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  1. Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 31 August 2020 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...26/11/2012 CJ 2012/32 - Heta Paipeta also known as Heketa Paipeta or Heketa Eriaha - and a succession order made at 41 South Island MB 296 on 24/05/1966 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Deputy Registrar 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93, 220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene...

  2. Proactive-release-OIA-review-Aug22.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    Hon Kris Faafoi Minister of Justice Proactive release – Briefing: Official Information Act 1982 – report back on targeted engagement and next steps Released: 7 December 2021 Initially released: 22 August 2020 The following documents have been proactively released by the Ministry of Justice. The initial release of this information in March 2020 included the Briefing and Attachment to the Briefing (documents 1& 2). The subsequent release in December 2021 included the Submis

  3. 2021-07-06 Transcript.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...58 MICHAEL ANTHONY CUMMINGS (AFFIRMED) ................................................................................ 100 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS IRVING ............................................................................................. 101 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS WILLIAMS ........................................................................................ 103 QUESTIONS ARISING – NIL ..............................................................................................

  4. MLC-Notification-of-Applications-Over-6-months-old.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 May 2022 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 May 2022, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori Appell

  5. 2021-07-07 Transcript (up until 3.25pm of day 42) [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...58 MICHAEL ANTHONY CUMMINGS (AFFIRMED) ................................................................................ 100 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS IRVING ............................................................................................. 101 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS WILLIAMS ........................................................................................ 103 QUESTIONS ARISING – NIL ..............................................................................................

  6. Māori Land Court - Rule 5.11 Schedule - November 2017 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Karetai or George Percy Huriwai Karetai or Hiki Karetai - Succession and Whanau Trust Orders made at 183 Napier MB 267-270 on 07/03/2006 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 David George Tunuku Karetai 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93, 220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - a...

  7. Case studies from evaluation of court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 791 KB]

    Evaluation of the Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Case Studies Prepared by the Crime and Justice Research Centre Victoria University of Wellington May 2005 2 DISCLAIMER This research was commissioned by the former Department for Courts. The report has been prepared by the authors and the views expressed in it are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the

  8. ENVC Matiatia transcript 20150727 [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND ENV-2013-AKL-000174 IN THE MATTER OF A Notice of Motion under s87G requesting the granting of resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Ltd to establish a Marina @ Matiatia Bay Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf. BETWEEN WAIHEKE MARINAS LTD Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL DIRECTION MATIATIA INCORPORATED NGATI PAOA IWI TRUST AUCKLAND TRANSPORT THOMAS GREVE AND KRISTIN LEWIS Other s274 Parties Hear

  9. Transcript of PC8 Urban Provisions - Complete [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2020-CHC-128 IN THE MATTER OF the Resource Management Act 1991 of a notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 8 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (referred to the Environment Court by the Minister for the environment under section 142(2)(b) of the Act) BETWEEN OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant Hearing Commenced: 21 March 2022 held in Courtroom 13 Court: Envir

  10. Index to the Wai 1040 inquiry [pdf, 1 MB]

    WAITANGI TRIBUNAL INDEX TO THE WAI 1040 COMBINED RECORD OF INQUIRY FOR TE PAPARAHI O TE RAKI PART I: RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Document dates are: • Date of signature for documents generated by the Tribunal • Date received for documents filed with the Tribunal 1. STATEMENTS 1. 1 STATEMENTS OF CLAIM 1.1.0001 Wai no: 24, 1.1 Date of SOC: 03 Sep 85 Date received: 13 Sep 85 Claimant: Tiata Witehira, K Witehira (deceased), T Tohu (deceased) Representing: Ngaitawake Concernin