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Search results for Environmental Design.

1629 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 181 Ballantyne Barker Holdings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...2018 Appearances: P J Page at the hearing and M Garnham (in July and August 2018) for Ballantyne Barker Holdings Limited B Watts for Queenstown Lakes District Council J Caunter for Mr and Mrs Le Brun (section 274 party) J Haworth for Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated (section 274 party) Date of Decision: 26 September 2018 Date of Issue: 26 September 2018 INTERIM DECISION A: Under section 290 of the Resource Management Act 1991 the Environment Court: (1) cancels...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 187 The Canyon Vineyard Limited v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...s108AA of the Resource Management Act 1991 (‘the Act’) to: (a) be agreed by the applicant; or (b) directly connect to: (i) an adverse effect of the activity on the environment; or (ii) an applicable district or regional rule, or national environmental standard; or (c) be administratively necessary to implement the consent. Parties’ responses [3] On 22 September 2021, after conferring with Council, Bendigo filed a set of recommended final conditions. [4] On 1 October 2...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 088 Clearwater Mussels Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...Edmonds Environment Commissioner J A Hodges Hearing: at Christchurch on 4-7 December 2017 Appearances: Q Davies and A Hills for the appellant M Radich and S Wadworth for the respondent J Ironside for Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay and Environmental Defence Society C Marchant in person M Marchant for the Marchant Family and others Date of Decision : 8 June 2018 Date of Issue: 8 June 2018 INTERIM DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT A: The appeal is declined and the decisi...

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 018 Taranaki Energy Watch Incorporated v South Taranaki District Council [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...onsite; (b) separation distances from sensitive activities and sensitive environments, including the number of people potentially at risk from the proposed alterations or additions to the facility; (c) any new or increase in potential health or environmental hazards and exposure pathways arising from the proposed alterations or additions to the facility and any onsite containment measures proposed; (d) application of risk management (ALARP) to lesser risks; (e) proposed emergenc...

  5. NZCASS Technical manual [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...processes 15 Comparability between surveys 15 2. Sampling 17 Overview 17 Changes to sampling 19 Historical overview 19 2014 changes to sampling 19 2014 change control processes 20 Overview 20 Change risk assessment 21 Change impact review 22 Design risk 1: Undercoverage of PAF increases bias 22 Design risk 2: 85% of households where Māori live are covered by the electoral roll 23 Design risk 3: Not everyone of Māori descent identifies as Māori 23 Design risk 4: Māori aged 15...

  6. Rebecca Liv Stirnemann - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 699 KB]

    ...relationships between abiotic and biotic factors and reproduction in birds, impacts of invasive species on survival rates; impacts of consumption and illegal trade on population persistence, the impact of invasive fish species on mangrove communities. I design .and undertake ecological studies in both marine and terrestrial habitats. My research has been undertaken in New Zealand, the South Pacific, South Africa and European countries. 7. I have authored more than 25 scientific do...

  7. Te Manutukutuku issue 75 [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...Tribunal’s inquiry programme. Parts 3 and 4 of the Te Rohe Pōtae Tribunal’s district inquiry report address a broad range of mainly twentieth- century historical issues, including land alienation, public works takings, local government and environmental management. Three reports concern contemporary kaupapa issues affect- ing Māori nationally, on the primary health sector, on freshwater policy and management and, under urgency, on the removal of Māori prisoners’ voting right...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 114 Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society Inc v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...consents. This hearing has had a particularly difficult process through to finality due to a combination of: (a) COVID-19 and the multiple lockdowns and disruptions that occurred as a result; (b) the subsequent introduction of new national environmental standards and regulations in relation to freshwater and the difficulties with finalising [1] [2] 4 aspects due to uncertainties as to the interpretation of these documents; (c) a declaration decision by this Court being...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 250 Granger & Ors v Dunedin City Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...of Subdivision and Development 2010 where the maximum gradient for a private vehicle access exceeds 16%.17 While the Code is not referenced in the conditions of consent, it is the City Council 's expectation that the vehicle access will be designed and constructed in accordance with its guideline documents. There being no design for the accessway, the City Council has not given any consideration to the final standard for formation beyond the matters previously noted.' •...

  10. NZCVS Methodology Report Cycle 1 (2018) [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...Individual and cluster victim forms 28 Offence codes 28 Victim definition 28 In-scope NZCVS offences 28 Automated offence coding 30 Data linking 31 4. Questionnaire development and testing 32 Overview 32 Stakeholder consultation 32 Questionnaire design 33 Cognitive testing 34 CAPI / CASI programming and testing 35 Programmed checks 36 Logic checks 36 Range checks 36 Confirmation checks 36 Completeness checks 36 Change control process 37 Pre-pilot trial 37 Interviewers...