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  1. Transcript (week 6 Cromwell) [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2020-CJC-127 IN THE MATTER OF The Resource Management Act 1991 AND Of a notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (referred to the Environment Court by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the Act) OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant Hearing Commenced: 10 May 2021 held in Cromwell Court: Environment Judge J E B

  2. Notification of Applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 30 November 2018 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...26/11/2012 CJ 2012/32 - Heta Paipeta also known as Heketa Paipeta or Heketa Eriaha - and a succession order made at 41 South Island MB 296 on 24/05/1966 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Deputy Registrar 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93,220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene -...

  3. MLC - Register for Māori Land Trusts in New Zealand [xls, 902 KB]

    ...TKT 64223 Awapawanui Reservation Māori Reservation TRW 62190 Awapuni 1H Ahu Whenua Trust TRW 62191 Awapuni 1K Ahu Whenua Trust TRW 55233 Awapuni 1L2F Māori Reservation TRW 55234 Awapuni 1L2G Māori Reservation TRW 62194 Awapuni 3 Ahu Whenua Trust TRW 101661 Awapuni A2/4A2 Trust Ahu Whenua Trust TRW 62186 Awapuni B2B Ahu Whenua Trust TTK 70372 Awarau Whanau Trust Ahuwhenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust WAI 59711 Awaroa A 3B 2A 1A (Rakaunui Marae) Māori Reservation WAI 59690 Awaroa A No 2H...

  4. Proactive-release-of-political-donations-consultation-materials-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    Proa cti ve R ele as e Ministry of Justice Proactive release of material related to submissions on proposed changes to political donation rules Date of issue: 20 January 2023 Some information has been withheld on the basis that it would not, if requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), be released. Where that is the case, the relevant section of the OIA has been noted and no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

  5. National Māori Land Trust Register 2017 [xls, 921 KB]

    ...Reservation TKT 42004 Waipuka 2B4C Ahuwhenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust TKT 42049 Te Awaawaroa 1 Sub 2A1 Ahu Whenua Trust Ahu Whenua Trust TWP 43361 Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 98 Other TWP 43362 Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 99 Other TWP 43363 Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 101A Ahu Whenua Trust TWP 43364 Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 66 Ahu Whenua Trust TWP 43345 Waikouaiti Blk III Sec 42 Sub 42 Ahu Whenua Trust TKT 43368 Te Haroto Maori Reservation Maori Reservation TWP 43369 Waikouaiti Blk XII Sec 74A Ahu Whenua...

  6. Notification-of-applications-that-have-not-been-finally-determined-over-6-months-old-30-November-2020.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...26/11/2012 CJ 2012/32 - Heta Paipeta also known as Heketa Paipeta or Heketa Eriaha - and a succession order made at 41 South Island MB 296 on 24/05/1966 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Deputy Registrar 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93,220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene...

  7. 2021-07-05 Transcript (up until1.30pm of day 39).pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...58 MICHAEL ANTHONY CUMMINGS (AFFIRMED) ................................................................................ 100 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS IRVING ............................................................................................. 101 CROSS-EXAMINATION: MS WILLIAMS ........................................................................................ 103 QUESTIONS ARISING – NIL ..............................................................................................

  8. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA - NOE 10-13 May 2021.pdf [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...the skillset to go off farm but do we want to? It’s our passion, it’s what we do. So and the reduced income for the community, the community at present has been thriving, it’s a risk 25 and a whole lot of unknowns that we don’t know. 1010 Q. Yes and I think and I get that because I can see that everywhere that there’s a whole lot of unknowns and the sort of known unknowns if you like, that amounts to a great deal of uncertainty and it amounts to a great 30 deal of ri...

  9. Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 28 February 2021 [pdf, 4.5 MB]

    ...26/11/2012 CJ 2012/32 - Heta Paipeta also known as Heketa Paipeta or Heketa Eriaha - and a succession order made at 41 South Island MB 296 on 24/05/1966 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93 Deputy Registrar 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene - and succession orders made at 6 ADWG 312 on 12/3/1990 - Application to the Chief Judge 45/93, 220/93 Jeanette Fifield 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20130001014 3/01/2013 CJ 2013/3 - Mere Porotene...

  10. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits J to NN [pdf, 15 MB]

    " J" R eprint as at 19 N ovem ber 2004 Water Conservation (Mohaka River) Order 2004 (SR 2004/397) Silvia Cartwright, Governor-General Order in Council At Wellington this 15th day of November 2004 Present: The Right Hon Helen Clark presiding in Council Pursuant to sections 214 and 423 of the Resource Management Act 1991, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent o f the Executive Council, makes the following order. Changes authorised