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4502 items matching your search terms

  1. Māori Land Court National Panui July 2022 [pdf, 493 KB]

    ...2011 in the Court districts notified below PÄNUI NO: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: COURT DISTRICT: 100 A20220007614 244/93 Pierre Hawira Patetu Whänau Trust (Papamoa No 2 Section 1A 1B) - Variation of trust Waikato- Maniapoto 101 A20220007615 239/93 Rehua Smallman Waewaetutuki 10 Ahu Whenua Trust - Replace Keepa Smallman with Kylie Rawinia Smallman, Toni-Lee Hinerangi Hawira & Rawinia Vaine Kahotea Kirikoro as advisory trustees Waikato- Maniapoto 102 A20220007...

  2. Māori Land Court National Pānui November-2021.pdf [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...Tamatia Turanga as additional trustee 73 A20210009503 214/93, 235A/93 Venus Tehuriwai Hori (nee Hohaia) Urenui Pa and other blocks - Constitute the Venus Tehuriwai Hori Whänau Trust and appoint Natasha Hohaia and 1 other as trustees 86 A20210010105 113A/93, 117/93 Sarah Marlene Thomas Johnston Te Puni Tamati also known as Johnson Te Puni Thomas or Johnston Te Puni Thomas - Succession 87 A20210010344 235A/93, 214/93 Marion Hall Inaha and other blocks - Constitute Marion Whaka...

  3. MLC 2017 05 National Panui [pdf, 311 KB]

    ...Himatangi 5A2B - Judicial conference (The Court may convene to make orders) 99 11:00AM A20170001529 231/93 Mäori Trustee Pukehou 4B4A1B1 Trust - Review of trust 100 11:20AM A20170001327 231/93 Mäori Trustee Manawatu Kukutauaki 2D7 - Review of trust 101 11:40AM A20170001068 135/93 Robert Allan McMeekin, Kura McMeekin Makuratawhiti 8B2B1 block (152B Mill Road, Otaki ) - Change from Mäori freehold land to General land At Palmerston North | Ministry of Justice, High and District Court,...

  4. ENVC combined interested party notices A to E [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...submission and s274 request of DirectionMatiatia -ifrits-entirety.- Name: ;:[ A I'l e, t:' A. A N LlS...$ A N If ~ t\.s () ~ [full name] 71-IXAM;;c, ()AA. ~AA--\A./ ~~~L-fH" "O~ R£lJ8ftJ t> RL£ Date: cJfiJrw U ~ '1/01 I ~D I L( Address for Service: C/- Direction Matiatia Incorporated Email: directionmatiatia. co. nz " Submission on Resource Consent Application Auckland~ Name of submitter(s) (please write all names in full) Physical Addre...

  5. ENVC combined interested party notices F to L [pdf, 12 MB]

    I~ • IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND IN THE MATTER IN THE MATTER BETWEEN AND ENV-2013-AKL-000174 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (Act) an application under section 87G of the Act WAIHEKE MARINAS LIMITED Applicant AUCKLAND COUNCIL Respondent REC~iVcD 07 J Environment Court Auckland L--_-'-'-'- NOTICE OF PERSON'S WISH TO BE PARTY TO PROCEEDINGS Section 274 Resource Management Act 1991 TO: the Registrar Environment Court PO Box 7

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 032 South Epsom Planning Group Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 32 MB]

    ...requires amendment to record the height limits nominated for the land on the south side of Grahame Breed Drive as either the RL as a total figure (eg RL77 + 16 = RL93 so the height in the diagram should read 93 and the RL 77 + 24.5 should read as 101.0). If this is not the intent, and the reason for the manner in which these two heights have been expressed is that they should be measured from existing ground level, then they will need to be included in the key to the diagram as su...

  7. Maori Land Court National Panui April 2022 [pdf, 464 KB]

    ...April 2022 | Judge M P Armstrong Presiding Applications for Hearing PÄNUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 31 10:00AM A20210007409 113/93, 118/93 Danica Smith Maraea More or Maraea Pihema - Succession 32 10:15AM A20210010147 113/93, 117/93 Edward Neho Irene Marie Wikitera also known as Irene Neho - Succession 33 10:30AM A20210008591 164/93 Kathleen Rudolph Rotokakahi A3B1B4B - Transfer of shares from Kathleen Rudolph to Robert MacCormack and Patricia Waipou...

  8. Proactive-release-Review-of-the-Operation-and-Performance-of-the-Public-Defence-Service-2021.pdf [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...from an office, there would be a crisis of confidence amongst the lawyers, the court, and the private bar in that location. This would further embed PDS’ recruitment and retention issues and the office would be perceived as a lesser option. 101. The idea was floated that some offices may need only a manager and no OPD. We think this is better framed as a response to the need to devolve more managerial responsibility away from OPDs to managerial experts and reflects a need for g...

  9. List of parties as at 14 July 2021 [pdf, 700 KB]

    ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Master Topic: Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments (PC1) to the Waikato Regional Plan Lodgement: ENV-2020-AKL-000083 OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited v Waikato Regional Council Initiator OJI Fibre Solutions (NZ) Limited Gillian Chappell, Vulcan Building Chambers, PO Box 3320, Auckland 1140, Respondent Waikato Regional Council Emily Moon, Si