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  1. [2019] NZEmpC 65 Rayner v Director-General of Health [pdf, 795 KB]

    ...that she had understood from the discussion the approaches to DWP, the University of Portsmouth and Mr Ruffles were to be concurrent. She requested a response to the proposed questions and the signed consent by 1.00 pm on 3 November 2017. [101] In the meantime, Mr Lennan had discussed various issues arising from the meeting of 1 November 2017 with Mr Merrett. This included him obtaining Mr Merrett’s confirmation that the stalking issue, which had been referred to by Mrs Rayne...

  2. MLC April 2020 National Panui [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...Trust - Replace Peti Tamepo with Allan O'Connell, Angel Shy-Rayne Remana- Hetherington, Alisha Tamepo-Pehi and Cheryl Witana as trustees 54 12:00PM A20200001262 113/93, 118/93 Peter Paerau Julie Ngahuia Paerau - Succession 55 12:30PM A20190010108 113/93, 118/93 Shane Heihei, Tari Heihei Pou Heihei Junior - Succession 56 12:30PM A20200001622 113/93, 117/93 Keven Riddell, Megan Riddell, Leanne Menzies Mildred Kaye Riddelll - Succession 57 12:30PM A20190009786 164/93 Edward...

  3. E27 Contamination, Groundwater, Earthworks and Air Discharges JWS [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...holder will not undertake construction or development on land the subject of this consent in Wynyard Point prior to confirmation that the necessary part of Brigham Street can be stopped as public road (as shown on Beca Plan Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev B) with the exception of any enabling works either as authorised under this consent or a separate consent for such necessary early commencement works. The confirmation must be provided to the Team Leader Compliance Monitoring – Centr...

  4. Regulatory Impact Statement: Amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002 [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...applies and to what extent. Prescribing the aggravating factor into the Act may lend itself to debate at sentencing, particularly in borderline cases, around its elements such as what constitutes an adjoining dwelling, and the meaning of sole charge. 101. The limited nature of the Government commitment, and time constraints, mean that it would serve little purpose to identify other options for detailed analysis to achieve the same result. With more time, one such option would be to rati...

  5. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    Directory of Official Information Listings S-U About This is a living document. We endeavour to update it whenever there are changes to be made. If your department or agency’s information is out of date, please email with the necessary amendments. We can send you a MS Word version if you need. Ministerial Relations and Services Strategy, Governance & Finance Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture ma

  6. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    Directory of Official Information Listings S-U About This is a living document. We endeavour to update it whenever there are changes to be made. If your department or agency’s information is out of date, please email with the necessary amendments. We can send you a MS Word version if you need. Ministerial Relations and Services Strategy, Governance & Finance Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture ma

  7. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    Directory of Official Information Listings S-U About This is a living document. We endeavour to update it whenever there are changes to be made. If your department or agency’s information is out of date, please email with the necessary amendments. We can send you a MS Word version if you need. Ministerial Relations and Services Strategy, Governance & Finance Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture ma

  8. February 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 285 KB]

    ...Waetford, Waima Treanor and Susanne Maree Waetford as trustees 27 11:30AM A20140009471 239/93, 338(7)/93 Rangi Mitchelson Kaitara 2A1B2A - Remove Dorothy Tupene and Add Rosemary Ricky Nathan as Trustees of Te Pounga Marae 28 12:00PM A20140010109 239/93, 338(7)/93 Marie Coward Otetao B2B1B - Remove Aroha Pita, Eliza Murphy, Harriet Purcell, Hohepa Wells, John Murphy, Kahuti Eru, Kiri Mahanga, Mihiterina Wells, Raukura Robinson, Rongapai Hapi, Te Rapu Pitman and Add Haydn Edmonds...

  9. OIA-111057-Document-pack.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...FORMATION ACT 1982 New ‘Leading through change’ resource There is a new Leading Through Change resource developed to support leaders, available on the JET Manager 101 pages. Further resources and guidance are being developed for you and your teams. If you have any immediate matters to discuss, or general questions about change, please contact your manager, AskHR or Strategic PX Business Part...

  10. List of parties as at 13 July 2021 [pdf, 701 KB]

    ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Master Topic: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments (PC1) to the Waikato Regional Plan Lodgement: ENV-2020-AKL-000083 OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited v Waikato Regional Council Initiator OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited Gillian Chappell, Vulcan Building Chambers, PO Box 3320, Auckland 1140, Respondent Waikato Regional Council Emily Moon, Si