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  1. Nolan - Estate of Wiremu Eruera Pohe (2016) 139 Taitokerau MB 170 (139 TTK 170) [pdf, 244 KB]

    ...of this proceeding. [51] The onus is on Dawn, and her daughters, to demonstrate in evidence that they are entitled to succeed. 13 13 See Bennett – Estate of Ronald Clifford Bennett (2014) 101 Waiariki MB 290 (101 WAR 290). 139 Taitokerau MB 179 [52] Although I have found that Chantal should be recognised as Wiremu’s whāngai, there is no evidence before me which demonstrates that Chantal has a whakapapa connection to...

  2. M D Cottle Family Trust & Anor v CAC20002 & Anor / Barnett v CAC20002 & Ors [2015] NZREADT 74 [pdf, 142 KB] the interests of vendors, he kept up to date with market values at material times. However, as at 2011, the appraisal provided by the licensee in 2006 was rough and inferential rather than clear and did not meet the expectations of Rule 9.5. [101] It is also unsatisfactory that he did not provide information about the 2008 Act and Regulations as required and expected these days because he was under the mistaken belief that such requirement only applied to residential property and not...

  3. EQ & MC v IJ Ltd & SD [2022] NZDT 146 (31 August 2022) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...relation to EQ and MC’s alternative cause of action, negligent misstatement, the Disputes Tribunal does not have jurisdiction for claims relating to negligent misstatement. 4. Negligence (which includes negligent misstatement) is a tort. Under s10(1)(c) the Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 the Disputes Tribunal’s tort jurisdiction is limited to a claim in respect of: a. the destruction or loss of any property; b. any damage or injury to any property; or c. the recovery of any pro...

  4. Provider manual: 1a limited approvals operational policy [pdf, 174 KB] approval will expire at the end of the relevant period, or on the specific proceeding being finalised. The Secretary can cancel or modify a limited approval, or impose interim restrictions, in the same way as a full approval (see sections 101 – 103 of the Act). Reference: Sections 77(3)(c) and 101 – 103. Extension of the limited approval A provider can apply for an extension of a limited approval by filling in a new Application for limited approval as a legal aid provide...

  5. Taniora v Crown - Pukemakoiti 2 and 4 (2018) 390 Aotea MB 268 (390 AOT 268) [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...attended and gave evidence. At the end of the hearing the case was adjourned to chambers. 1 52 Tokaanu MB 112-113 (52 ATK 112-113) 2 264 Aotea MB 192-193 (264 AOT 192-193) 3 274 Aotea MB 101-110 (274 AOT 101-110) 4 375 Aotea MB 121 (375 AOT 121) 5 155 Waikato Maniapoto MB 33-40 (155 WMN 33-40) 390 Aotea MB 270 Applicant’s submissions [9] Ms Taniora submitted that the trustees have failed to act prudently by giving...

  6. MOJ0342.2-Homicide-factsheet-FEB22-PRINT.pdf [pdf, 689 KB]

    ...Parole Board hearings. • Up to $10,000 is available to help with funeral costs. Contact ACC to apply. You may also be able to get other financial support from ACC. Ask your support agency to find out more or call the ACC Claims Helpline on 0800 101 996. At court The defendant (the person accused of the crime) will probably appear at court several times, for example, to plead guilty or not guilty, or for the judge to look at the evidence of the case. It’s unlikely that you’ll hav...

  7. Norman v Pohatu - Te Hapua 42 (2022) 256 Taitokerau MB 1 (256 TTK 1) [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...orders; c) The Court before removing from office any member of a Committee of Management must be satisfied that there is sufficient cause to do so; 1 The Committee of Management of the Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporated v McLeod (2009) 101 Tauranga MB 153 (101 T 153). 256 Taitokerau MB 4 d) Unsatisfactory performance must be measured against the principles of the Act. They are contained in the Preamble and section 2; e) It is not every unsatisfactory act or...

  8. MOJ0344.2-factsheet-Affected-by-crime-Nov21-PRINT.pdf [pdf, 654 KB]

    ...Parole Board hearings. • Up to $10,000 is available to help with funeral costs. Contact ACC to apply. You may also be able to get other financial support from ACC. Ask your support agency to find out more or call the ACC Claims Helpline on 0800 101 996. At court The defendant (the person accused of the crime) will probably appear at court several times, for example, to plead guilty or not guilty, or for the judge to look at the evidence of the case. It’s unlikely that you’ll hav...

  9. Provisional figures - October 2016 [pdf, 744 KB]

    ...Mäori Pacific Other Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate 2007/2008 21 5.93 87 15.39 24 9.05 408 13.26 2008/2009 10 2.82 95 16.81 26 9.81 400 13.00 2009/2010 22 6.21 105 18.58 31 11.69 383 12.45 2010/2011 19 5.36 101 17.87 22 8.30 416 13.52 2011/2012 19 5.36 132 23.34 31 11.69 365 11.24 2012/2013 28 7.90 105 18.58 24 9.05 384 12.48 2013/2014 22 4.67 108 18.06 26 8.81 373 12.96 2014/2015 16 3.40 130 21.74 27 9.15 391 13.58 20...

  10. Hiroti - Succession to Rira Peti Hiroti (2021) 72 Te Waipounamu MB 271 (72 TWP 271) [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...prepared by the Deputy Registrar for the hearing provided that the list of beneficiaries entitled to the SILNA land was updated by substituting Rira’s 1.388 share with David and Peihana, with both receiving a 0.694 share each. 5 108 Aotea MB 101-102 (108 AOT 101). 6 Above n 1. 7 133 Aotea MB 28-34 (133 AOT 28). 8 46 Te Waipounamu MB 250-267 (46 TWP 250). 72 Te Waipounamu MB 275 [19] Mr Hiroti opposed the draft orders set out in the submission provided by the Deputy...