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  1. MLC 2017 04 National Panui [pdf, 298 KB]

    ...A20170001447 118, 214, 219 & 220/93 Frances Maud Walker James Whairiri Walker - Succession and Constitute the James Walker (Whairiri) Family Trust and Appoint Frances Maud Walker and Marshall Damian Walker as Trustees 10 10:23AM A20170001018 117/93 Matariki White Te Whänaupani McClutchie also known as Whänaupani McClutchie - Succession 11 10:25AM A20170001017 117/93 Matariki White Turei White - Succession 12 10:30AM A20170001316 118/93 Tuara Rawiri Kutia Rawiri Kutia a...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 161 Eden Epsom Residential Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 7.2 MB]

    ...entire site setting a maximum height limit of 36 - 42.5m. The permitted building height 24 limits for PPC21 (12m to 16m) are not impacted by these overlays as they are largely beneath the height of the volcanic viewshaft. Brightside Hospital [101] Brightside Hospital occupies the properties from the western boundary of 151 and 153 Gillies Avenue, and part of 149 Gillies Avenue to the boundary of Brightside Road to the west. [102] Outside 149 to 153 Gillies Avenue, the balance...

  3. Ram-Raid-Offending-and-Related-Measures-Amendment-Bill_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 7.4 MB]

    ...Additionally, introduction to the formal justice system 5sbrpomija 2023-07-03 13:27:19 IN CONFIDENCE increases the likelihood of affiliation with anti-social peers and adult offenders, which is a known risk factor for youth offending. 7 Human Rights 101 The proposals in this paper seek to balance the need to address serious and persistent offending behaviour in children and young people and provide better suppo1t for children, young people who are involved with, or at risk of beco...

  4. Recommendations recap - issue 4 [pdf, 832 KB]

    ...that this is difficult to achieve. The coroner reiterated, that it is desirable and a necessary to promote the health of the public at large, and therefore is more economic to the New Zealand public. CASE NUMBER CSU-2011-CCH-001143 2012 NZ CorC 101 CIRCUMSTANCES The deceased died of self-inflicted injuries. He had expressed suicidal ideation in the two days leading up to his death on three separate occasions, to three separate people. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The coroner ma...

  5. Family violence & the pro-arrest policy: a literature review [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...certain. Our recommendations, therefore, attempt to address the issue by urging that existing legislation is utilised to its fullest extent and that new legislation, public education and practices are introduced to make families safer (Roper Report 1987:101). Family violence and the pro-arrest policy: a literature review ______________________________________________________ 24 2.5 Establishment of the pro-arrest policy in New Zealand The influences described above combined with lobbyin...

  6. Taylor Fry feasibility report on long-term investment approach [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...and other government agencies and the non-profit sector; and survey data related to costs incurred by business, households and individuals.  Costs incurred by the private sector (private citizens and businesses) represented 80% of that cost ($10.1 billion), while costs to the public sector represented 20% ($2.5 billion).  Deception offences were the most costly crime type ($2.9 billion) followed by acts causing injury ($2.8 billion) and theft and burglary ($1.3 billion).11 4.3.2...

  7. 02-Appendix-Two-Objectives-and-Policies.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project  VOLUME II - SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPENDIX TWO: OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES IN VERBATIM 1 APPENDIX TWO: OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES IN VERBATIM 1 Introduction The following statutory provisions have been identified by Waka Kotahi and Councils as relevant to the consideration of the NoRs and resource consent applications under section 171(1)(a) and 104 of the RMA respectively. The as

  8. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Man O'War Farm Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...also the associated recommendations as they appear in the plan and the maps except as listed below at paragraph 12.2. Panel recommendations rejected: 12.2 The Council has rejected the Panel's recommendations in relation to Hearing Topic 0101029/0301079 (Special character and pre 1944), as listed below, with accompanying reasons, alternative solutions and section 32M evaluation (where necessary): (a) The deletion of the objective that provides for management of heritage value...

  9. [2023] NZEmpC 144 Cronin-Lampe v The Board of Trustees of Melville High School [pdf, 847 KB]

    ...visible around AA’s neck. [100] On a second and subsequent visit that day, when arriving at the house, two of AA’s older brothers, both intoxicated, lunged towards Mrs Cronin-Lampe yelling abuse. They had to be carried away by whānau. [101] The consequences of these visits will be reviewed in more detail later for the purposes of the question as to whether the ACC bar applies to Mrs Cronin-Lampe’s claims. [102] Soon after, on 12 October 1997, a second suicide o...

  10. MLC 2018 May National Panui [pdf, 311 KB]

    ...Himona, Rebecca Darleen Nukunuku, Kahira Te Owaiti Lee Waiwai Maria Aileen Himona Whänau Trust - Constitute a whänau trust and appoint Rebecca Darleen Nukunuku, Brendan John Himona and Kahira Te Owaiti Lea Waiwai as trustees 86 11:00AM A20180001018 214/93 John Bernard Atua, Toni Robin Tata Mokoia and other blocks - Constitute the Mere Te Atua Whänau Trust in respect of the interests of Mere Terehia Te Atua 87 11:05AM A20180002092 164/93 Edward Taihakurei Durie Reureu 2G 4...