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4502 items matching your search terms

  1. March 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...with Marguerite McGuckin, Jeanine Hakaraia and Grant Hakaria as trustees 25 10:35AM A20140001151 67, 231, 239/93 Deputy Registrar Maraetaua 4B3 Ahu Whenua Trust - Judicial conference, review of trust and replace trustees 26 10:55AM A20160001017 241/93 Kaitapapa Teraana Phillips Kaitapapa Teraana Whänau Trust - Termination of trust 27 11:05AM A20150005201 231, 244/93 Mona Hartley Tenga O Te Rangi and Rangitaamo Whänau Trust - Review of trust & variation of trust 28 11:...

  2. Public perceptions of crime & the criminal justice system survey 2013 [pdf, 800 KB]

    ...Public perceptions of crime – survey  report    Report prepared for:  Ministry of Justice      Date:  October 2013                Level 1, 6‐10 The Strand  PO Box 33690 Takapuna, Auckland  Ph: 09 919 9200    Level 9, Sybase House, 101 Lambton Quay  PO Box 3622, Wellington  Ph: 04 913 3000          Page 2  Table of Contents  Summary of findings ..............................

  3. [2020] NZEnvC 027 Lake Road Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...different views held by the relevant planners and experts as to the relevance of particular aspects of the plan and its importance in relation to the overall consideration of this application. Is mineral extraction a rural production activity [101] One of the immediate problems that arise in interpreting the plan is the way in which various phrases are used with a lack of clarity around their application to significant activities. In this case, quarrying and mineral extraction are n...

  4. MLC 2017 09 National Panui [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...Linda Nanama- Southall Lucy Susan Namana nee Kereopa - Succession 38 10:00AM A20150002629 165/93 Stewart Reuben Paraire Hori Herewini or Hori Herewini or Paraire Herewini - Vesting of interest held in representative capacity 39 10:30AM A20160005101 215/93 Aroha Shelford Maungapohatu South 1A4 - Constitute an ahu whenua trust 40 10:30AM A20170003271 113/93, 118/93 Kani Epiha Bettina Ani Epiha or Betty Wilson or Ani Amohia Wirihana or Amohia Wirihana or Ani Wirihana - Succession 41...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal theme G - Public works takings of Māori land [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    Rangahaua Whanui National Theme g PUBLIC WORKS TAKINGS OF MAORI LAND, 1840–1981 CATHY MARR May 1997 First Release WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES Other Rangahaua Whanui reports District reports District 1: Auckland, R Daamen, P Hamer, and B Rigby District 5b: Gisborne, S Daly District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B Bargh District 8: The Alienation of Maori Land in the Rohe Potae, C Marr District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh District 11a: Wairarapa, P Goldsmi

  6. MLC 2017 12-National Panui [pdf, 309 KB]

    ...SUBJECT: 99 10:30AM A20170005518 239/93 Noema Archie Watene Ruatoki B Sec 70 & Sec 73 - Add Noema Watene and Joseph Takuta as trustees 100 10:30AM A20170005488 113/93, 118/93 Ta Rangimarie Astrid Joyce Herewini Ramari Tibble - Succession 101 10:30AM A20170005853 113/93, 118/93, 214/93 Haromi Kereama- Vercoe Richard George Kereama - Succession S4/1 10:30AM A20170005148 113/93, 118/93, 214/93 Rutene Kereama- Vercoe, Mariana Herbert, Dallas Hohua, Samantha Hohua Celia...

  7. Memorandum of Counsel for The Point 6 September 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Revised Conditions 4 September 2018 12 b) The base building footprint at ground / wharf level shall comply with the Building Footprint areas shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the Design Requirements in Annexure C on Beca Civil Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev C E in Annexure A; and c) The yard areas shall not extend beyond the Syndicate Base Boundary shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the Design Requirements in Annexure C on Beca Civil Drawing Number 3233847-CA-4101 Rev C E in Annexure A....

  8. National Panui December 2021.pdf [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...PÄNUI - Hakihea / DECEMBER 2021 PÄNUI NO: TIME: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 13 10:15AM A20210003207 118/93 Kahui Legal Richard Henry Tamihere also known as Henry Richard Tamihere or Richard Tamihere - Succession 14 10:18AM A20210010182 164/93 Hector White Tokomaru B12 - Transfer of Shares from Hector White to Eva Davies, Elizabeth White, Sam Hudson, and Jack White 15 10:22AM A20210008882 164/93 Pearl Lorraine Poki, Hoani Ngatai Poki Waihirere 3A1 - Vesting of Sh...

  9. MLC 2019 August National Panui [pdf, 351 KB]

    ...Amendment of name 99 A20190005634 18(1)(a)/93 Kylie Haurea Rehua Pere Iraia - Determination of a life interest 100 A20190005085 98(9)/93 Revelene McDonald Pukehina M Section 1B No.3 - Application for payment from the Mäori Land Court Special Aid Fund 101 A20190005214 118(6)/93 Karen Stowers Meri Rameka or Mere Rameka or Meri Haunia or Mere Kere Rameka or Mere Ketu Rameka or Mere Keene Rameka or Mere Keri Rameka - Succession (further interests) 102 A20190005093 118(6)/93 Te Ripoai or...

  10. 2021-03-12 ORC PC7 - Transcript - up to end of day 3 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...of national significance, and directed that it be referred to the Environment Court for decision. 10 The relevant tests for the Court when considering this Plan Change are set out in section 149U(1). The Environment Court must apply clause 10(1) to (3) of Schedule 1 as if it were a local authority; and it may exercise the powers under section 293; and it must apply sections 66 to 70, 77A, and 77D as if it were a 15 regional council. In addition, the Court must have rega...