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  1. Wanklyn - Estate of Ropata Wharetoetoe Rare (2004) 157 Gisborne MB 243 (157 GIS 243) [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...interpretation of his will, it is for the High Court to determine and construe its meaning and effect, not this Court unless permitted to intervene pursuant to Part IV of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993. Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 recognises this in sections 101 and 102/93. These provisions provide: Minute Book: 157 GIS 251 101 General law to apply subject to this Part All other enactments and rules of law relating to- (a) Applications for and grant of administration of estates of...

  2. Brown - Motatau 2 Section 23A1B [2019] Chief Judge's MB 311 (2019 CJ 311) [pdf, 339 KB]

    ...dwelling house to Heke Brown at 14 KH MB 201-202 (23 January 1985) (c) Minutes at 96 WH MB 74 (18 March 2003), 96 WH MB 247 (29 May 2003), 98 WH MB 206-208 (26 November 2006), 99 WH MB 40-42 (24 February 2004), 100 WH MB 32-36 (25 August 2004), 101 WH MB 129-131 (24 January 2005), 101 WH MB 177-179 (18 February 2005), 8 RGTO 96 (4 December 1992) (d) Schedule of Ownership Orders (Motatau 2 Sec 23A1B) Court Research - Ownership of the ‘papakainga’ 9. As the deceased died...

  3. ASC - 2015 annual report [pdf, 828 KB]

    ...1,264 409 843 14,745 2013 2,516 2,735 2,683 2,251 1,571 1,169 358 790 14,073 2014 2,558 2,557 2,323 1,858 1,420 1,136 504 781 13,137 Percent 2004 6.9 10.1 19.2 21.6 16.5 14.3 6.4 4.9 100.0 2005 7.3 10.2 16.7 20.6 17.2 15.1 7.7 5.3 100.0 2006 8.5 10.3 16.8 20.8 16.7 14.7 7.0 5.2 100.0 2007 8.0 13.1 19.4 20.0...

  4. [2021] NZACC 146 – Buis v ACC (28 September 2021) [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...effect to the extent that it requires payment of interest only in respect of calculations made under that Act for any period commencing on or after 1 July 1992 for which weekly compensation is payable. (2) Despite section 339, - (a) section 101 of the Accident Insurance Act 1998 continues in effect as if that section had not been repealed; but (b) section 101 has effect to require the payment of interest only in respect of calculations made under that Act for the period 1...

  5. Application-to-provide-legal-aid-ServicesV21.8.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Check Box Q20 N: Off Check Box Q21 Y: Off Check Box Q21 N: Off Text Field 47: Text Field 27: Text Field 28: Text Field 54: Text Field 58: Text Field 57: Text Field 53: Check Box 28: Off Check Box 50: Off Text Field 34: Text100: Text101: Ref dropdown 102: [ ] Ref dropdown 101: [ ] Ref text 103: Check Box 101: Off Check Box 102: Off Check Box 103: Off Check Box 104: Off Check Box 105: Off Check Box 106: Off Check Box 107: Off Check Box 108: Off Text Field...

  6. Justice Sector one-year prison population forecast August 2015 graphs [xlsx, 110 KB]

    ...regarding e.g. aliases comes to hand; recent data points in particular are therefore subject to slight revision in subsequent monitoring reports. Female remand Female remand population: weekly forecast Actual 40966 40973 40980 40987 40994 41001 41008 41015 41022 41029 41036 41043 41050 41057 41064 41071 41078 41085 41092 41099 41106 41113 41120 41127 41134 41141 41148 41155 41162 41169 41176 41183 41190 41197 41204 41211 41218 41225 41232 41239 41246 41253 41260 41267 41274 41281 41288 41295...

  7. Ruddelle v Auckland District Health Board [2021] NZHRRT 5 [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...Ruddelle’s personal information not health information, the communications must be assessed against IPPs 10 and 11 respectively. Accordingly, the ADHB disclosures will be considered against the exceptions in IPP 10 and 11, which correlate to HIPC, rr 10(1)(b), 11(1)(b) and 11 (1)(c). Disclosures to Dr Bevan and ACC [27] IPP 11 requires an agency not to disclose personal information unless it believes one of the exceptions detailed in the IPPs apply. The ADHB has relied on two excep...

  8. Kooiman v CAC519, Rodgers, Clarke and Cudby [2019] NZREADT 11 [pdf, 287 KB]

    ...price for the property; [h] Error of fact and law in deciding that the licensees were asked for an opinion as to the sale of the property as a redevelopment and were not asked to provide an appraisal; [i] Error of fact and law in stating that r 10.1 applies only to agents who are entering into, or have entered into, an agency agreement; [j] Error or fact and law in deciding that the licensees did not provide the affidavits on behalf of a client as defined by the Act. Submissions...

  9. LCRO 252/2016 MY on behalf of BAT Ltd (12 March 2019) [pdf, 250 KB]

    ...determination the Committee noted that “Mr BJ was obliged to act in a respectful and courteous manner towards Mr SQ, rather than ignore his correspondence”. [56] Mr MY disagrees. However, the Committee’s comment is well founded. Rule 10.1 of the CCCR provides: 10.1 A lawyer must treat other lawyers with respect and courtesy. [57] Mr BJ could not completely refuse to communicate with Mr SQ. If Mr MY’s instructions were as he says, Mr BJ was perhaps remiss if he did not e...

  10. AZ v YX LCRO 175 / 2010 (25 March 2011) [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...undertaking an initial inquiry into the allegations. The Complaints Committee would have investigated the matter and formed an opinion as to whether the conduct complained of was of “sufficient gravity to warrant the making of a charge … (ss101(1) and (2) Law Practitioners Act 1982.” [57] The most relevant comments are made in paragraphs 23 and 24 and I include those in full. Paragraph 23 “We have also considered what is meant by “proceedings” being “commenced” i...