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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Te Manutukutuku Issue 71 [pdf, 7.9 MB]

    ...strengthened with additional staff positions at the Senior and Principal levels. The work is now led by the Principals, who sit across the Report Writing, Research Services, and Inquiry Facilitation teams. These staff are re- sponsible for leading the design, plan- ning, and delivery of large-scale, com- plex commission of inquiry processes and projects while being free of line- management responsibilities. Likewise, the 13 Seniors across the WTU lead, mentor, and support staff members,...

  2. 2013 Justice Sector annual report [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20ll Year ending June (not all Police crime categories shown) THE MURDER RATE IS LOW. - Theft and related offences Unlawful entry with intent! burglary, break and enter - Property damage and environmental pollution - Public order offences - Acts intended to cause injury - Illicit drug offences Sexual assault and related offences - Homicide and related offences New Zealand 's murder rate is lower than that in Austr...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 209 Auckland Council v London Pacific Family Trust [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...activities are, in some respects, given comparatively more enabling or restrictive treatment under the SCAR than under the SHZ. One example is that the SCAR specifies as a permitted activity minor alterations to the rear of buildings that use the same design and material as the existing building (018.4.1), whereas the SHZ classifies alterations to 5 Submissions on behalf of Auckland City, dated 13 December 2017, at [33] - [43], affidavit of Linley Kim Wilkinson sworn 15 September 2017,...

  4. 2013 Justice Sector report [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20ll Year ending June (not all Police crime categories shown) THE MURDER RATE IS LOW. - Theft and related offences Unlawful entry with intent! burglary, break and enter - Property damage and environmental pollution - Public order offences - Acts intended to cause injury - Illicit drug offences Sexual assault and related offences - Homicide and related offences New Zealand 's murder rate is lower than that in Austr...

  5. 2021-04-21 Transcript (up to end of day 19) [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...important, then what other methods are available to us to recognise the work being done by priorities as between abstractors, and should our interests be as between abstractors only, which is what we think priorities are about, or should it have an environmental focus, which is a particular interest in dock, Director General, Conservation. So we will be, again, 25 looking to our alternatives, if priorities don’t survive, but there’s a gap, how can the gap be bridged, how should...

  6. 2021-04-21 Transcript (up to end of day 19) [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...important, then what other methods are available to us to recognise the work being done by priorities as between abstractors, and should our interests be as between abstractors only, which is what we think priorities are about, or should it have an environmental focus, which is a particular interest in dock, Director General, Conservation. So we will be, again, 25 looking to our alternatives, if priorities don’t survive, but there’s a gap, how can the gap be bridged, how should...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 053 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...for Director-General of Conservation J G A Winchester for Te ROnanga 0 Ngai Tahu and Te ROnanga o Arowhenua Trust R G Haazen for Mackenzie Guardians Incorporated M Neilson for The Mackenzie Country Charitable Trust R B Enright and M Wright for Environmental Defence Society Incorporated 12 April 2017 13 April 2017 2 ( continued) MOUNT GERALD STATION LIMITED (ENV-2009-CHC-181 ) MACKENZIE PROPERTIES LIMITED (ENV-2009-CHC-183) MERIDIAN ENERGY LIMITED AND GENESIS ENERGY...

  8. Impact of Treaty on Government Agencies report [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...interest in the Tribunal, another claim was heard in 1982. This claim, by the Te Atiawa tribe of Taranaki, was that effluent from the Motunui synthetic fuels plant would pollute traditional fishing grounds. Te Atiawa were supported in their claim by environmental interests and some economists opposed to the development. In its report, which attracted a good deal of public interest, the Tribunal found in favour of the applicants and recommended to the Crown that the proposed ocean outfall...

  9. Youth Court - Signed, sealed – (but not yet fully) delivered [pdf, 817 KB]

    ...significant, even unparalleled, progress, it is impossible to resist the conclusion that the new system, which was introduced with so much hope for Māori, has not delivered as was envisaged. This is partly because some provisions in the Act that were designed specifically for the benefit of Māori (such as cultural reports, lay/cultural advocates for families, and the development of tribal resources to deal with young Māori) have been poorly utilised. Also, the over representation o...

  10. 2021-03-19 ORC PC7 Transcript (to end of day 8) [pdf, 2.7 MB] the aspirations of communities and tangata whenua for each FMU, or part FMU. This will provide the foundation for freshwater management in the new land and 15 water regional plan (LWRP) and set the basis for identifying values, setting environmental outcomes and environmental flows and levels required by the NPSFM. The Council has committed to notifying a new land and water regional plan by 20 31 December 2023. The Council science team has created a number of dedica...