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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. List of parties [pdf, 542 KB]

    ...O BOX 1433, AUCKLAND Respondent Auckland Council Katherine Anderson, Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, AUCKLAND Respondent Auckland Council Mr Michael Wakefield, Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Madeleine Wright, Environmental Defence Society, PO Box 91736, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 Interested Party S274 Waitakere Ranges Protection Society Incorporated Alex Devine, Ellis Goul...

  2. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Terra Nova Planning Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...appealed are likely to significantly reduce the protection and restoration of indigenous biodiversity in the Auckland region. ii. The Council has failed to undertake an adequate assessment of the provisions, including the benefits and costs of the environmental, economic, Page 5 Appeal template – section 156(1) or 156(3) LGATPA appeals social and cultural effects that are anticipated from the implementation of the provisions, as required by sections 32 and 32AA of the RMA...

  3. 2021-05-25 JWS - 4-6 May 2021 as amended 21 May 2021 [pdf, 518 KB]

    ...been used in the past; (2) Requiring minimum flow, residual flow or take cessation conditions on existing consents to be carried over as consent conditions on any consents that replace existing water permits; and (3) Reducing the risk of further environmental degradation and unforeseen economic hardship for water users, by discouraging further investment in irrigation expansion or land use intensification until a new NPS-FM 2020 compliance planning framework has bene introduced (tha...

  4. 2021-05-21 JWS - 4-6 May 2021 with signature page [pdf, 705 KB]

    ...been used in the past; (2) Requiring minimum flow, residual flow or take cessation conditions on existing consents to be carried over as consent conditions on any consents that replace existing water permits; and (3) Reducing the risk of further environmental degradation and unforeseen economic hardship for water users, by discouraging further investment in irrigation expansion or land use intensification until a new NPS-FM 2020 compliance planning framework has bene introduced (tha...

  5. Regulatory Impact Statement all-of-Government Response to Organised Crime [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...Aphra Green Policy Manager, Criminal Law Ministry of Justice Date: 6 June 2013 2 Introduction 1. In August 2011, Cabinet agreed to an All-of-Government Response to Organised Crime. This outlined a multi-agency work programme designed to build on existing legislation to target and further disrupt the activities of organised criminal groups. 2. The outcome of this work has found that while generally New Zealand has a strong legislative framework in place to obstruc...

  6. [2020] NZEnvC 204 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 4 MB]

    ....i;' ... · "/" ~ - ' Appendix A - Modifications to Regional Pest Management Plan (Marine Pests) 7.7.11 Te mau tonu o te patu orota a-Moana / Sustained Control marine pests Marine pest organisms can cause adverse effects to the environmental, economic, social or cultural values of the region. Once marine pests are established, control options are often limited. Therefore pathway management to prevent spread to new areas is the top priority. Most of the following...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-J-Terrestrial-Ecology-v2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES ......... 23  Resource Management Act 1991 ("RMA") ......................................................... 23  National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management ("NPS-FM") ................. 23  National Environmental Standards for Freshwater ("NESFW") .......................... 24  Horizons One Plan ("One Plan") ......................................................................... 24  Natural Resources Plan for the We...

  8. 2021-11-05 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version - updated [pdf, 8.3 MB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  9. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version [pdf, 8.2 MB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 s274 evidence chief Janet Moore Appendix 3 Makgill [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...exchanged over 3 Section 2 RMA. 4 Section 6(a) and (d) RMA. 5 Ministry for Environment, Environment New Zealand 2007, December 2007, p. 6. 6 Rennie, H., “Coastal Fisheries and Marine Planning in Transition” in Memon, P.A. & Perkins, H. (eds.) Environmental Planning & Management in New Zealand, Dunmore 2000, p. 216. 7 It is thought that about 30 per cent of the total marine environment experiences some degree of disturbance from human activities. This is sobering when the...