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1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 170 Liquigas Limited v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...HSNO sub-classes 3.1.A-D (GHS category 1 - 4) liquid petroleum fuels in below ground tanks at service stations in accordance with the following codes of practice: &... 1 i. ii. Below Ground Stationary Container Systems for Petroleum - Design and Installation HSNOCOP 44, Environmental Protection Agency, May 2012; and Below Ground Stationary Container Systems for Petroleum - Operation HSNOCOP 45, Environmental Protection Agency May 2012: {The Oil Companies appeal point 350}...

  2. Transcript (weeks 7 & 8 Dunedin) [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...improved. 20 The whole process since we lodged the application in September 2019 has been one of the most difficult in our farming career and we have been through challenging periods before. We found it extremely frustrating that although we designed a cohesive proposal with strong environmental outcomes, the 25 affected parties in ORC would not support a long term consent. When we started we had no idea that it would take so long and be so expensive. The hearing was extreme...

  3. Transcript (weeks 7 & 8 Dunedin) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...improved. 20 The whole process since we lodged the application in September 2019 has been one of the most difficult in our farming career and we have been through challenging periods before. We found it extremely frustrating that although we designed a cohesive proposal with strong environmental outcomes, the 25 affected parties in ORC would not support a long term consent. When we started we had no idea that it would take so long and be so expensive. The hearing was extreme...

  4. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 2 of 4 [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...roadway over the foreshore. 17. Two Tauranga waka were spoken of by my tipuna in the Waihua area that I can recall. The first was the A36 Maori Reservation, more commonly known as the Island at the mouth of the Waihua River, part of which was designated as a landing place for Manuhiri passing through the area. This tauranga waka is no longer in place, the land having been exchanged for a property further up the river. 18. The other Tauranga waka was at a place called Takapau betwe...

  5. NZCVS Methodology Report Cycle 2 (2019) [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...Individual and cluster victim forms 28 Offence codes 29 Victim definition 29 In-scope NZCVS offences 29 Automated offence coding 31 Data linking 31 4. Questionnaire development and testing 33 Overview 33 Stakeholder consultation 33 Questionnaire design 34 Cognitive testing 34 CAPI / CASI programming and testing 35 Programmed checks 35 Logic checks 36 Range checks 36 Confirmation checks 36 Completeness checks 36 Change control process 36 Pilot study 36 Interviewers and...

  6. ENVC paper Best Practice Appeals Proposed Plans Policy 2012 [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...face-to-face) by the case managing Judge, and/or by mediators can assist in setting mediation methodology and the order within which issues will be tackled. 10 Use of the emerging technique (in which NZ is something of a leader in the environmental field) of conferencing of relevant groups of the parties’ expert witnesses, alongside the mediations. Much time, and even the need for hearings, can be saved by parties meeting the requirement in the Practice Note that partie...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 056 Hastings District Council [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...Operative) (HDP) have legal effect from the date of this decision. [2] The application is supported by affidavits of: (a) Angus Bruce Charteris, Manager – Recovery and Special Projects, Hastings District Council; and (b) Rowan Regis Wallis, Environmental Policy Manager, Hastings District Council. Background to PC6 [3] PC6 is a direct response to Cyclone Gabrielle, which resulted in significant damage to properties in the Hawke’s Bay in mid-February 2023. A subsequent proc...

  8. E60 Bob Hawkins - Nautical - EIC - Sealink [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...Geraint  Bermingham (Navigatus Consulting – Maritime Safety and Utility), Rod Marler  (Panuku ‐ Corporate), Fiona Knox (Panuku ‐ Corporate ‐ Options Analysis and  Engagement) and Vijay Lala and Karl Cook (Unio Environmental ‐ Planning).  11. I have also read, in draft, and to the extent necessary for my evidence, I rely  on the witness statements of Mark Gibson, CEO of Sealink Travel Group New  Zealand  Limited  (S...

  9. Philip Clarke (filed 6 June 2017) [pdf, 177 KB]

    ... Philip  John  CLARKE   ________________________________________________________________________   2 Relevant Personal Information 1. My name is Philip John Clarke. 2. I hold a Bachelors degree in Ecology and Masters Degree in Environmental Science from Otago University. 3. From 2002 until 2013 I worked as a forensic scientist at the Ministry of Fisheries. Much of my work involved data analysis and statistical inference. From 1975 until 1995 I was a self-emplo...

  10. 27.-Evidence-of-Mr-Doug-Fairgray-Economics-and-Town-Centre-Impacts.PDF [PDF, 246 KB]

    ...Limited, an independent research consultancy. I hold a PhD in Economic Geography from the University of Auckland. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment O: Economics and Town Centre (Technical Assessment O) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWR...