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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information P-R [pdf, 997 KB]

    ...1986. The Act establishes the office, details the Commissioner’s powers and functions, and provides for a five-year term of appointment. The Commissioner’s purpose is to provide an independent check on the capability of the New Zealand system of environmental management and the performance of public authorities in maintaining and improving the quality of the environment. The Commissioner has wide-ranging powers to investigate environmental concerns. ‘Independent’ means independ...

  2. Wairakei Pastoral Limited [pdf, 452 KB]

    ...reference in Matter (iii) to demonstrating how the Goals and Principles will be achieved given the wording of Goals 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 and Principles 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 20. 6 iii. The reference in Matter (iv) to achieving the “environmental outcomes of the stock exclusion requirements in Schedule C” when there are none; and iv. The reference in Matter (v) to cumulative effects. i. The unworkable requirement for an applicant to provide an assessment by comparis...

  3. 2021-03-24 Transcript up to end of day 10 [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ................................................................................................. 846 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MR MAW ................................................................................................ 852 EXHIBIT FISH AND GAME 1 PRODUCED – PROPOSED NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS ON ECOLOGICAL FLOWS AND WATER LEVELS DISCUSSION DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................................ 86...

  4. [2013] NZEmpC 97 Transpacific Industries v Harris and Green [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...AUCKLAND [2013] NZEmpC 97 ARC 96/11 IN THE MATTER OF an application for penalties and damages BETWEEN TRANSPACIFIC INDUSTRIES GROUP (NZ) LIMITED Plaintiff AND KAINE HARRIS First Defendant AND SMART ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITED Second Defendant ARC 37/12 IN THE MATTER OF an application for declarations, penalties and damages BETWEEN TRANSPACIFIC INDUSTRIES GROUP (NZ) LIMITED Plaintiff AND STEPHEN GREEN...

  5. E77 CVA - Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...following Ngāti Paoa iwi planning documents should be referred to: • Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust, (2013) Interim Ngāti Paoa Iwi Management Plan • Ngāti Paoa Strategic Plan (2015 -2020) Using these documents should improve the quality of the design proposal and the aspirations/outcomes to be achieved, improve relationships, and lessen the likelihood of adverse impacts on the values of mana whenua – consequentially resulting in positive impacts/outcomes. It is noted that the pre-des...

  6. Regulatory Impact Statement 2010 Alcohol Reform [pdf, 918 KB] integral part of our social lives, with 85 percent of the New Zealand adult population drinking at least occasionally. The reasons why we drink stem from our historical and cultural background, the perceived individual benefits of alcohol and environmental influences manifested in the regulatory environment. 3. How New Zealanders drink determines the types and levels of alcohol-related harm that we experience as a society. A significant proportion (approximately 13-25%) of New Ze...

  7. 2012 to 2015 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 962 KB]

    ...time. Justice sector agencies want to improve access to justice and trust in the system, by making the system simpler, more transparent and easier to understand for people who are not legally trained. New technology provides the opportunity to design a justice system that better meets modern needs and the expectations of service people now have. In advancing these goals the sector will focus on the following initiatives: • the Accessible Justice work programme • the Bette...

  8. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...leadership pipeline, and the Investment Staff Incentive Scheme. The Committee meets approximately quarterly. • ACC Board Health Sector Strategy Advisory Committee (HSS Advisory Committee) – assists the Board by providing advice on the development, design and implementation of the Health Sector Strategy. The Committee does not have any delegated authority but can make recommendations to the Board on HSS matters including meaningful engagement with the sector. The Committee meets app...

  9. [2024] NZEnvC 029 New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...any point within the boundary does not exceed the following noise limits: • 7.00 am to 10.00 pm 50dB LAeq • 10.00 pm to 7.00 am 40dB LAeq 70dB LAFma 22. Noise must be measured in accordance with NZS 6801:2008 Acoustics – Measurement of Environmental Sound, and assessed in accordance with NZS 6802:2008 Acoustics – Environmental Noise. Review condition 23. Pursuant to sections 128 to132 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Marlborough District Council may at any time or...

  10. Recommendations recap - issue 2 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...RECOMMENDATIONS In all three cases listed above, the Coroner recommended that the findings be referred to the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education in relation to their consideration of strategies and programmes designed to deal with solvent abuse among young people. The Coroner commented that these cases highlight the issue of the ready availability through retail outlets of propellants that are susceptible to abuse particularly by young people....