal retinaculum (retaining the tendons) has been demonstrated to be intact. 2. It is proposed tha...

  10. 2021-04-20 McArthur Ridge - ORC PC7 - Opening Submissions [pdf, 251 KB]

    ...indicated that in his view, it would be up to the parties to demonstrate whether this is a real issue. 34 In my submission , the McArthur Ridge vineyard is a relevant example of the difficulties created by the area restriction. Decisions about the design capacity for dams, pumping equipment and the piping network on the vineyard were made as the vineyard was established in 2002. The infrastructure necessary to provide water to the planned full development of 237ha was installed be...