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  1. LCRO 252/2016 MY on behalf of BAT Ltd (12 March 2019) [pdf, 250 KB]

    ...determination the Committee noted that “Mr BJ was obliged to act in a respectful and courteous manner towards Mr SQ, rather than ignore his correspondence”. [56] Mr MY disagrees. However, the Committee’s comment is well founded. Rule 10.1 of the CCCR provides: 10.1 A lawyer must treat other lawyers with respect and courtesy. [57] Mr BJ could not completely refuse to communicate with Mr SQ. If Mr MY’s instructions were as he says, Mr BJ was perhaps remiss if he did not e...

  2. AZ v YX LCRO 175 / 2010 (25 March 2011) [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...undertaking an initial inquiry into the allegations. The Complaints Committee would have investigated the matter and formed an opinion as to whether the conduct complained of was of “sufficient gravity to warrant the making of a charge … (ss101(1) and (2) Law Practitioners Act 1982.” [57] The most relevant comments are made in paragraphs 23 and 24 and I include those in full. Paragraph 23 “We have also considered what is meant by “proceedings” being “commenced” i...

  3. 2017 Report of the Registrar of the Environment Court [pdf, 674 KB]

    ...324 325 3 175 827 1006 2010 / 2011 210 223 3 171 607 917 2011 / 2012 163 192 7 137 499 801 2012 / 2013 228 140 5 123 496 662 2013 / 2014 94 112 5 122 333 694 2014 / 2015 153 113 2 124 392 415 2015 / 2016 203 103 2 120 428 422 2016 / 2017 101 112 4 268 485 453 While case numbers are an indicator of the demand placed on court resources, they are not the only indicator. Other factors such as case size, number of parties/ topics and E.49 10 | P a g e complexity i...

  4. Auckland Standards Committee 1 v Hart [2011] NZLCDT 36 [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...paragraphs 26 and 27 the Court had the following to say: “[26] We are in no doubt that a charge, or charges, must be filed with the relevant tribunal promptly. That conclusion, we think, may be reached in two ways. First, the express obligation in s 101(1) to inquire into complaints “as soon as practicable” may extend to the further step of preferring charges after a sufficient gravity finding. As the circumstances of this case demonstrate, the limits of the investigative proc...

  5. Otimi v Fa'uhiva - Hauhungaroa 1A3 (Poukura Pā) (2018) 394 Aota MB 182 (394 AOT 182) [pdf, 363 KB]

    ...O PAREKAAWA Applicant AND JASON FA’UHIVA, KAHURANGI DAVISON, TE AURERE HEPI, WILLOW DAVISON, GREGORY RIWAI, CRAIG PARANIHI AND ATONIO FA’UHIVA AS TRUSTEES OF POUKURA PA Respondents Hearing: 16 July 2018, 390 Aotea MB 83-101 (Heard at Turangi) Appearances: Paranapa Otimi in person Antonio Fa’uhiva and Kahurangi Davison in person Judgment: 24 December 2018 INTERIM JUDGMENT OF JUDGE L R HARVEY Introduction [1] Paranapa Otimi seeks an inquir...

  6. Justice Sector one-year prison population forecast March 2015 graphs [xls, 244 KB]

    ...regarding e.g. aliases comes to hand; recent data points in particular are therefore subject to slight revision in subsequent monitoring reports. Female remand 40966 40966 40973 40973 40980 40980 40987 40987 40994 40994 41001 41001 41008 41008 41015 41015 41022 41022 41029 41029 41036 41036 41043 41043 41050 41050 41057 41057 41064 41064 41071 41071 41078 41078 41085 41085 41092 41092 41099 41099 41106 41106 41113 41113 41120 41120 41127 41127 41134 41134 41141 41141...

  7. LCRO 35/2018 MR v GB (4 April 2019) [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...correspondence was to be directed to him and any payments were also to be made through his firm. Mr MR’s suggestions to Dr JK were made only seven days after Mr EU had provided Mr MR with an authority signed by Mr GB to this effect.12 [57] Rules 10, 10.1 and 10.2.2 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules provide: 10 A lawyer must promote and maintain proper standards of professionalism in the lawyer’s dealings. 10.1 A lawyer must treat other lawyers with respect and courtesy. 10...

  8. People discharged without conviction December 2023 [xlsx, 89 KB]

    ...Manawatū/Wairarapa Masterton 10 12 10 15 17 27 24 20 54 69 Manawatū/Wairarapa Palmerston North 24 22 17 11 38 38 39 29 30 63 Manawatū/Wairarapa Justice service area total 45 45 37 32 62 79 67 61 96 145 Northern Wellington Hutt Valley 82 99 116 109 108 101 101 97 112 113 Northern Wellington Porirua 65 80 74 81 90 99 112 150 119 153 Northern Wellington Justice service area total 147 179 190 190 198 200 213 247 231 266 Wellington Chatham Islands 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 Wellington Wellington...

  9. LCRO 167/2016 LQ v TM (13 May 2019) [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...against the firm which concerned one of the lawyer’s partners who was ill. 8 Oxford English Dictionary “Integrity” <> — see also lawyers’ duties of “respect and courtesy” owed to clients (r 3.1), and other lawyers (r 10.1). 8 any information Mr JQ has about the estate. At the hearing he reiterated that this concerned the residuary estate. [48] Mr TM says he did not, and does not act for Mr LQ. He says Mr JK acts on the administration of Mrs A...

  10. Water quality in Otago July 2015 to June 2020 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Road Excellent 0.006 184 0.002 0.006 4.57 90 Thomsons Creek at SH85 Poor 0.022 1362 0.100 0.304 7.13 95 Trotters Creek at Mathesons Good 0.02 210 0.006 0.440 2.04 100 * Upper Cardrona at Tuohys Gully Road Excellent 0.003 165 0.002 0.027 1.64 101 * Upper Pomahaka at Aitchison Runs Road Excellent 0.003 92 0.005 0.020 0.98 102 * Upper Shag at SH85 Culvert Excellent 0.008 130 0.002 0.041 0.34 103 Waianakarua at Browns Good 0.010 220 0.003 0.318 0.45 104 * Waianakarua at South Br...