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4502 items matching your search terms

  1. NZ Core document [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...peoples, 7.1 per cent Asian, and 17.9 per cent of Other ethnicity. Of all cases, 53.6 per cent were men infected through sex with other men and 32.1 per cent were infected through heterosexual contact. Two deaths due to AIDS were reported in 2009.9 101. Ten cases of cholera (all linked to travel) have been reported since 1996, the last case in 2007. Three cases of leprosy were reported in 2009. 102. With regard to typhoid, after decades of numbers in the tens and under, there has been...

  2. [2015] NZEmpC 122 Campbell v The Commissioner of Salford School [pdf, 631 KB]

    ...Campbell’s denial of that and her lack of insight on some issues. An additional opportunity for further responses was provided. Access to Ms Campbell’s school office would be provided to her so that she could obtain relevant documents. [101] Debate concerning procedural issues continued between Mr Bevan on the one hand, and Ms Campbell’s lawyer on the other. Included in those exchanges was a strong criticism from Ms Campbell’s lawyer to the effect that Mr Bevan wa...

  3. Panuku Developments Limited Amended Proposed Conditions 18 July 2018 [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...holder will not undertake construction or development on land the subject of this consent in Wynyard Point prior to confirmation that the necessary part of Brigham Street can be stopped as public road (as shown on Beca Plan Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev B) with the exception of any enabling works either as authorised under this consent or a separate consent for such necessary early commencement works. The confirmation must be provided to the Team Leader Compliance Monitoring – Centr...

  4. July 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...Gisborne | Mäori Land Court, Te Whare o te Rä, Ngä Wai e Rua Building, 60 Reads Quay, Gisborne Wednesday 8 July 2015 | Deputy Chief Judge C L Fox Applications for Hearing PANUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 1 10:00AM A20150001011 18(1)(a) & 67/93 Francis Guthrie Smith (Jnr), Kevin (Tim) Smith, Ulric Smith, Daniel John Smith Estate Francis Guthrie Smith - Application by Kevin Smith, Daniel Smith, Ulric Smith & Francis Guthrie Smith Jnr for Relie...

  5. MLC 2018 February National Panui [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...(Kere) Croft 20 NATIONAL PÄNUI - Hui-Tanguru / FEBRUARY 2018 APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: A20170007001 113/93, 118/93 Eileen Matthews, Raymond Matthews, Jean Mark Murray Jackson Pere Mismah Matthews - Succession A20170007101 18(1)(a)/93 Regina & Wiremu Shepherd Whanäu Trust Otangaroa 1B3 - Determination of ownership of a house A20170007298 239/93 Leslie Wakefi eld Pehiaweri B1B Ahu Whenua Trust - Replace Hemi Kake, Bonnie Jade Kake and Jury Kake with Chr...

  6. E92 Joe Phillips - Traffic and Transportation - RE – Applicant [pdf, 14 MB] paragraphs 6.3 and 7.3, I understand that Panuku and VHHL have agreed on amendments to the conditions to the EMP and ETMP, such that these are now included in the Proposed Conditions (Rebuttal). 10. PARKING AT WYNYARD POINT SYNDICATE BASES 10.1 The evidence of Mirko Groeschner on behalf of the COR36 identifies its concern with a specific part of the Design Requirements document appended to the primary statement of evidence of Mr Graeme McIndoe on behalf of Panuku. 2778...

  7. June 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 330 KB]

    ...A20160002301 118(6)/93 Jennifer Hillman Maki Thomas Maki Natana or Thomas Rohu Maki - Succession (further interests) 100 A20160002447 78A(7)/67 Georgina Haronga Lorna Haronga or Lorna Ngahirata Haronga (nee Boynton) - Succession (further interests) 101 A20160002684 86/93 Deputy Registrar Ngahana Me Emere Ahomiro Whänau Trust - Amendment of Court record 102 A20160002693 18(1)(a)/93 Hori Uatuku Hinewhakarau Dulcie Uatuku - Determination of a life interest 103 A20160002448 113 &...

  8. E30 First Planning JWS [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...holder will not undertake construction or development on land the subject of this consent in Wynyard Point prior to confirmation that the necessary part of Brigham Street can be stopped as public road (as shown on Beca Plan Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev B) with the exception of any enabling works either as authorised under this consent or a separate consent for such necessary early commencement works. The confirmation must be provided to the Team Leader Compliance Monitoring – Centr...

  9. List of parties as at 14 July 2021 [pdf, 709 KB]

    ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Master Topic: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments (PC1) to the Waikato Regional Plan Lodgement: ENV-2020-AKL-000083 OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited v Waikato Regional Council Initiator OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited Gillian Chappell, Vulcan Building Chambers, PO Box 3320, Auckland 1140, Respondent Waikato Regional Council Emily Moon, Si

  10. List of parties as at 30 July 2021 [pdf, 722 KB]

    ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Master Topic: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments (PC1) to the Waikato Regional Plan Lodgement: ENV-2020-AKL-000083 OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited v Waikato Regional Council Initiator OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited Gillian Chappell, Vulcan Building Chambers, PO Box 3320, Auckland 1140, Respondent Waikato Regional Council Emily Moon, Si