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  1. Employment Court AVL Guideline [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...remote participation without interruption or distraction; (b) be well lit to enable the Judge, and the other parties, to see the participant and the remote place at all times; 4 See s 10(1) and (2). 5 See s 5. (c) be sufficiently spacious so as to enable suitable images of th...

  2. BORA 2002 Income Tax Bill [pdf, 114 KB]

    ...wages, e.t.c, to relative employed by or in partnership with taxpayer; GD 4 - Payments to taxpayer’s spouse; GD 5 – Excessive remuneration by close company to shareholder, director, or relative; GD 9 – Land transferred between associated persons; GD 10(1) & (4) – Leases for inadequate rent; KC 4(2) – Rebate in certain cases for housekeeper (definition of housekeeper); and LD 1(2A)(a) – Tax deductions to be credited against tax assessed. Restriction Married Persons and Opposite...

  3. WHT Claims under $20k - Chair's Directions [pdf, 174 KB]

    ...damage  recommended remedial work in relation to each incidence of water penetration  cost of the remedial work. Weathertight Homes Tribunal Chair’s Directions for lower value claims page 5 of 5 10. Inspections and site visits 10.1 Respondents or their expert advisors are entitled to inspect the claimant’s property for the purpose of responding to the claim, but the timing and length of any inspection must be reasonable and arranged by appointment. Arrangemen...

  4. WHT Annual Report 2019 [pdf, 267 KB]

    ...settlement rate (93%), a tribute to the effectiveness of the Tribunal’s procedures. JURISDICTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION Establishment and Function of the Tribunal The Tribunal is based in Auckland. It was established in 2007 by section 101 of the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 (the Act). It is part of Government’s response to the ‘leaky homes crisis’ enabling claims by the owners of dwellinghouses (stand-alone homes, townhouses and apartments) to...

  5. Taylor v Southern District Health Board (Extension of Time) [2018] NZHRRT 30 [pdf, 165 KB] Sax v Commissioner of Police (Extension of Time) [2015] NZHRRT 18 at [40] to [43], the key considerations are surprise and prejudice. [10] On the facts, it is difficult to see how the two applications for extension of time could be declined: [10.1] The extensions sought are minimal. The SDHB has asked for seven days to 27 June 2018 and Dr Mullen has sought a further five days beyond that date ie 2 July 2018. [10.2] The plaintiffs have consented to the application by the SDHB whil...

  6. D Ltd v B Ltd [2021] NZHC 1600 (24 June 2021) [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...above, the claim for the additional amount under the head of a breach of warranty, is not successful. 20. As discussed during the hearing the Tribunal has jurisdiction to hear a claim in tort where there has been damage to property under section 10(1) (c) Disputes Tribunal At 1988. However, B provided no evidence of any damage to property under their claim under the tort of conversion. For these reasons I find that the counterclaim is dismissed in its entirety. 21. For these reaso...

  7. Fenton - Rurima (2005) 108 Whakatāne MB 148 (108 WHK 148) [pdf, 412 KB]

    ...Judgment: Introduction A20030005879 UNDER Sections 338(7) and 338(8), Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Rurima DAYLE EVELYN FENTON Applicant 19 May 2005, 106 Whakatane MB 178 30 .A.pril2004, 102 Whakatane MB 196 11 December 2003, 101 Whakatane NIB 256 23 December 2005 RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE L R HARVEY [1] The background to these proceedings is set out in my judgment of 30 April 2004, 102 Whakatane MB 196 and need not be repeated here. In summary, Kei Mer...

  8. QC v-DH Ltd & DN & MS [2021] NZDT 1601 (24 June 2021) [pdf, 176 KB]

    ...a quote for $552.00 to “rake and roll soil to make it compact and flat”. 2. The applicant is claiming that she was induced to enter the contract on a misrepresentation that the work would take four hours and is seeking a declaration under s10(1)(b) of the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 that she is not liable to the respondents in respect of the amount payable under the contract. 3. The respondents did not attend the hearing. The hearing was delayed allowing them time to appear. Th...

  9. Chief Executive Expenses: 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011 [pdf, 58 KB]

    ...South Wales Lunch (4 people) Wellington 3 March 2011 $773.00 Hosting Australasian National Justice Chief Executives Dinner (8 people) Wellington 15 March 2011 $56.74 Farewell for Commissioner of Police Lunch (5 people) Wellington 19 April 2011 $101.20 Welcome to new Commissioner of Police Lunch (5 people) Wellington 9 May 2011 $178.25 Meeting of new Police Executive with Ministry of Justice Executive Lunch (10 people) Wellington Total hospitality expenses for the 6- monthly peri...

  10. Fulton v Accident Compensation Corporation (Costs on appeal) [2023] NZACC 107 [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...conference (0.2): $254.00; 9.9.23 Appearance, Case conference (0.3): $381.00; 9.13 Preparation of bundle for hearing (0.125) $158.75; 24 Preparation of case on appeal (0.5): $635.00; 24A Preparation of written submissions (0.5): $635.00; 10.1 Preparation of affidavit (0.125): $158.75; 25 Appearance at hearing as principal counsel (0.5): $635.00; Total costs (2.45 days at $1270): $3,111.50 Less 50 percent: $1,555.75 [19] This Court notes that Ms Koloni...