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  1. BL & UL v AX [2014] NZIACDT 9 (05 February 2014) [pdf, 84 KB]

    ...would the Tribunal need to examine the failure to deal properly with the instructions. The adviser’s Statement of Reply [10] The adviser’s Statement of Reply makes two material responses to the complaint in relation to his responsibility: [10.1] That the provisional licence holder has claimed she only had a preliminary discussion and the potential clients did not engage her at that time. She claimed persons in her Tonga office had potentially acted dishonestly. [10.2] Regardless...

  2. TN v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 388 (28 May 2024) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...was a reasonable price and filed a claim in the Disputes Tribunal for an order that she was not required to pay the remainder. Q Ltd counterclaimed for the remainder to be paid. 2. This is a claim for a declaration of non-liability under section 10(1)(b) of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 and a counterclaim for the amount outstanding, which despite minor differences when the claims were filed, the parties agreed in the hearing was $3,081.78. 3. The issues to be determined were as f...

  3. Glossary-of-firearm-terms-for-the-Arms-Act-public-consultation.pdf [pdf, 333 KB]

    ...semi-automatic pistol The Act defines this as a semi-automatic pistol that: • has an overall length of 400 millimetres or less, excluding any silencer, pistol carbine conversion kit, or other muzzle-fitting attachment • has a barrel length of 101 millimetres or more • is capable of firing specified ammunition only at a muzzle velocity of 1,600 feet per second or less • is suitable for shooting on a certified pistol range. The definition of a prohibited magazine in the Act...

  4. OT v XQ Ltd [2024] NZDT 619 (22 August 2024) [pdf, 186 KB]

    ...Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 619 APPLICANT OT RESPONDENT XQ Ltd The Tribunal orders: A. OT is to pay $2,400.00 to XQ Ltd on or before 19 September 2024. B. There is a declaration under section 10(1)(b) of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 that no further sums are payable to XQ Ltd by OT, as at 22 August 2024. Reasons 1. During about March 2024, OT parked his car in a car park controlled by XQ Ltd near his apartment for sho...

  5. LCRO 63/2024 WL v AC and TU (25 November 2024) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...the financial outcomes sought by the applicant in the complaint that led to that separate review application. My comment was that his proper remedy was to apply to the Family Court for a costs order against the other party in the proceedings. [101] I did not mean to suggest that the applicant “should” have made such a costs order application, which is how the applicant appears to have interpreted my comment. Further, I did not mean to express any view that the applicant might have...

  6. SO v TH [2024] NZDT 536 (25 July 2024) [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...jurisdiction, I am not required to consider the provisions of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 (DT Act). 13. However, I will make two observations for completeness: a. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction is conferred by section 10 of the DT Act. Section 10(1) provides that the Tribunal has jurisdiction in respect of a claim founded on contract or quasi-contract, or in tort in respect of the destruction or loss of any property, and damage or injury to any property or the recovery of any pro...

  7. [2024] NZEmpC 246 NHL v The Priory in New Zealand of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem judgment redacted [pdf, 171 KB]

    ...order subject to such conditions as they think fit.6 3 The plaintiff considers that publication of the name of the employer is useful for various reasons. 4 NHL v ZNO, above n 1, at [5]. 5 At [6]. 6 Employment Relations Act 2000, sch 2 cl 10(1) and sch 3 cl 12(1). [11] Ms Fechney pointed to the Court’s recent decision in Spiga.7 The majority there determined that, generally, for a non-publication order to be justified, a party first must establish that there is r...

  8. KM & MM v WN & DN [2024] NZDT 577 (5 July 2024) [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...from the trustees development unreasonably and substantially interfere with the KM and MM’s property causing damage to property? c. If so, what is the remedy? Does the Tribunal have jurisdiction to determine the claim? 5. Under s10(1)(c) of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 the Tribunal has jurisdiction in tort in respect of the (i) destruction or loss or any property (ii) any damage or injury to any property or (iii) the recovery of any property. CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Ord...

  9. Māori Land Court judgments subject index [pdf, 846 KB]

    ...Confirmation J Armstrong 29.07.2015 Whakatane Distict Council - Part Allotment Matata Parish 6 124 Waiariki MB 282 124 WAR 282 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 s 131 Determine Status of Roadway J Harvey 27.07.2015 The Māori Trustee - Poike 8E 101 Waikato Maniapoto MB 286 101 WMN 286 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 ss 18(1)(a), 183, 185, 242 J Milroy 27.07.2015 Gisborne District Council v Hautapu - Tatarahake No 1 50 Tairawhiti MB 199 50 TRW 199 Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1...

  10. ASC - 2014 annual report [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...1,730 1,264 409 843 14,745 2013 2,516 2,735 2,683 2,251 1,571 1,169 358 790 14,073 Percent 2003 6.9 9.9 14.6 21.0 18.7 15.7 8.1 5.2 100.0 2004 6.9 10.1 19.2 21.6 16.5 14.3 6.4 4.9 100.0 2005 7.3 10.2 16.7 20.6 17.2 15.1 7.7 5.3 100.0 2006 8.5 10.3 16.8 20.8 16.7 14.7 7.0 5.2 100.0 2007 8.0 13.1...